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Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma: A rare

case report with emphasis on differential
Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a rare odontogenic malignancy with a female predilection, typically presenting as Datar,
swelling in anterior region of mandible. CCOC was classified as a malignant neoplasm of odontogenic origin by the WHO in 2005 as Mamata Sharad
it exhibits an aggressive growth pattern, local recurrence, and tendency of distant metastasis. Histologically, CCOC is characterized Kamat,
by sheets and islands of vacuolated/clear cells. Since clear cells are present in few odontogenic tumors, salivary gland neoplasms, Sampada Shriram
and metastatic tumors to the jaws; presence of clear cells in a lesion of head and neck area poses a diagnostic challenge. Knowledge Kanitkar,
about the clinical course, histopathologic pattern, and immunoprofile of CCOC aids in differentiating it from other clear cell tumors. Sanjay Satappa
Herein, we present a case of CCOC in anterior mandibular region of 60‑year‑old female patient with an emphasis on its differential Byakodi1
diagnosis from other clear cell lesions of the jaws. Departments of
Oral Pathology
and Microbiology
KEY WORDS: Anterior mandible, clear cells, clear cell odontogenic carcinoma, immunohistochemistry and 1Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery,
Bharati Vidyapeeth
Deemed University
INTRODUCTION orthopantomogram [Figure 1b], a well‑defined Dental College and
corticated unilocular radiolucent lesion extending Hospital, Sangli,
Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a from tooth 33 to tooth 43 was seen. Root divergence Maharashtra, India
low‑grade odontogenic carcinoma showing cells of the central and lateral incisors was observed.
For correspondence:
with clear cytoplasm arranged in sheets and Findings of general physical examination, Dr. Uma Vasant Datar,
islands.[1] Most of the CCOC typically present as ultrasonography (USG) of abdomen and chest Department of
swelling in anterior region of the mandible in radiographs were noncontributory. Based on Oral Pathology
elderly female patients. Radiographically, it exhibits clinical and radiographic features, a provisional and Microbiology,
ill‑defined unilocular or multilocular radiolucency diagnosis of odontogenic cyst was considered, the Bharati Vidyapeeth
Deemed University
with tendency to cause bone destruction and tooth lesion was enucleated and the specimen was sent Dental College and
resorption.[1,2] Detailed literature search suggests for histopathological diagnosis. Hospital, Sangli,
that only 96 cases of CCOC have been reported Maharashtra, India.
till date.[3‑9] The present case report discusses the Histopathological examination revealed a poorly E‑mail: dataruv@
clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical circumscribed tumor of odontogenic epithelium.
characteristics of CCOC and sheds light on its The tumor cells were arranged in the form of
diagnostic differences from the other clear cell islands and chords demonstrating a biphasic
lesions. cell pattern [Figure 2a]. One cell population was
composed of clear cell having clear to faintly
CASE REPORT eosinophilic cytoplasm [Figure 2b]. The other
cell population is composed of basaloid cells
A 60‑year‑old female patient presented with a with minimal amount of cytoplasm. Focally,
complaint of swelling in the anterior region of ameloblast‑like cells were noted [Figure 2c]. The Access this article online

the mandible since 1 year. Intraoral examination Website:

revealed a well‑defined, dome shaped, nontender DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.187381

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons PMID: ***
swelling of 3 cm in diameter, extending from Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix,
tooth 33 to tooth 43. Both the buccal and lingual Quick Response Code:
tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited
cortical plate expansions were evident [Figure 1a]. and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Regional lymph nodes were not palpable. On For reprints contact:

Cite this article as: Datar UV, Kamat MS, Kanitkar SS, Byakodi SS. Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma: A rare case report
with emphasis on differential diagnosis. J Can Res Ther 2017;13:374-7.

