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Name: Jayani Indrachapa Bandara

Rg NO: OUM20076



Tutor’s name: Mrs. Sanjeewani

Learning Centre: IIHS,walisara,Sri lanka

May 2019

1. Assignment 01………………………………………………………………………………………………..03-11
Question 01
1. Topic01
a) Import things that learned from continuing nursing education session
and how to relevant them for nursing professional
I. Introduction
II. Conclusion
III. References
IV. Assignment 01 rubric

2 Assignment …………………………………………………………...12- 21

Question 02

2. Topic 02
a) An event apply for the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle
I. Introduction
II. The event
III. Conclusion
IV. References
V. Assignment 02 rubrics


Import things that learned from continuing nursing education session and how to relevant
them for nursing professional

To become a nursing professional (either LPN, RN or a senior nurse), you need a strong
educational infrastructure. Most nurses have a bachelor's or advanced degree and have passed
the required certification exams before examining their first patient. However, once you bring
the scrub into the world of work, learning will not stop.

In fact, most states require nurses to complete some continuing education every two to three
years as a condition of their license. Even if my state board does not need to continue to
receive training for renewal training, employers or nursing associations are required to
provide specific employment certification (in care, magnetic therapy hospitals, etc.) it may
be. Medical surgery, intensive care, and newborn qualifications have special requirements for
continuing education. Be sure to check your hospital and the links you may have to see if
there are other requirements besides the state medical board.

For many people, nursing schools are a tough experience, and given the ongoing education
program can surprise nurses. However, nurses should be responsible for continually
improving their skills and their understanding of patient care and patient care. Nurses can
develop their knowledge systems in a variety of ways and why they do so.

Nurses should consider continuing education three things.

 Continuing education is not for everyone

Fortunately, nurses have many forms of continuing education. Nurses can return to school to
obtain a master's degree in nursing, with a focus on management, education, information and
other norms. Almost all nursing professions, such as informatics, gastroenterology, medical
surgery and perioperative nurses, have the option of obtaining certification. Many states
require a continuing education unit (CEU) each year, often involving many topics of interest.
These are just a few of the ways nurses continue to receive education.

 Continuing education can improve the lifestyle of nurses

Even without an advanced degree, many certifications and other ongoing educational
programs can help nurses get higher salaries, raise wages and expand the market. For
example, a nurse who is ready for ADN can return to school to get a BSN. The cost of the
care plan can be reimbursed by the employer of the nurse who received the salary increase
after obtaining the degree. Having a BSN can also provide an advantage for nurses in their
efforts to improve health care.

 Follow best practices

Nursing best practices and standards of care are constantly changing. As more and more
evidence and technology advances, patient nurses can increase mortality and quality of life in
more ways. Continuing education provides nurses with new information that can be
implemented to improve patient outcomes. Because nurses do not perform the same standards
as they did 20 years ago or 5 years ago, nurses must work hard to understand the imminent
changes in care practices.

Importance of continuing nursing education is like bellows. Ongoing nurse education brings a
wide range of benefits to nurses and their patients. In the next paragraph, we will get some
useful information to get more information from the CE course. If you need to take a CE
course, you can read this article to find out why they are so important on earth.

Nursing is the process of lifelong learning. We have never learned everything that nursing
schools need to know. But the most important thing you learn is that if we don't understand
something or don't perform a process, we must seek help and monitor it if necessary. Through
advances in technology and knowledge, health care and health care continue to evolve and
improve. Education and other methods of disseminating this information are critical to
evidence-based treatment and positive outcomes for patients. Understanding the need for
technological change and understanding change and the reasons behind it can have a major
impact on our practices and patient outcomes. There is evidence that highly educated nurses
(such as BSN) will care for patients and increase mortality. The Continuing Education
Program for Nurses is not a substitute for higher education, but it can also improve the
quality of care and patient outcomes by providing the opportunities needed to improve
practical skills and knowledge.

