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c immar exercises EB Describe each situation using They + verb + (with) + each other. Choose from the verbs in the box. agree blame compete _ disagree We lack ake. know miss resemble respect trust work 1 We look alike. They. resemble each other... 2 You were right! 3 Lalways like to be better than you! 4 Ladmire your character. 5 I believe that you're honest. 8 We're employed in the same office. 9 It was your fault. 7 We met 20 years ago. 10 You were wrong! Complete the sentences using the pairs of objects in the box. Give all possible word orders, adding prepositions where necessary. some apples /me your car/ you _ some chocolate / myself a £10 gift voucher / me a favour / you _your glass / me how to print out adocument /me those letters / you alot / you the mistake / the manager aseat/me them/ you some water / you 1 Till be a bit late getting to the concert tonight. Can you save 6. 800K. FOF. 0.L. IRSA ceseeenes? 2 Tm ona diet, so I'm trying to cut down on sweets, although I do allow after dinner.

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