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Hello guys, today I come to talk about this celebrity called ''jaguar'' from

the Tenosique carnival

The story for the Jaguar

The history of the Tenosique carnival jaguar dates back to ancient times,
when the indigenous peoples of the region revered the jaguar as a
sacred and powerful animal. The jaguar was considered a symbol of
strength, courage and protection, and its presence in carnival festivities
was intended to drive away evil spirits and ensure a good harvest and
prosperity for the community.

The carnival jaguar is represented by an imposing costume made with

fabric and paints that imitate the feline's skin. The costume is colorful
and striking, adorned with feathers, bells and masks that represent the
majesty of the jaguar. The wearer of the suit performs agile and
energetic movements that evoke the movements of the animal, creating
a visually impressive and energetic spectacle.

During the carnival parades and comparsas, the jaguar is the main
protagonist, accompanied by festive music and other traditional
characters. The dancers wearing the jaguar costumes perform energetic
choreographies and spread their joy and enthusiasm to the entire public

In summary, the jaguar of the Tenosique carnival is a symbolic and

traditional representation that is part of the carnival festivities in this
Mexican city. Their history and presence in parades and comparsas are a
reminder of indigenous beliefs and traditions, as well as an expression of
joy, energy, and cultural identity.

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