374 © 2017 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Datar, et al.: Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma

clear cells were Periodic acid–Schiff positive and diastase Biphasic type is the most common histological pattern
labile [Figure 3]. The cells were negative for mucicarmine stain. that shows two distinctive cell population namely clear
The tumor cells were immunoreactive for pancytokeratin, cells and basaloid cells. The “clear cells” show abundant
epithelial membrane antigen p63. The tumor cells were clear to faintly eosinophilic cytoplasm, distinct cell
nonreactive for S100, vimentin, desmin, alpha smooth muscle membrane, central/eccentric uniform dark staining nuclei,
actin (SMA), calponin, and calretinin. Ki 67 [mib1] proliferation and lack significant pleomorphism and mitotic activity.[1,3,8]
index was 40% [Figure 4]. With the histopathological features The other cell type is dark staining basaloid cells with
and immunohistochemical profile, the diagnosis of CCOC was scant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Monophasic pattern consists
established, and surgical resection was planned. entirely of clear cells. Ameloblastomatous pattern is least
common with the presence of clear cells centrally and
DISCUSSION peripherally palisaded ameloblast‑like cells. [3‑7] Rarely,
a combination of different histologic patterns can be
CCOC is a rare odontogenic tumor. The histogenesis of CCOC is encountered.[7] In the present case, predominantly biphasic
unclear literature suggests that clear cells in jaw lesions originate pattern was noted, but focally ameloblastomatous pattern
from dental lamina or cell rests of Malassez.[2] It is suggested was evident [Figure 2c and d].
that the presence of clear cells is an attempt to recapitulate
the presecretory phase of ameloblast with the accumulation
of glycogen.[6] Literature review reveals that CCOC commonly
occurs in the sixth decade of life (range 17–89 years).[8] CCOC
characteristically has female preponderance with male:female
ratio 1:1.8 and affects mandible more frequently than maxilla.[5]
Clinically, it presents as asymptomatic, slow growing swelling
of long duration with a mean size of 4 cm in diameter; however, a b
cases with pain, tooth mobility, paresthesia, and nonhealing
ulcerations have been reported.[3] Radiographically, CCOC
manifests as either unilocular or multilocular radiolucency
which may be well or poorly demarcated.[5] In the present case,
a well‑defined, well corticated, unilocular radiolucency with
divergence of associated teeth was observed.
c d

Histopathologically, CCOC demonstrates three distinct patterns Figure  2: (a) Photomicrograph showing tumor cells arranged
namely biphasic, monophasic, and ameloblastomatous. in form of islands and chords in hyalinized connective tissue
stroma  (H  and  E, ×4), (b) tumor islands showing biphasic pattern
with centrally placed clear cells and peripheral basaloid cells
(H and E, ×10), (c) tumor islands showing peripheral ameloblast‑like
cells (H and E, ×40), (d) photomicrograph showing central clear cells
with centric small basophilic nucleus, distinct cell membrane and clear
cytoplasm (H and E, ×40)

a b
Figure  1:  (a) Intraoral photograph of well defined, dome shaped
swelling in the mandibular anterior region, (b) orthopantomogram
showing well corticated, unilocular radiolucency extending from tooth
33 to tooth 43
a b

a b c d
Figure 3: (a) Photomicrograph depicting clear cells with Periodic acid– Figure 4: (a) Photomicrograph of intense cytokeratin expression by
Schiff positive granules (Periodic acid–Schiff, ×40), (b) photomicrograph tumor cells  (×40),  (b) photomicrograph of moderate expression of
showing diastase labile clear cells (Periodic acid–Schiff with epithelial membrane antigen by tumor cells (×40), (c) Ki 67 positive
diastase, ×40) tumor cells (×40), (d) strong expression of p63 by tumor cells (×40)

Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - Volume 13 - Issue 2 - April-June 2017 375
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Datar, et al.: Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma

Clear cells are hallmark but not the pathognomonic feature of Absence of amyloid and Liesegang’s ring calcification in the
CCOC. They are noted in odontogenic, salivary, melanotic, renal, present case negated the possibility of CCCEOT. Lack of mucin
thyroid, and prostate tumors. Thus, the differential diagnosis of and negative staining for S100, alpha SMA, vimentin, and
CCOC evokes a broad range of tumors with diverse histogenesis calponin ruled out CCMEC.[5,10,11] Intraosseous location with
and biological behavior. The differentiation of these tumors central bone destruction, presence of palisaded peripheral cells,
is confounding because of the considerable overlap in their differentiated the present case from CCC.[6] Absence of sinusoidal
histologic features, thus posing a diagnostic challenge.[10,11] vascularity, intramural hemorrhage, noncontributory findings
The differential diagnoses for CCOC include clear cell variant of of USG abdomen and chest radiographs ruled out the possibility
calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CCCEOT), ameloblastic of metastatic renal cell carcinoma.[13]
carcinoma, intraosseous variant of clear cell mucoepidermoid
carcinoma (CCMEC), hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma (CCC), Till date, only one report has evaluated the proliferative index
intraosseous variant of melanoma, metastatic tumors from of CCOC to be 35.2 cells per high power field (HPF), in the
kidney, thyroid, and prostate [Table 1].[4‑13] present case the proliferative index was 40 cells per HPF.[3] A

