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Feb, 2022 Part 2 (International & Nation al)

1. The European Commission banned the use of 4. The UK's Marriage and Civil Partnership
TikTok, a video-sharing app owned by the (Minimum Age) Act 2022 came into force
(01} headquartered {02 ) , on all official Monday, changing the legal age of marriage
deviceSl used by staff. ,Commission person nel from ___ to 18 in England and Wales. The
I - act amended the Marriage Act 1949, which
also cannot use the app on persona l devices
that have corporate apps downloaded on them, regulates marriages in the two countries.
such as Commi ssion email or Skype.
The Commission maintains that the ban is a a. 15
protective measure against cybersecurity ,J/ 16
threats. ~v20
d. 21
Update: Canada ba nned TikTok on government-
issued mobile devices citing security risks t hat *****
arise from TikTok's data collection methods.
• The Supreme Court of Kenya declared
discrimination against the LGBTQ community
unconstitutional and affirmed their rights in a
b. Seoul 3-2 majority decision. The court ruled that
c. Hong Kong Kenya's Constitution-which protects every
d. Taipei person from discrimination - protects sexual
minorities as well . Through a wider
2. interpretation of t he term "sex" under article
27, t he court declared that sex should not be
a. ShareChat
¥ ByteDance
interpreted in t he strict sense.

c. Roposo
• A new policy regardi ng transgender prisoners
d. Trybe came into force in th e UK. Transgender women
who have "mal e genit alia," as det ermined by
3. ___ imposed the highest number of t he governme nt, or have co mmitted sex crimes
internet shutdowns of any nation in 2022, or violent crimes, w ill not be held in female
according to a report by digital watchdog prisons regardless of their Gender Recognit ion
Certificat e.
Access Now.
The report found that cut internet
access 84 times out 187 international
• The UK Speci al Immigration Appeals
Commission rej ected 23-yea r-old Shamima
shutdowns last year and has accounted for 58 Begum's appeal against the govern ment' s 2019
percent of all shutdowns documented by revocation of her British citizenship.
Access Now since 2016.
The East London native was only 15 when she
traveled to Syria to align with ISIL and marry an
ISIL fighter. Begum had her British citizenship
b. Iran
stripped under Sect ion 40 of the Brit ish
c. Ukraine
Nationality Act 1981 after then-Home Secretary
✓India Sajid Javid determined that she was a threat to
national security.

Page 1
W1fftP4 LK·CA-06
lqum araued that the deprtvdtron dernron to ban th e BBC ;rnd 111V1",tI1(,JI,.. 1t11 11 f. " ,:o rJ
filled to rtS.pect her human rights under Artrcle "a nti gov1•rnrn,.nt " 111,,,, 11111• It,
4 of tht European Convention on Humdn Right s Supreme Court di~m, ~~(•d tl 1c p1·1It on 111 , "' {
btc:ause there was, at the very lec1~t. a credrble FC'brudry, stJtll11\ th,ll th<' "m1 •,tor11, ,,, •
IUsplclon that she was a victim of trafficking .
pC'lrl Ion l o rmpo•,1' censorship
Addltlonally, the Home Secretary's deci~ion
rtndtrtd Beaum stateless, a deci\ion whi(h she
called "Irrational" and which she beliPves is in / 1ndia: thf' M odr QuP\l1011
brllCh of the government's obligations untler "' \ . ' Modr: thl' lndran Qur~ t1on
tht Human Ri1hts Act of 1998. c. Quc~t1on Th<' Mod, lnd,a
d. Modi: Qur\ t1oninr, Ju\ l 1cP
6, The Supreme Court of lndi.1 d1rt>c !Pd thf' •,t.1 11•
Indian Income Tax Department said that eovernmcnt s to ftlc counter affrdav1b 111 th"
hy uncovered irregularities In the OOC's matter concern ing multiple FI Rs r,..g,stl• red
accounting books following a search of th e ;ieainst filmmaker _ __ in various statPs ovl•r
the poster of hPr documentary trtl ed " Kaai, "
ltdhorlty said that a survey action was carried
out across the broadcaster's Delhi and Mumbai , a. Mira Narr
. . . which found •several discrepancies and .~ Leena Man1mekalai
..,..1cles• regarding the company's tax c. Sud ha Konga ra #
....,_,s, The statement did not refer to the d. Ashw1ny Iyer Tiwart
namt and Instead referred to a
International Media Company"

