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In my opionion, one of the most important qualities of a student is hard-working.

That means spending

more time into somethings than usual, in this case, studying, and in those extra hours you really put in
as much effort as possible. So what makes it such a valuable quality? Well, the answer is that hard work
often leads success. You see, all the famous and prosperuos people, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook,

ect.. the common thing they share , yep they all work very hard. Thomas Edison once said :” Success is
90% perspiration and 10% inspiration”. That example shows us how important is diligence. However,
just working hard is not enough for a student to be successful , he also need to work smart, in other
words , knowing what to do and set an appopriate goal. Hard but not smart work is like nailing with your
bare fist instead of a hammer , it takes lots of time and its uneffective. That being said , hard working is
still the key to success , when you work really hard for something that means you are fully committed
and serious about the task and when you have spent such effort into your work you would feel so
prouded and confident about . In a nutshell, hard work is a very necessary quality for any student as it
help them achieve good academic results.

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