Table 1: Differential diagnoses of clear cell odontogenic carcinoma

Lesion Nature of Cause of Growth pattern Cytologic features Special stains Immunoprofile
clear cells cytoplasmic of clear cells
CCOC Glycogen rich Glycogen Infiltrative. Monophasic, Central or eccentric Clear cells EMA+
presecretory biphasic and nuclei abundant are PAS D−ve CK 19+
ameloblast ameloblastomatous are cytoplasm mucicarmine−ve Calretinin +/−
the three growth patterns
Tumor islands/nests of
clear cells are separated
by stroma
Clear cell Tumor Degenerative Well circumscribed Pale staining clear Clear cells show ‑
variant of CEOT cells are of process/ pseudoglandular pattern cells with dark nuclei PAS D+/−
odontogenic cytodiffrentiation/ (with abundant clear cells Amyloid deposits
epithelial glycogen and amyloid deposits) in the stroma
origin accumulation show apple green
in tumor cells birefringence with
congo red
Mucoepidermoid Intermidiate, Glycogen and Infiltrative. Multiple cystic Pale basophilic Clear cells PAS CK7, CK19
carinoma mucinous mucin spaces lined by mucous, foamy cytoplasm D+/−, mucous cell
cells epidermoid, intermediate population stains
and clear cells positive for alcian
Myoepithelial Myoepithalial Glycogen Infiltrative, lobules, nests,
Polygonal/spindle Clear cells are S100, alpha SMA,
carcinoma cells trabaculae and fascicles with variable degree PAS D–ve calponin, vimentin
of clear cells of nuclear atypia and HMWCK
Clear cell Ductal cells Glycogen Infiltrative; clear cells in
Polygonal cells with Clear cells are PanCK
carcinoma solid/trabacular pattern in
water clear cytoplasm PAS D+/−
hyalinized stroma and centric/eccentric
Epithelial Myoepithelial Glycogen Infiltrative; solid, cystic, Polygonal cells with Clear cells are Calponin, CK,
myoepithelial cells spindle, tubular, organoid, clear cytoplasm, PAS D–ve EMA, S100
carcinoma nodular papillary cribriform distinct outline,
pattern ductal structures centrally placed
lined by inner cuboidal and nucleus
outer myoepithelial cells
Acinic cell Salivary Artifactual/paucity Infiltrative broad fronts, Peripherally located PTAH+ S100, PanCK,
carcinoma acinar cells of organelles/ microcystic pattern nuclei, sparse Vimentin,
transformation of basophilic granules in transferrin, alpha
tumor cells some areas 1‑antitrypsin,
Metastatic renal Renal Lipid Infiltrative, solid/organoid Epithelial cells Sudan black, CD10
cell carcinoma epithelial accumulation growth pattern sinusoidal with small round oil red O+ve on
cells vascular network and hyperchromatic frozen sections
hemorrhage nucleus and clear
Amelanotic Melanocytes ‑ Infiltrative; nests sheets of Celar to finely Masson’s Fontana, S 100, HMB 45,
melanoma clear cells vacuolated cytoplasm Schmorl’s stain Melan A
CCOC=Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma, PAS=Periodic acid–Schiff, PASD=Periodic acid Schiff with diastase, EMA=Epithelial membrane antigen. CK=Cytokeratin,
α SMA=Alpha smooth muscle actin, HMWCK=High molecular weight CK, PTAH=Phosphotungstenic acid hematoxylin, CEA=Carcinoembryonic antigen, CD=Cluster
of differentiation, HMB 45=Homatropine methyl bromide, CEOT=Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

376 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - Volume 13 - Issue 2 - April-June 2017
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Datar, et al.: Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma

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