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Knitted banana

Using 3mm needle cast on 6 stitches in bright yellow, join to work in the round
Inc every stitch (12 sts)
Knit 1 round
(K1, inc in next st) rep around (18sts)
Knit 1 round
(K2, inc in next st) rep around (24sts)
Knit 20 round in the same bright yellow then 10 rounds in light yellow or cream
Continuing in the second colour, (k2tog, k2) around (18sts)
Knit 1 round
(K2tog, k1) around (12 sts)
Knit 1 round, stuff before the opening gets too small
K2tog around (6sts)
Cut yarn, finish stuffing and pull tight.

Pick up 8 stitches with the bright yellow on the last row of bright yellow, work 7 rows
of stocking stitch, then dec 1 st at each end of next and following rows, purling alt
rows, knit last 2 stitches together, cut yarn and pull through. Make another 2 the same.
Sew in all ends, closing the gap at the cast on edge.

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