• High Courts are too, are constitutional courts

that Income and and are not subordinate to t he Supreme Court,
by the BBC's group entities are the Apex Court reit erated in a recent order.
with the scale of
It also found that the Under the Indian Const rt utron, t he powt>r to
PIYIIII tax on certain interpret the Constitution and entertain judicial
not been reported in review petitions is exercised by the Sup1eme
titles. The operation Court and the High Courts alone and t herefore,
1 by way of
are referred to as the const rtut1011al courts.
I tvldtnces and
mlntd I I part
A Bench comprising of Justices Abhay S Oka and
Ahsanuddin Amanullah sa id so wh ile
considering a Special Leave Petition filed under
Article 136 of the Constitution seeking to direct
the Patna Hl&h Court to decide the pending writ
petition of the petitioner within a time bound


• As per the Suprem e CoJrt Reg strv the service Just ces B.R. Gavai, Vikram Nath, and Sanjay
of notice o n a pa:-t',- v a instant messag,ng Karol asked the appropr iate governm ents to file
p!a:r.:irM WhatsApp or e- mail 1s r.ot valid. The their compliance reports within March 29.
developl'T'ent assur1es s gn •ficance in light of
several H,g"l Cour!s pern11tt .rg e:ectron ic In 2020. the bench led by Justice Nariman had
serv•ce of rot ces. i"'lclud,rg \ a \\'hats.\ pp. categor ically stated that the said directions
would have to be implem ented " both in letter
In 2.:>17. Rci"-in, Cou--t ,n Delhi accepted and in spirit as soon as possible " by the

\\ h.1:st.;:-p blJe do1..ble-tid. as rece,pt p·oof of concerned executive, administrat ive, or police
notice on t"l e Re;::-::-ndents. l'l SBI Cards & authorit ies since they were issued "in

Pa,!l'en ts Servic es P\t ltd v. Roh1dJs fadt-av furtherance of the fundam ental rights of each
(2018}. J1..s:ice GS Pat el of the Bombay High citizen of India guarant eed under Article 21 of

Court had accept ed service of not:ce m an the Const itution". The court also noted with

ei,.ecutio n a;ipl,CJt:on \\ hJ:sApp. It d'smay that "noth ing substan tial" had been

had found that rw:;,e ser\'ed n the forn of a accomplished in this regard over a period of

P:)F r.:e \\as r.ot on y delivered. but the almost three years since their first order in April

a:ta.:hm ent \\as ope-:ed as \\ell . 2018.

• The Election Commission of India (ECI) has

•The soi.I of t ne serv ce 1s to have the
recognised Eknath Shinde group as official
knolo\·ledge of t'ie proceed ings t o tt-e defendant
"Shiv Sena", allowing them to use the official
or tt-e conte;t .n 5 party.~ rt- e Bom bay H;g,
" Bow & Arrow" symbol and "Shiv Sena" name.
Court had ob5ef\e d lo\h1!e discurnr: 5 modem
The Uddhav Thackeray faction has been
1A.ays of service like coJrier, email and
allowed to use the name "Shiv Sena (Uddhav
'- Balasaheb Thackeray)" and the symbol of
"flaming torch" for the upcomin g bye-elections
In July 2020. amid difficulties in physical service
in M aharashtra assembly.
of si;mMo ns due to nation-w;de lockdow n and
COVID- 19 par.cen ic, t:ie Supreme Court had
The ECI stated that it has applied the tests
allowed the seniice of not,ces, summons and
ment ioned in the 1971 Supreme Court
pleadin gs etc. via W hatsApp in addition to
j udgmen t in Sadiq Ali v. Election Commission
email. ·
-- of India. In the Sadiq Ali case, it was held t hat in
matters of disputes among groups of a political
• The Supreme Court has directed the Centre,
party. the test of majorit y support among t he
States and Union Territor ies to show t he status
member s of the 'organisational and legislature
of complaince with respect to its December
wings' of the party was the critical test to
2020 order to install CCTV cameras in all police
decide t he dispute.
stations and offices of investigative agencies,
such as the Central Bureau of Investigation, the their
Following are the three tests and
Directo rate of Enforce ment, and the Nationa l
applicat ion as per which the ECI made its
Investig ation Agency, that conduc t