 Keep nursing knowledge up to date

Note that CE credit keeps your new information up to date. The field of medicine is
constantly changing, and the facts and values learned by nurse schools may be changing. It is
important to update your known information and learn about new information related to your
medical practice. Nurses who hinder the possibility of learning are those who are least
interested in the psychology of the patient. Not everyone needs MSN, but all nurses should
constantly seek new information and evidence-based practices to support their care. Formal
nursing education through online learning is just one of many ways to sustainably develop
and promote the needs of nurses. Nurses must constantly update their knowledge to provide
the best care. It is very important to continue your nursing education, CE is a good way.

 Various CE themes

You may find that nursing CE is boring and repeatable. However, you may not notice that
you are free to choose the course you chose. Continuing education credits for nurses cover a
range of topics you may find in connection with daily practice. The following are examples
of the types of CE courses available to nurses: supervision, leadership, learning,
communication, patient safety, occupational health and safety, perioperative care, infection
control, and law. Specialized courses in cardiovascular, emergency, informatics, neonates,
mothers, neonates, intensive care, medicine, traffic, nerves, pediatrics, pharmacology, exams,
vascular access and physical assessment are also available.

 Become a reliable source of information

Patients and nursing colleagues often ask you questions. It is important to be able to provide
accurate and reliable information. Regulatory requirements are updated frequently. It's
important to understand these changes and understand how they affect your medical practice.
In addition, some care assessments will be phased out and replaced at any time. It is
important to understand which assessments are relevant to your patient and are not replaced
by standard treatment.

 Provide the best evidence-based care

Practice Evidence-Based Nursing CE Courses Acquire the skills and knowledge of other
nurses' testing and verification. This ensures that you can provide the best care as the
information you receive is tested.

Your patient relies on you to get the most accurate and up-to-date knowledge. You may learn
something that will help you save your life.

 Become a leader of another nurse

Nursing CE can help you improve your leadership skills. You can manage your employees
and learn better strategies to gain the skills you need to improve your health management. In
addition to obtaining this useful information, you can use examples to encourage and
encourage other nurses to improve their leadership by taking care of CE credits. The more
nurses follow CE time, the better.


This shows that continuous professional development is a clear need. And expect nurses in all
career stages. Continuous training, education and professionalism Develop and promote
practical transitions for students and new graduates. Patient care skills and quality are
guaranteed throughout the nurse's career. Healthy work All industrial nurses see the
environment as an investment environment. Continuous professional development
opportunities to ensure their care continues to grow. Practice and consider employer
investment in all nurses of the highest quality patient care. Among individual employees -
and employers benefit from further education . It is important to provide ongoing education
funding and release each year. It is important to emphasize the course/certificate time for
continuing education. (informal education, part-time courses, events, conferences, webinars,
seminars, etc.) Provide the highest quality patient care based on current evidence-based
practices, It is important that nurses refer to it repeatedly at every stage of their career.
Nursing practice a healthy working environment is an environment that recognizes the
importance of nurses .Work together to improve the professional satisfaction of the quality of
professional development nurses Patient care, job satisfaction depends on the employer’s
investment ongoing professionals Development opportunities to enable nurses to continue to
develop and improve their strengths in practice to provide quality patient care.




Low Fair Above average Excellent

Criteria Weightage 0 1 2 3 4 Marks

1. 1.5 No introduction. The introduction on the The introduction on the The introduction on the The introduction on 6
Introduction topic of discussion is topic of discussion is fair; topic of discussion is the topic of discussion
poor; ideas to be ideas to be discussed are good; ideas to be is excellent; ideas to
discussed are vague and disorganised. discussed are relatively be discussed are very
very vague and clear and organised but
clear and well
disorganised. inadequate
organised. The intent
of the work is explicitly

