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What is entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the act of creating one or more businesses while building and expanding a
business to generate profit. However, as a basic definition of entrepreneurship, this is a bit
restrictive. A more modern definition of entrepreneurship also includes solving key problems
to change the world. This is like proposing solutions, changing society, creating innovative
products and changing new lives. The definition of entrepreneurship does not mean that
entrepreneurship is a job that people want to pursue their careers and dreams and develop in
the direction of their choice. This is to build a life that suits your situation. No boss or
schedule. No one will stop you. Entrepreneurs can take the first step to create a better world for
everyone in the world.
As social changes provide space for new entrepreneurs in this field, entrepreneurship has
become increasingly important in the field of nursing. Entrepreneurship refers to the
development, promotion and provision of innovative medical or nursing practices by paid
nurses. Due to the development of medicine, changes in policy directives, priority areas of
healthcare, and advances in nursing and scientific research, nursing roles and responsibilities
are constantly changing. Therefore, entrepreneurial nurses need to maintain and improve
personal care. Nurses need to understand the change implementation and management process,
determine their position in the change process, and implement and participate effectively.
Therefore, entrepreneurship education has become an important concept in nursing education.
In order to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit of nursing practice, nursing education must
ensure that students are provided with opportunities to develop the necessary knowledge and

Nursing and entrepreneurship

Extensive medical systems allow nurses to provide professional services and perform a variety
of professional activities. Therefore, "nurse entrepreneur" is not a new concept. In the early
20th century, nurses began offering free services to patients. Over the next few years, patient
care habits have changed. The focus of nursing has expanded since the mid-1960s. Nursing
professionals not only have the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence needed to manage
healthcare, but they also help protect, develop, and correct their health. Over the past 20 years,
nurses have started working according to the entrepreneurial model and have proposed
innovative plans (when assessing the entrepreneurial competence of the nursing industry,
entrepreneurship can be implemented in the business environment and personal life). Yes,
compared to traditional nursing attitudes, entrepreneurship is also very important in modern
and professional nursing attitudes and behaviors. In terms of medical services, entrepreneurial
nurses are responsible for their health and social care. Being able to be regarded as a specialist:
Among the many definitions of entrepreneurial nurses in the literature, the most important of
the ways in which the effects of patient care can be achieved and the medical costs reduced are
patient care and nurses. One of the management methods is to identify the needs of the patient,
imagine how they can be used to effectively meet the needs of the caregiver, and develop and
implement a plan to achieve these needs. .. As an entrepreneur, nurses are an innovative force
in the medical field, capable of developing and producing new ways to meet patient needs.
Innovators can create ideas, services, new products, and develop new ways to use products
available in different ways. There are many types of nurses in different fields.
Entrepreneurship (medical, geriatrics, stoma, home care, etc.) in entrepreneurship education is
the most important goal for nursing students who support graduate students who have a
positive impact on student transition. Education must pay attention to the balance of
knowledge and practice. Nursing education includes the abilities gained from hands-on
training. It is considered to be released all day or all day. There are theoretical factors. Nurse
teachers believe that entrepreneurship education is very important to nurse education.
 Despite the major changes in healthcare systems and nursing practice, Diakerman noted that
most nurse trainers continue to teach the same subjects not covered by the healthcare system.
Therefore, in future nursing practice, major reform and innovation should be carried out under
the leadership of nursing education. Entrepreneurship education in nursing courses is important
in the following aspects: innovative and creative nurse entrepreneurs who use entrepreneurship
to solve health problems, early detection of health problems and effective nursing. Adopting
the method.

Nursing education programs should promote entrepreneurial professional development and

enable nurses to adopt the program. This program helps improve health, an important aspect of
the United States. Future" report. Theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurship and information
about the values and attitudes that support entrepreneurship should be included in
entrepreneurship education. The entrepreneurial content of the nursing education
program/curriculum should focus on entrepreneurial innovation issues. The necessary
knowledge and skills should be provided through educational content for development, and
such educational programs should improve the coordination ability of nursing students in the
professional life of agency exchange and provide interdisciplinary medical services. It is
believed that doing so will greatly help solve health problems. , They try to teach through a
nurse education program and need some general skills such as discovery and innovation
opportunities, planning and critical thinking, decision-making, time management and self-
discipline skills.

