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How did you overcome your biggest failure and

got up?

Step 1: Choose a Relevant Example

Choose an example of a challenge you faced that is
relevant to the position you're applying for.
Ideally, the example should be recent and show how
you handled a difficult or stressful situation.

Step 2: Explain the Challenge

Describe the challenge you faced, being as specific as
possible. Provide details about the situation and the
impact it had on your work.

Step 3: Describe How You Overcame the Challenge

Explain how you dealt with the challenge. What did
you do to address the problem? What actions did you
take? Be sure to describe your thought process and
why you selected that particular course of action.

Step 4: Highlight the Outcome

Describe the outcome of the challenge. What did you
achieve as a result of your actions? How did your
actions benefit the company or team?
S-T-A-R Method

It is good to use the S-T-A-R method when describing

how you faced and overcame a difficult situation at
work. This stands for Situation, Task, Action, and

The S-T-A-R procedure is an effective way to provide

detailed responses without rambling on too much. It
also helps the interviewer assess your problem-
solving capability and communication skills.

"I was asked to make a technical presentation to a

group of executives. Although I had experience doing
technical presentations, I was still nervous about
presenting to such a high-level group. To overcome
my nerves, I practiced the presentation multiple times
and sought feedback from colleagues. During the
presentation, I focused on being clear and concise
with my explanations and taking breaks to check in
with the audience. The presentation was well
received, and I received positive feedback from the

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