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Materials Needed for Making Scrunchies

Step by Step Procedure

Step 2 :
Prepare all the materials needed.

Step 3 :
Using a measuring tape, mark the fabric with the desired length and width of
your scrunchie. In this project, we will use a 3 ½ x 22 inches measurement.
Step 4 :
Follow your markings and cut the

Step 5 :
Fold your fabric halfway, then sew
the sides manually or using a
sewing machine.
Step 6 :
Flip the fabric inside out after
completely sewing the sides.

Step 7:
Sew both ends of the fabric. Leave a small gap for the elastic band to be inserted in
the next step.
Step 8:
Using a measuring tape, cut the
elastic band with your desired
measurement or you can use your
wrist as a basis for the best fit.

Step 9:
Step 10:
Sew both ends of the elastic band then the gaps of the fabric to lock your scrunchie.

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