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Character creation rules/ Dm rules

Character level:5
Character Races:any
Character allignment:no True evil, True good,or true neutral
Character pets: ask before adding
add to inventory:
1 potion of greater healing
1 bar of soap (5 uses)
5 days rations
two person tent
1 bedroll
1 mess kit
1 waterskin or flask

Dms Rules
All saving throws are done by the dm, when unconscious you
will not know if you live or die until the dm tells you

If you do not eat and drink within two days you will slowly take 1d4 of damage
every turn for each day you do not eat or drink after 1d4 is added to the pain

If you do not clean yourself at least once every other day you will smell and that
will bring down your charisma when talking to other people

If you do not sleep at least three hours every day youre strength will be debuffed
by (1d4) for every day you dont sleep it will be debuffed again until sleeping

If wounded badly (under 25% of your normal health) you will continue to lose health
(1d4) until you are healed or rest

if you are not resistance to fire and heat and you are subjected to it for longer
than ten turns you will start taking 1d6 damage per turn if you take more than 20
damage you will burst into flames taking 3d6 damage until they are put out

You have infinite ammount of thrown weapons and arrows but finite ammount of
special arrows and thrown weapons

If failing an attack (Rolling a 4 or lower) you have a 50% chance of your weapon
being destroyed you can not use that weapon until you get it fixed

do not third party game, meaning if i say your character doesnt know something that
somebody else does your character does not know until that character decides to
tell you

Fire hurts (duh)

If you as a player want your character to fight another players character consent
between the two players is needed first if not resolute your anger in curses and
bad words

No murdering generally innocent people unless the entire group agrees upon it

if you want to be a dick to your dm be creative about it or you may get smote

dont be a dick to other players

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