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Here is your customized doctor prescription

Waseem Ahmed, , Male

Order ID: #520069

Current Diagnosis: Male pattern hair loss, Stage-2

Root causes
Sleep, Energy, Gut Health , Stress
affecting hair loss:

Scalp Oil + Calm Twice a week

Therapy Booster

Empty booster shot into Scalp Oil Leave it on overnight

for best results

Defence Thrice a week

(1- 0- 0)
shampoo x 1

Say goodbye to damaging commercial Use thrice a week . Get

shampoos in touch if scalp gets
too oily or dry.

Health Tatva x 1 1- 0- 1

Your must - have daily detox Take before meals

Hair Ras x 1 2- 0- 2

Boosts blood circulation to hair follicles Take after meals

Nasal Drops x 1 3 drops

Our superhero to fight hair loss Put in each nostril at

bed time for 21 days.
Put bottle in warm
water incase it
solidifies .

Hair Vitamin x 1 1- 0- 0

Nourishment for your health & hair Take after meals

Minoxidil 5% x1
1- 0- 1

Pushing hair regrowth to next level Apply 1ml to the

affected area on the

Need help ? Contact us on

Doctor recommends atleast 5 months of

usage for best results .
traya .health

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