investigations and have the power of arrest.

~ ; t : of Aims and Objects of the Party
Constitu tion;
More than two years ago, a bench headed by
"21 Test of Party Constitu tion; and
Justice R.F. Nariman had the directives for
installation of cav cameras to curb instances
_..)31 Test of Majorit y.
of custodial torture. This week, a bench of
· ·on: Manmeet Singh
& cicu·· - w..:.......a7i:aiiar.w&._ ,..-.....:-MtG.;;-.,...-iiiin iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiii ioiiriiiiiiiii

•update: ?he $q;ri:-me C:.urt iss.;ed .-,o~iec! c-, a 't .s fer the f,m t !mf' that the Suoreme ( ::,:-it is
netiticn Med by Uddt,u Tnac~e:ray ch;?ller1g:r.g iJ'JJi•$h •'1f: tne tn,,~cript of t :1e hear::·,1; A
the decision ,;,f :1,p E,ert1or. Cornr'1s~1on cf di splay scri::en exhib1t1ng the :; e :ransu.r,L cn 1

India which reccgn;zed f•<nat r, Shinrle fa ction as of the court proceedings had been pla .c..! ;r.
the ofiicial Shiv 5e--. j _ .~ :S iu<l3e bench Court R.iom 1, facing the lawyers.
comprisi,,g Chl-:f k~t.Ct" of ::1d1a Dr'
Chandrachud . JustIc1:: iJS Nara,irrha 2:id Justice TERES, a corr:pany that has been supplying tr-is
JB Pard1wala refi.1seJ tc stay th e: E.C1 order at facility to arbitration pra:t1tIorers, ,s pro1, . .::J ·,1 g
thic; jt.:ncture. the t'"ns1..nptiori service

• CJI DY C!1,Mdr31:!--ud an.'cum:ed t hat all

S ,-:.·~:.-::! Cc•-•~ ; ;,;ill nav::: "neutral
C:~:tf:0•1s". Pt ;:,:~seri~ the :-l1&h C:ourt of '.)elri,
i<e;JI;;, ar.c! "!.acfras r,ave :n,rodu~e..-1 nevtrol
cita:,on t1.:• :rie1r ji.1dgments.

A :ase i:.itotir,n Is e,sent;;.lly 2ri 1de,"1t ificatie:n

t;,c 1::.•r a jt•dgr.-ient. Typically, it ""ou ld co;-,tairi a
rt>fPrer.ce r.u:r.ber, the year of the judg:nent,
t~e name of the rnurt that oelivered tha:
;•~dg~ent, and a shorthand for the journal
i:•Jblish;ng the judgment.

A "IPJ!:al citation would mean that t he court

W'l~•:d a,:.ig:~ its ow, c1:at,on - distinct from
t!::>se given by tradtional Law Reporters. Law
itrr.c~ers are peri'ldicals or annual d,gests that
,:,ublish '.udgrr·ents, often with an editorial note
i.o .T,c'<e :t accessit..le tor lawyers to refer to

~~- ell.ample, for t!ie lar.dmark Kesavananda

Bharat; case, tne citation in 'Supreme Court
r..:i~:i-', 31 jo~rnai published by the Eastern Book
Company, is (1973) 4 sec
225. In the All India
?-eporter (AIR), the citation is AIR 1973 SC 1461.