2. 5.5 Does not demonstrate Response consists of Response adequately Response thoughtful Response to assigned 22
Content response to the unsupported opinions, addresses some aspects and fairly well written; topic thorough and
assigned topic. only marginally related to of the assigned topic; most opinions well written, with
• The most important the topic. opinions sometimes supported with facts. varied sentence
thing learned from the structure and
based on incorrect
CNE session vocabulary; opinions
always supported with
• Determination of what
was learned in the
session is relevant to
own profession
Idea Development 2.5 Does not demonstrate Ideas are very vaguely Incomplete development Good use of examples Excellent use of 10
any development of stated or developed. of ideas; details and and details to illustrate examples and details

ideas. examples not always and develop ideas and to explore and
evident. opinions. develop ideas and

4. 1.5 No conclusion A poor conclusion which A fair conclusion which A good conclusion An excellent 6
Conclusion does not indicate an indicates reasonable which indicates conclusion which is
attempt to synthesise the analysis and synthesis of significant analysis and concisely and precisely
discussion. ideas. synthesis of ideas. written. It provides
concluding remarks
that shows an analysis
and synthesis of ideas.

5. 1.5 There is no reference Citations for statements Some citations for Most citations are All citations are 6
References and Citations or citation; or included in the discussion statements included in included in the included in the
references are are not present or the discussion or discussion and most discussion and
outdated / wrong references which are references match the
references which are references match with
format. included are not found in citations according to
included are not found in the citations according
the text. the APA format.
the text. to the APA format.


Topic 02

b) An event apply for the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle


The Gibbs reflection cycle was developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to provide a
structure that has been learned from experience. It provides a framework for reviewing
experiences, and if its periodicity is particularly suitable for repetitive experiences, it allows
you to learn and plan what is being done or doing well. It covers six phases:

 Experience description
 Feelings and thoughts about the experience
 Assessment experience, good or bad
 Analysis of the situation
 What can you learn and what different conclusions can you draw?
 An action plan on how to deal with similar situations in the future, or a general
change that may be appropriate.

If it apply in a cycle it will appear like below.

The following is more detailed information.

Model - Each stage has a more comprehensive explanation of the problem itself and
its performance in reflection.
Use this model to more easily reflect various reflection depths

This is just a reflection mode. Test it and see how it works. If you find that only a few
issues are useful, please pay attention to them. However, by thinking about each step,
you may be critically involved in your learning experience.

The model

This model is a great way to experience work. This is a situation often encounter,
such as an independent experience or meeting with a team. Gibbs originally claimed
to use it in recurring situations, but the phases and principles apply equally to a single
experience. If use independent experience, the action plan may become more diverse
and consider how to apply conclusions in the future.
Some useful questions are outlined below for each stage of the model. You don't have
to answer all of these questions, but you can guide what makes sense at this stage.
There may be other tips that are right .
Have the opportunity to explain this situation in detail. The points contained here are
related to what happened. Your feelings and conclusions will appear later.
Useful questions are like belows..
 what happened?
 When and where does it happen?
 Who's there?
 What did you or someone else do?
 What is the result of this situation?
 Why are you there?
 What do you want to happen?

Here we can explore the emotions and thoughts in our experience and how they affect
our experience. The below questions are helpful to explore feelings and emotions,

 How did you feel during that time?

 How do you feel before and after the situation?
 How do you think about other people's views on this situation?
 How do you see the situation with others now?
 What were you thinking about during that time?
 How do you see the current situation?

Here you have the opportunity to assess what works and what does not work. Be
objective and honest. In order to make the most of your thoughts, focus on the positive
and negative aspects of the situation, even if it is primarily one or the other.

Useful questions\

 What are the pros and cons of this experience?

 What is going well?
 What's wrong?
 What contribution did you or other people make to this situation (plus or minus)?

The analysis step is where you have an opportunity to understand what is happening. So
far, you have focused on the details of what happened. Now you have the opportunity to
get meaning from it. You want to address all aspects of effectiveness or invalidity, and
why you should ask yourself. If you are considering including academic literature, then
including it is a natural place.

