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Some verbs are only followed by an -ing form when they have an object: I saw the jellyfish coming towards me. Other verbs like this include: feel, find, hear. (See Appendix 9.5.) 4 Verb + object / possessive + -ing Some verbs can be followed either by an object or, more formally, a possessive form: I really appreciated them looking after me so well. or I really appreciated their looking after me so well. Other verbs like this include verbs of (dis)liking (appreciate, detest, (dis)approve of, (dis)like, enjoy, hate, love, object to) and verbs of thinking (forget, imagine, remember, think of). A We can only use a possessive form to talk about a person or a group of people: The experience with the jellyfish was awful. I'l never forget it swimming towards me. (not ... i We don’t use a possessive form if the object is complex: I really enjoyed Arun and his sister showing me around, (not ... Arun(s)-and-his-sister’s ...) 5 Other patterns after verbs The to-infinitive can also have perfect, passive, and continuous forms. Verb + to have + past participle We use forms of the perfect infinitive to talk about an event that happened earlier or is complete: The Sasaks are thought to have originally come to Lombok from India or Burma. This is particularly used to talk about actions that did not happen or may not have happened: I was supposed to have arrived on the 14" October. I was supposed to have been flying from London to Singapore. The mountain's thought by some to have been created by the god Batara. Verb + having + past participle We use the perfect -ing form to emphasise that one action happens before another: I really regret not having taken my camera with me. This form is most often used with the verbs admit, deny, forget, recall, regret, and remember. Verb + to be + present / past participle Future actions can also be indicated using the continuous infinitive (verb + to be + present participle) and the passive infinitive (verb + to be + past participle): Thope to be going back again More flights to the island are expected to be introduced next year.

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