• !!l~ Supreme Court has officially published the

,r: ~!m;,t c,f yesterday's arguments before the
er,~stitut1on &ench in the Shiv Sena matter. The
m~;1e came after the announcement ~..!_CJI DV
Chan~rach11d that the Court h~s_~!1ed llsing
Ntlflclal Intelligence to tra"scribe hearings on
an ~xperimental basis.

. £ lie
~on1pihtion: Manmeet Singh Pag<' 4

CVRRr NtAf~AIRS (Lrc;;Al)

fl'b, 2022 - Part 1 (lntrrn,itl onill & N,1tlon,1I)

1. ___ announce d a rcd11\lg11 of th ~ $S b. Mic m ,nfl

banknote to honour First Nat10 11s P<'Opl1• ,ind
r. N111lt'rlclO
rem~e thP. portrait of Qu1•t>n El11.1l.l!'lh 11.
-' Au!>tralta
X l:l,,nd,11N.111H o

b. US ••• ••
c. Canada
d. UK • I 111• Chirw,c b alloon t h,1 1 llo,1ll'd 11v1•1 US

2. No. of countrif's 1h,1t m,1ke lip l he

airsp,lCc l. 1•,I w1 •1•k lH"ft11t• h1•1 11J! ~h o t do w n 1,y .1
Commonwealth? US rntlt t,uy lt'I ii.I•, 1,11•,,•d '1111 ",lll•ll·, of
111t, •111.11,011,tl l.iw 1111 !,11t h th1• lJ', .11 ,d (h11H",t'
a. 14
'ldt•\ 1 ht• U'l ( l.11111, 1'1.11 lilt• i,,,llt l(lll W ,l\ ., ~PY
b. 26
balloon , w h tl, • C.'1 111.1 111.11111.1111, 11i.,1 ,t w .,, ,1
C. ...)8 clvtl,.111 scif'ntific re~c.irch b;illoon h,,d
✓ , 56 , 1r.1y1•d o ll t01 11 ,1•.
3. The head of the Common wc,,lth is Ch,,rlcs Ill. US St'cr!'t.1ry o f c;1,, 1,, A11tho11y nli11k1•111 ,111t ,•lt•d
He is king of ___ m ember st ill f'S, known a ~ ii pl,1111\f'd 1111) ltl 111·111111:. ',p1•,1k1111i ,ll .1 111 •w~
lOl1fl'l ('ll( 1•, l\lt11~t•11 \, lid ' " ll \ Vt 'IY llllf)1ll l,Hl( to
the Common wealth realms. ,,
a. 7 <•mph,1\ 1/e t h.i t l ht• p,,,,e11Ll' ll l th,,
/ _ ,,,
r;,,/; -/ \ /;
,: :: -~ ~ ,, / .,
survl'lilan w b,1110011 ov,•1 till' Unt tt•d,•,, ,n
our ,kl<',, i, il cl,•.,r viol.11 1011 of our ,,w1•1••11:111v.
a cl, ·,l r' viol,11 1011 of 111t,•111,111011.1\ l.1w , ,111d
c! . 23 ch',11 ly Ull,H.Ct'pt al.Jlc, ;rnd w e'v,• m,ult• lh,,t
l lt•,,r l o Ch,11.1."
4. The UK Competit ion & Market~ Authority r he Ch,111•\l' 11f11d,tl \ h,lVt' .i1 r11 •,t•d thl' lJ~ ol
ov1' rt L',l f\1 ng. Ch 11 i.1', I 01C'i1:n M1111•.11 y
(CMA) concluded that Microsoft 's acquis1t1o n of
Spokt'' PP• ~on W,rnr: Wl'n\1111 ,,•d th,,t Chin.,
_ _ _ "could result In higher prices, few er
h,1S ~p0ll L•d ,)l 11',1'l It'll un.1u lho 1w•d U':, 1111:h
choices, or less innovatio n for UK gamt>rs." alt1tudC' h,1110011, ovN Ch 11w,1' ,11r, p.1rC' 111 the
Specifically, the CMA found that Microsoft 's p;i, t y C'.ir . W eliin ,11,o w .11 n1'd t h ,1 1 t lw US
acquisition could suppress competiti on, ''harm should " 1pl lPcl on it s o wn bt'l.,1V1C1r and th,111g1•
UK gamers who cannot afford e><pensive cour~e r.i llwr tl 1,1n ,111 ,,ckrnu wlht•, s .,nd , 10k1nu
consoles" and weaken Microsoft 's and Sony's ronfr o nt .:i t1on ." .,,, ·· •
rivalry. The regulator believes that this
weakened rivalry could result In gilmers
experiencing "higher prices, reduced range, 6. in a H11th Cour t an .ippc,11 wil s pr e ferred af tt>r ,1
lower quality, and worse service In gaming delay o f 254 d,,ys f rom th e d.i te or l1m lt ,1t:0 11.
consoles over time." The 011ly rl'a\011 a~~1~11c d fo, th e tk l,1y W .l )
th e pC'titio11,•r w a$ 11o t havi11B su ffi ci en t fu nd ~
•· Tencent
b. Epic Games to pay the c~ e. Decide wh ether t h e dc l.iy
K Activision Blizzard sh..ill be condoned .