Useful question

 Why is it effective?
 Why are you making mistakes?
 How can I understand this situation?
 What is the knowledge that helps me understand the situation through my knowledge
and other knowledge (such as academic literature)

this section, we can draw conclusions about what happened. Here we can summarize our
learning and highlight that our actions may improve future outcomes. This is a natural
response to the previous section.

Useful questions

 What did I learn from this situation?

 How does this make a more positive situation for all concerned?
 What skills do I need to learn to handle this situation successfully?
 What else can I do?

action plan

In this step, we plan to do something different in similar and related situations in the future. It
is also very helpful to consider how to help yourself to do something different. In other
words, don't just plan to do something different yourself, but make sure it happens.
Sometimes the implementation is enough, otherwise the reminder may be helpful.

Useful question

 If you have to do the same thing again, what is the difference?

 How do you develop the skills you need?
 How can I confirm the difference in the next step?

Let see how my experience can apply for this cycle.

The event

In a placement to the wards during my second year in nurses training school , I was working
in a surgical unit and I was working under supervision of senior nurse and I caring for a
seventy four year old patient , Mr .Perera who had undergone abdominal surgery last day. I
had asked to remove his wound dressing , so that doctor would assess it on his ward round.

I had removed his wound dressing under my senior nurses supervision by using non touching
method and cleaned the wound as the request of doctor. My senior nurse was called by
another patient at this time. She request me to stay near the mr.perera and she went towards
that patient who called her. I waited for several minutes until the doctor come to see him. The
doctor had been with another patient and examine his wound . I saw doctor came straight
towards mr. perera to examine his wound. he was without washing his hands either rubbing
his hands with using alcohol . I saw his hands were dirty and he wears long sleeve shirt and
it could contaminated too , I thought for a moment what to do or what to say, but the time I

had summoned enough courage to say something . I was thought it was too late as he already
to examine Mr Perera.


I was alarmed by this , I had expected the doctor to was his hands or use alcohol rub before
examine Mr Perera . However I felt intimidated because I felt that the doctor was more
experienced than me as a second year nursing student and I didn’t want to embarrass him.
Also didn’t want to make Mr perera concerned by confronting the doctor in-front of him.

Later I spoke to my supervise nurse about this incidence. She suggest that we speak to the
doctor together about it. Senior nurse took the doctor inside and ask him whether had he wash
his hands before examine mr.perera. looked here and there and he was little bit shocked. He
said that he was busy at that time and he didn’t thought about importance of washing hand
hygiene. The nurse discussed about it with doctor and taught him about the importance of
hand hygiene and the doctor assumed him that he would wash his hands before examine
every patient in the ward.


The incident was extremely challenge for me. I regret that I did not act to challenge the
doctor’s practice before he examine Mr. Perera. However I’m pleased that the doctor
responded so positively to feedback of us. I have observed the he has now changed his
practices as result of this incident. I too had learned from this incident , as it taught me
importance of acting assertively with colleagues in a sensitivity manner in order to safe guard
patients well being .


The royal college of nursing (2005)state that hand hygiene is the single most important
activity for reducing cross infection and point out that many health care professionals do not
decontaminate their hands often as they should. Recent guidance published by the department
of health (2007) highlights the possibility of staff transmitting infections via uniforms and
need to review policy on staff dress. The nursing and midwifery council code of professional
conduct(2004) states that as a nurses you must act to identify and minimize the risk to patient
as a student nurse caring for Mr Perera under my senior nurse supervision this also can
applies to my own practice.


Looking back at the incident, I can see that I should have get act sooner, and that I should
have ensured that the doctor washed his hands before examine Mr Perera. I can see now my
Inaction in this incident put Mr Perera well being at risk. After discussion with my supervisor
I recognize that I need to develop the confidents to challenge the practice of colleagues,
putting the well being of clients at this fore front of my I realizes that I need to be
supportive to colleagues , understanding the pressures that may be under. But ensuring that
their practice does not put clients at risk.


