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I Timothy 4:12

I. Introduction
A. God Created Us for a ___PURPOSE__
B. Accept ___OURSELVES________________
1. Physical Appearance
2. Self Confidence
C. Develop our __PERSONALITY_____________
1. Fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)
2. Conform to Christ (Romans 12:1-2)
D. Live an Abundant __LIFE_______ (John 10:10)
E. We must be __EXAMPLE____________:
1. Ambassador of Christ (Verse?)
2. Salt and Light (Matt. 5:13, 16)

II. Example of the Believer

A. Example in __WORD_________
1. Think 3X Before Speaking (三思而後行)
2. Control our Tongue (Matt. 12:36)
3. Our Words must be Uplifting (Col. 4:6)
4. Speak the Truth in Love (Eph. 4:15)

B. Example in __CONDUCT__________
1. Our Physical Beauty is Temporal (II Cor. 4:18)
2. Our Character is Lasting
3. Character is what you are in the dark

C. Example in __LOVE___________
1. Love is a Character from Within
2. Love Stems from the Heart
3. Agape Love is Lasting (Unconditional) (I Cor. 13)

D. Example in ___FAITH___________
1. Faith is free and God-Given
2. Faith Connects Us to God (Hebrews 11:1)
3. Faith Must Grow and Be Nurtured Constantly Feeding on the Word of
God (Romans 10:17)

E. Example in ____PURITY___________
1. God Expects Us to be Pure (I Timothy 5:22)
2. We must be clean Vessels so God can Use Us (II Timothy 2:22)
3. Our Thoughts and Actions must be Clean (Romans 7:23)
a. What We Think
b. What We See
c. What We Read
(Philippians 4:8)

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