I t:ltctronlc Arts (EA) a. The e><plan.1t1on provided fo r ,t•ckl ng

comJ011..ition of delay w as suff1lfe 11t ; a

bluest video same developing poor pctitio1w r must be ,1ffordl•d the

wise) Is: oppor tunlty to seek justice alter

arra11g£'n1ent of appropri,1te funds .

Pagl' I
provided for seeklna ~ is entitled to compen~,It 1on uncJ, •r tht•
of delay w11 sufficient; the policy; the cJe,1I h occ.urrl'd during
ftad 1 1enulne 1hortcomln1. performanc e of off1cidl dut11•~.
tlon provided for seekin1 b. She is ent,tlrd to comprn,,JlIon u ndt>r th1•
1tloft of delay was not sufficient; policy; c.leitth by sun ~trokP I~ COVl'rf'd till'
~ r could have souaht a loan to scope of policy .
~ appeal. , ./ She ,s not rnt1tlPd to c.omprn,a ti on untl1·1
aplanatlon provided for seekln1 the policy: dl',1th by wn •.trokf' :, not
on of delay was not sufficient; covr.rcd the ~cop!' o f peil1cy
have souaht an extension from d. She 1~ not c11t1tll'd to compt>n~Jtion undN
to enable him to submit the the policy: she isn't a party t o thP
at a later date. contract ; th e Ch,ef ElectorJI Off icer c,in
pursue th e claim .
ah Court pa1Sed an order directing
a, tJld woman, who Is in a same-se,c 9. The President of India h;is appointed form1•r
, to undertake counselling. The High Supreme Court judge Ju~t 1Cl' _ _ _ as th~
paaed the order In a habeas corpus Govern or of Andhr a Prade'>h . The incumb!'nt
-.,'liy her same-sex partner alleging Governor of Andhra Prildl'sh B1<,wa l:\hu•.,m
d been llleaallv detained by her Harichandan has b een transferr ed as the
llenalna the High Court order, the Governor of Chhatt1sea rh.
pproached the Supreme Court. a. V . Gopala Gowdi\
b. R.K. Agrawal
er shall be stave:,• as It ts an c. Ad Jr~h Kun1c1r u o tl
nal autonomy, / . s. Ab dulNa1Prr
shalt be stayed since it Is
who requires sender 10. Right to beJr arms
nselllna. a. Is a Fundamen tal R1cht 1n India
Int Inherently wrona in the b. Is a Constitutio na l R1p,ht in India
• The HC Judie has exercised ~ Is not a FundJmrn t;il R1eht in lnd1J
rypower. d. Is not available at all in Ind ia
I refuse to stay the HC order
t violative of any Fundamental 11. Some flat owners d,.,u,vert•d thJ t cPrt ,11 11
oner. amenties such a,; p,ayground , community h.ill,
gymnasium . and wat er filtration nl;,nt, as
ce Company had entered promised by the builder, Wl're nnt p10v1Ll<•d
C,lef Electoral Officer of when booked flat s were ~ought t o be hJncl<'d
ranee cover to persons over. They accepted the possession and l,llcr
n work In the 2000 filed a case for breach of promise . Dernie.
I In Its a. The flat owners will not sucwcd as t hey
ctly filed the ca,e after accepting
and delivery/possession; th ey knew w hat thry
r who was were buying.
ue to sun b. The flat owners should have rC'fuwLI
s. Decide delivery/po sses~ion t ill the prornI•,es rnacte
by the builder were fulf illed.
/ t h e flat owners will succeed as accepting Morcha. Gowri has also received crit icism for
delivery/possession does not amount to what has been described as 'hate speech'
renunciation of their legal right to sue the again st religious minorit ies, part icularly