In future I will aim to develop my assertive skills when working with colleagues in order to
ensure that the well being of clients is maintained. In my next placement , I will make this
goal for my learning and will discuss this with my supervisor to work out strategies for how
can I achieve this.


 Department of Health (2007) Uniforms and Work wear: An evidence base for
developing local policy (accessed 23 March 2016)
 Nursing and Midwifery Council (2004) The NMC Code for Professional Conduct:
Standards for conduct, Performance and Ethics London: Nursing and Midwifery
 Royal College of Nursing (2005) Good practice in infection prevention and control:
Guidance for nursing staff London: Royal College of Nursing


Unsatisfactory or
No Response Max
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Weightage Marks
4 3 2 1 0

1 • Demonstrates • Demonstrates • Demonstrates • Demonstrates • Does not have 4

excellent considerable knowledge. reasonable knowledge. superficial knowledge. grasp of
knowledge by • Able to answer to all • Able to answer only • Unable to answer information.
questions but without rudimentary questions. questions about the • Unable to answer
answering all
elaboration. subject. questions about
questions with
the subject.
explanations and

0.5 • Presents information in • Shows inconsistent • Does not present • Absolutely shows 2
• Presents logical sequence which presentation. information in logical disorganized
information in audience can follow. • At times ideas are sequence; jumps presentation.
logical, interesting cluttered audience has around.
and creative difficulty following the • Audience has difficulty
sequence which presentation. following the
audience can
follow easily.

0.5 • Holds • Consistent use of direct • Displays minimal eye • Holds no eye contact 2
attention of eye contact with contact with audience, with audience, as • Absolutely
entire audience, but still while reading mostly entire report is read demonstrates
audience returns to notes. from the notes. from notes. unimpressive
with the use • Speaks with satisfactory • Speaks in uneven • Speaks in low volume delivery.
of direct eye variation of volume and volume with little or no and/ or monotonous
contact, inflection. inflection. tone, which causes
seldom audience to disengage.
looking at
• Speaks with
fluctuation in

volume and
inflection to
maintain audience
interest and
emphasize key

0.5 • Demonstrates • Shows some • Shows little or • Shows very little or • Shows no interest 2
strong enthusiasm enthusiastic feelings mixed feelings unsure feelings about in topic presented.
about topic during about topic. about the topic the topic being • Fails to increase
entire • Raises audience being presented. presented. audience
presentation. understanding and • Raises audience • Hardly raises audience understanding of
awareness of most understanding and understanding and knowledge of
• Significantly
points. knowledge of some knowledge of some topic.
increases audience
points. points.
understanding and
knowledge of
topic; convinces an
audience to
recognize the
validity and
importance of the

2 • Demonstrates an • Illustrates significant • Includes self-reflection • Merely describe the 8

ability to self-reflection on the on the issues; relevant issue with irrelevant • Does not
proficiently reveal issues; relevant and but insufficient. self-reflection. demonstrate any
self-reflection and sufficient. attempt for
deep thinking on selfreflection on
the issue; the issue.
thorough and

0.5 • The fonts are • Sometimes the font is • To some extent • Overall readability is 2
easyto-read and easy-to-read, but in a readability is difficult difficult with too • The text is
point size varies few places the use of with many different many different fonts, extremely difficult
appropriately for fonts, italics, bold, fonts, bold or lack of overuse of bold or to read with small
headings, distracts and does not appropriate lack of appropriate point size of fonts,
subheadings and enhance the readability indentations of text. indentations of text. poor use of
white space. of text. • Colors or very busy headings,
• The background • The background and • Colors or busy background detract subheadings,
and colors entirely colors enhance the background detract indentations or
and hinder
and do not enhance bold formatting.
enhance the readability of text. readability.
readability. • Inappropriate
readability of text.
contrasting colors,
very busy


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