Learning to start a business has many advantages

If you are your own boss and not enough to build your own business, we have eight
other benefits.
1. Learn to be everywhere
This consciousness becomes a reality when you have to rely on yourself and your
imagination to generate income. Entrepreneurs need to hone their skills, train their
thinking, be open and accept potential ideas and possibilities. This does not mean that
they are involved in everything that happens. You also need to develop cognitive skills.
This is also very valuable. But in any case, being open to many possibilities provides an
excellent choice for entrepreneurs.
2. Definition of income
Decide who will pay how much. Several factors may be involved, such as your boss,
the company's financial budget, the board of directors, and your financial situation.
These factors also determine whether you will continue to work. Therefore, even if you
work hard and give 110%, your salary may not reflect this. But when you become an
entrepreneur, there is a relationship between effort and income. Moreover, the only two
factors that determine and define your income are market forces and you. Markets can
be a rigorous benchmark for entrepreneurial skills, but understanding and
understanding market signals can help you make informed decisions based on current
market trends and keep your business in the right direction. Can do. I can do it.
3. Flexible schedule
Someone in the morning and late at night. As an entrepreneur, you can give up a tight
schedule. If you stay up late at night, you can start working at 4pm. If it's morning,
work may start at 4am. Take a break if necessary. You are the owner of the scheduling
domain. Not only is it free from the power to create your own schedule, but it also
helps you stay healthy. Entrepreneurs focus on outcomes, not hours worked. One study
found that a result-based workplace atmosphere can lead to physical and mental health.
4. Enjoy work
As an entrepreneur, you can create your own schedule, but it doesn't have to be too
long. But unlike the way you waste time and energy on others, you spend a lot of time
on love.
5. Learn to be present
One of the biggest benefits of starting a business is the ability to abandon the
predictable and monotonous schedule of traditional office work. Instead, it creates daily
plans and timetables, sets regular goals, and works hard to achieve them. Of course,
some unexpected situations need to be resolved. However, learning how to deal with
these situations becomes more practical and brings more benefits. This is about
learning how to live today.
My suggestions for improving the quality of courses
1. Pay more attention to case studies
Case studies are an effective way to stimulate students' curiosity and face actual business
situations. By investigating past and current corporate success stories and operational issues,
students can further explore the processes and procedures followed by executives when
making decisions. This is the teaching of a business degree. A concept developed by the
manager to analyze the situation, evaluate alternatives, select the solution and track progress
over a period of time. Business case studies are now part of graduate courses, but they can also
be used as part of college or undergraduate courses.
2. Link the curriculum to actual business issues
By linking courses with actual business challenges, universities can quickly earn a business
degree. For example, when teaching social media marketing, the lecturer can point out that
companies like Facebook and Twitter are the foundation of many companies around the world.
Similarly, finance professors can use the 2008 mortgage crisis to instill various concepts in
students, such as quantitative easing, inflation, and monetary policy.
3. Create opportunities for students to participate in social entrepreneurship competitions
There is nothing more attractive and practical than recruiting students to participate in certain
entrepreneurial competitions. This includes social purpose and social startup companies, which
may focus on technology startups. Programs such as "The Apprentice" and "Shark Tank" are
popular among audiences and critics all over the world. Ideally, entrepreneurial competitions
allow two or more student groups to compete with each other (if the competition is sponsored
by a university). In addition, institutional groups can meet to sponsor such competitions.
4. Ask executives to give a speech
Some institutions, such as the Kellogg School of Management, have discovered new ways to
make entrepreneurship more engaging, dynamic and effective. They sometimes teach
managers the entire course, give reports and ask students to share their experiences. So far,
these initiatives have achieved outstanding results. Real-world insights may not be sufficient to
provide topics in business literature, because students can learn quickly and gain real-world
5. Provide consulting services to SMEs and non-profit organizations
Providing consulting services to small businesses and non-profit organizations can help
universities generate income and make business courses more attractive. Conceptually, the
professor will lead the student's consulting team, determine the operational priorities, and
guide the students throughout the entire consulting process. The plan benefits all participants.
Students will gain hands-on knowledge to deal with boring non-profit business leaders. The
college and faculty will create more cash. Small businesses and non-profit organizations pay
affordable fees for quality consulting services.
6. Help students start a business
In a global economy plagued by high unemployment, there is nothing better than helping
students build their own businesses. Universities can collaborate with institutions such as
student entrepreneurs and small business bureaus to conduct market research, raise funds and
create viable businesses. Student entrepreneurs learn in the learning process, and students gain
practical knowledge.
7. Highlight the technical theme of the course
Technology enjoys advantages in today's global economy. Higher education institutions can
start student careers by incorporating more technical topics into the curriculum. The idea is not
to teach corporate courses or entrepreneurs to use technology to strategically innovate,
communicate, advertise or monetize them, not to write academic courses, programming or
computer hardware courses connected to.
It plays an important role in improving health, preventing disease, understanding risk factors,
prevention and health, enhancing developer behavior, maintaining and managing new
information, and company nursing practices. Entrepreneurship, innovative roles and
responsibilities should be reflected and supported in nursing practice. Entrepreneurship
research should be conducted in nursing and nursing education. Based on the results of these
studies, nursing education courses should include creativity and entrepreneurship in patient
care plans to promote entrepreneurship and provide opportunities for students in the nursing
field. This will develop the necessary knowledge and skills, which should be guaranteed
through nursing education. Entrepreneurship, roles and responsibilities in innovative nursing
practice should be reflected and supported in nursing education.
*QN/ CL Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
Criteria Weight 4 3 2 1 0
*NS O Marks
1 3 Reflective thinking 2 The writing reflects the The writing reflects the The writing attempts The writing does not No reflection. 8
student’s thinking about student’s thinking to reflect student’s reflect student’s Reflection
his/her own learning about his/her own thinking about learning thinking and/or provided does not
processes, as well as learning processes. but is vague and/or learning. fulfill the question
implications for future unclear about the requirements at
learning. personal learning all.

2 3 Analysis 1.5 The writing is an indepth The writing is an The writing attempts The writing does not No reflection. 6
analysis of: analysis of: to analyze: move beyond a Reflection
• the learning experience; • the learning  the learning description of the provided does not
and experience; and experience but the learning experience. fulfill the question
• the value of the derived • the value of the value of the requirements.
learning to self or derived learning to learning to the
others; self or others but student or others
the analysis lacks is vague and/or
some depth. unclear.

3 3 Making connection between 1.5 The writing reflects: The writing reflects: The writing attempts The writing does not No reflection. 6
learning and experience • multiple connections  connections to reflect: reflect articulate any Reflection
between this learning between this  connections connection to other provided does not
experience; and learning between this learning or fulfill the question
• content from experience and learning experiences. requirements.
other courses, past content from experience and
learning, life other courses and content from
experiences and/or past learning other courses and
future goals. experiences. past learning
experiences but
the connection is
vague and/or
Total 5 20
*QN = Question Number

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