builder for breach of promi se. Muslims and Christians.
d. The builder will have to offer the flat
owners alternate flats where the • The Supreme Court set aside an order of the
promised amenities are available. Na tional Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commission(NCDRC) awarding compensation of
••••• )
Rs. 2 crores awarded to a lady model for a bad
haircut and poor hair treatment she underwent
• Accepting the recommendations made by t he at a 5-star Hotel in Delhi.
Supreme Court collegium, the Centre today While rem itting the matter back to the NCDRC
notified the appointment of 5 Judges to the for fresh determination of the compensation
Supreme Court. The 5 judgeswhose amount, a Division Bench of Justices Aniruddha
appointments have been notified are: 1. Justi ce Bose and Vikram Nat h observed that the
Pankaj Mithal, Chief Justice of Rajasthan High
Court, 2. Justice Sanjay Karol , Ch ief Justice of
Patna High Court, 3. Justice P. V. Sanjay Kumar,
determination should be based on evidence
an d not based solely on the Respondent
consumer's claims.
Chief Justice of Manipur High Court, 4. Justice
Ahsanuddin Amanullah, Judge, Patna High • A five-j udge Bench comprising Justices Sanjay
Court and S. Justice. Manoj Misra, .Judge, Kishan Kaul, Sanjiv Kha nna, A.S. Oka, Vikram
Allahabad High Court). Nath, and J.K. Maheshwari not only upheld the
Currently, the Suprem,e Court of India . has a valid1(y oi the All-India Bar Examination and
sanctioned strength of 34 Judges and is conceded to t he bar council the power t o
presently functioning with 27 Judges. With determine whether t he qualifying examination
these appointments, the working strength of would be held before or after enrolment, but
the Supreme Court will rise to 32) also explored the suitability of the various
*Update - The Central Government has notified suggest ions made by amicus curiae and Senior
the appointments of Justices Rajesh Bindal and Advocate, K.V. Viswa nathan with respect to
, Aravind Kumar, currently the Chief Justices of multiple aspects of enrolment and legal
Allahabad and Gujarat High Courts respectively, practice. One of t he most noteworthy
as Supreme Court judges. With their
appointments, the Supreme Court will have full
recommendations that found favour wit h the
., .
bench was th at of t he bar co~incil laying down
working strength of 34 judg~ an appropriate rule requiring such a person
who has been in a non-legal employment for a
upreme Court dismissed' the petitions substantial period of t ime to retake the
the appointment of L Victoria qualifying e><amination once more.
additional judge of the Madras
urt. A bench comprising Justices Sanjiv • While hearing a PIL challenging the
d BR Gaval said that it cannot constitutionality of Section 33(7) of the
the Colleglum was not aware of Representation of Peoples Act 1951, which
I backgrounds or her allows a candidate to contest from two seats in

elections, DY Chandrachud expressed.......his
reservations on the view that the Right to Vote
w~a statutory right.


