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So welcome to the last leg of this course.

I would like to congratulate you, first

of all, for having gone through what has been designed to be a particularly dense
and deep learning experience. Your learning journey should have equipped you now
with the capacity and your own perspective on what is sustainability for
organizations, but also for the broader system. You should now understand what is
the case for making the change for transitioning towards sustainable organizations.
You should also be aware of the challenges before you, and before any organization
on the road towards this transition, and hopefully some concrete sense about what
to do in tackling these challenges. “So what is next?” you might ask yourself. Well
I would strongly encourage you to keep on working on your own personal mindset
development process, your capacity to understand, to think, and feel how to make a
sustainable decisions, and what is the role of organization is key. You cannot lead
others through this transformational change if you cannot lead yourself. And then
the second point, I think, is to consider building coalitions, collaborations with
like-minded individuals in your own organizations or stakeholders, clients,
suppliers, community representatives, or people outside your organization. It may
be experts, could be academics, consultants, but people who can help you build the
case internally for the importance for the long-term performance, the long-term
sustainability of your organization to invest in the understanding, first of all,
of what kind of sustainable organization you would like to become. But more
importantly, how to become a sustainable organization. What are the investments?
What are the innovations and the transformational changes that need to be made? And
at this point, I would like to wish you, seriously from the bottom of my heart, the
best in your future endeavors, and remind you to keep in touch with this community
as well as with the GOLDEN community. If you would like it's a very open community
not only for managers and business people but for the representatives of any kind
of organization, nonprofits, public administration, policy makers, obviously,
academics, consultants. We're all there to try to do our very best to understand
how to tackle these transitional issues, and we can only succeed if we are all
working together collaboratively towards this goal. So go ahead. The world needs
people who can be and can drive the change to make this world a better place.
People like yourself. Good luck with it.

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