·ot course, there are some judgements tha t say Chi ef M1nIster Hi~ ata Bisw
• a Sar ma rep orte d
tha t the R1gnt :o Vot e 1s only mor e tha n 400 0 cases
a stat uto ry righ t of men mar ~yin g
and not a Cu" st iluti ona l righ und era ge girls in the •-,d,an
t But ro, it is a stat e o f Ass a m w:r•·,
con stitu tion al righ t becaus
e it's a p art 0f Arti cle ove r 180 0 an .:sts f ftss am
i;, ~•r~n in its (e',o lve
19(1)(a) - the rii;h t of express to er,d the men ace of chil
ion , the righ t of
d ma rria ge in t h:?
pe<'ple to elec t, and for
peo ple to vo te." stat e," Sa•ma sl·.arP.d on
i:: .;cel:Jcok. say1r.;;
How eve r, CJi did not elab ora
te furt h f'r on this , acti on on the cases •,11ill sta
a~ this issue wa, not aris ing in this rt Feb rua ry 3. The
mat ter") pos t stat ed, •·so far flssi'lm
Pc,:i ce ~,as reg •ste reu
£.arher, Ju~t ,ce ~ M Joseph
, who was hea ding 4,004 cases across the st
ate wrid mo re poli ce
tile ( ,,n~t1tut,on Bench
wni ch was h eari ng acti on ,s like ly in dcv s ahe;;,d.
pet1~ion s 11,de pen "
den t mec hJn ism t o The Proh1bit:on of Chi1d Mar
app oint Elect:on Com mis riag e Act p.Jh ;t,it ~
sion er~. had also mar riag e und er 18 in ln·fo
e\p res sed di~a gre eme nt with ,, bl.. r the law 1;,
the stan d of the consist er.t ly diso bey ed _J
Elect1un Comm1s s1on of Indi
a tha t the righ t to
vot e was a mer e stat uto
ry righ t and not a • Wh ile 1;pholclir.g th~ deli
con stllu tion al r•!; l'LJ mita ~iu n ext: rcis e ir.
~ar~ mu ~ nd Kas hmi r,
The fCl' s coJ nse l had t~,e '.:.Jp rem e Co·~rt
sail~ tha t ther e wer e o:>: e.·v ed ~i·1a( th= Pa .. '.iam
p,~.:e.:len,~ wh c:-1 st ,ted tf-ia ent :"as tbe p0,, v~r t0
t rign t to vot e was cor,vc~~ ~1n ~>~!~tir,g s~c\
rinl v a s!.; tutc,1,. '~.n t but e ir,to a L1n'.o t1
Jus: ice l<'~eph had -:-e.-rh:i~11. A be1,c~ ~GMp
,e,.,_,,-;•""d - ·'It '.l'l\ " not )e CY ris:n g ;Jst •crs Sa:: '.C:.\'
't·ct tu -;Jy ! :J, ,. 2 .... t~c-•i .:..•r '-· .'-~ ,d\'
Gka r,ot. .:-; !":"'f .t s\r·,_i"- 1t-· ~
1Fq:;M c- -..:;:.::-) i~ o~ ·y a ~ta tutc ry ri!c:r•t ". r,rt1",:1 aes t~aat Pa, t:c,,n~r ··
;.~: .", ;n; to Ar. ide 326 .-fli.lY ~Y 1z.\l\.· f,:, l"i'1 r.E ""'
of t'· e ,:c:-i .titu .::JI" 'tat cs ~-n,..
wtli c\\ ~a'{ S ~hat C\'C ,y pcr :?l:P :· :1'': a,ea ~, tJol!r.:l;:-•·tes. ·_·,.
s.: :--, :/ ~., :. ;;_, d'.:to , :e-d -~;;,-, , 1 e.;
~ht!! a5 e oi n;·,;Q•i~-; "c;~
~,: '.:is! er.title:d ~o t -.:>
re~1s\e•er' a!. ~ '--o~~r at
ar•v· suc 1~ e ,ect i.Jn 11
, I~=== i)et• :, . \'". ; ,:;
.:EL .:Jin ~ a µt->'tit:cn ,.:-t-•
Ju,t.ce Jos eph opin ed tha ,ai:en..:,ir~e
t rigli t to vet. - i!. ::i
t he vali dity 0f Uni or,'s d2c
con ~u~ \on al rig 'D i5io r, of c.:i, 1,r:t L.r ;·1g c:
Deli mit atio n Com mis sion
fo: r1--~ ~11; J;1
•· • Ter ri tory cf J&I~ undc>r
Kerala-ba;?d jcu rna bt pr.;,1isior.s cf tn e
Siddiq!.1e Kap pan
watlo.ed out of ja;I atte r hav Celirr,it atio n Act , 2(,CJ L anC:
ing spe nt two cr. 2 exe rc,s , c.:
year~ in rcer atio n. In d~lin;it<ltion.!::!r.der tai<e,~ 1:v
Octobe r 2020, he t-,e c,ni r.-;, ssio :)
T:ie pe~1 t :J11-?r.;• c2:; l• ·,112::
alon g ~ ,ln thr! 'f- othe , (':')Oi!d-/ bas ed -'Jn
rs was .; rrestert on
Art:cle 170 (3) o' t'1e 1~c:.r.;t;t
charges oi ':t. c ~sp iracv to .Jt,o
r, of lr,d i3 tria t
crea te dist urb anc e
freezt?s deli mita t:or, exc rci~
d1Jring tt-e criti cal t ime of e t .. l the :i1~t cu. sus
the Hat hra s gang-
e1fte1 202 ~ ~ow e\12r, the
rape case . Tho ugh Kappan Su;:m:mf' Cou."t !it!d
~air .tai ned tha t tha t Arti cle 170 (3) i;, not app
tieing a Journalist his sole rr,o !icab:e ~c a Uili .:n
tive wa;, to mer ely
Ter rito ry, 'Nhi ch J&K 3t pre
cc,r cr the inci den t, he was ser, t is. A,t;cl,-, 2:':;i ,'\
boc ked und er :he
0 I wn i.::1 t!eals ·J.1ith the
Unlawf11l Act iviti es (Pre ! crea t ion of
l,J:a '
ven tio: i) Act of 196 7
! !eg1s!at:.ires 3r,d /or (0G:-1ci
upo n al ·ega tion s of atte mp : 0f rn:n iste r,; br
t tc in::ite ::om m:.;n al i
I cert ain uni on T.?•rito1 ies
riot s and dist urb public tran is a;~1:ca t :e· f01 :he
quil i~y. I
I UT o~ J~•: . The said pru 1i$;
Ir Sep tem ber 202 2, the lnd• ::in ~c:: ~ not p, :Jv°de
an Sl•p rem e Cou rt
granted him bail 1n all otn
rema;neJ irnp ri~ red bec aus e
er cas eN et, he II f:,r a~ such free zing
9 fcri0'.l .
The ju.:igr•,er,c l\35 ,1s:1rif1c:d
t ~at t r, e disr.i,~s3! .::t
cf the pen der .ci tne ;::et :(-:: ; 5r,o~la nt,t be ccn
of a cac.e todge<i aga i'lst
Prevention of Money laun der
h!IT' ur:d er the Ii :r,•~r',--:ia~:.. r (ap pro va:i to t!ie
strLl~ci as ,(.,i ng
dec.:siors :,,k el' :!1
h•g Act of 200 1.
I ~e!aticn ~c .t.ri:ic.~~ 37Q as
t '.-;e ~aid :s~••e :s
i µer,d1r.g bc-fo:2 ~ Ccn stitu t:u:"
I '. Pen d,.
_., ,,r e
. 1.~ rnp iiat i~n ~an me et Singh
- Page 4

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