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results afford no proof that the hypotensive action of
Side-effect of Phenindione methyldopa is due to its suppressing noradrenaline
SIR,-I would like to bring to the attention of other synthesis. They may equally be due to interference with
physicians a brownish-yellow discoloration of the finger- the release or the storage of noradrenaline.-We are,
nails which became evident in one of my patients who etc.,
was treated with long-term anticoagulants for coronary S. R. F. WHITrAKER.
disease. This patient was started on phenindione in Group Laboratory, R. ROBINSON.
April, 1962, and put on a long-term maintenance dose Warwick Hospital, A. W. STOTT.
on May 2, 1962, but in August, 1962, he noted that the
peripheral third of every finger-nail in the hands had REFERENCES
become brownish-yellow in colour, and this has persisted Stott, A. W., Robinson, R., and Smith, P., Lancet, 1963,
up to the present date. He is still on a maintenance 2 Pisano, J. J., Clin. chim. Acta, 1960, 5, 406.
therapy of "dindevan " (phenindione) 75 mg. daily.
I would be very interested to learn if other physicians Drugs for Depression
have noted this unusual side-effect of phenindione.- SIR,-May I be allowed to correct Dr. W. Sargant on
I am, etc., one or two points in his otherwise helpful letter on
St. Helen Hospital, I. MCLEAN BAIRD. drugs for depression (February 9, p. 401) ? He appears
Barnsley, Yorks. to be under the impression that psychiatrists in psychi-
atric hospitals only deal with severe cases. He is, of
Cerebral Complications of Hypotensive Anaesthesia course, quite wrong. The majority of the mental
SIR,-Dr. W. N. Rollason in his interesting letter hospitals in the country serve not only busy out-patient
(February 9, p. 402) writes that " it is at present not clinics but also run their own acute in-patient units doing
feasible to measure blood flow directly under clinical work exactly comparable to the work of psychiatric
conditions." For the past five months we have at this units in general hospitals, and therefore their experi-
hospital been using a method devised by N. Veall and ence is of the same type of case referred to by Dr.
P. Mallet using a radioactive gas which, we believe, Sargant. Like him they have found great benefit from
gives an accurate estimate of the cerebral blood flow the use of antidepressant drugs, which do indeed enable
without trauma to the patient and applicable under the general practitioner to treat many cases of depres-
anaesthesia. Our preliminary results will be published sion. Nevertheless it is necessary to emphasize that
in due course.-We are, etc., treatment of depression, and in particular the problem
W. K. SLACK. of estimating suicidal risk, should not be considered a
Whipps Cross Hospital, simple matter of tablets.-I am, etc.,
London E.IL.W .WLHR
The Towers Hospital, H. B. KIDD.
Humberstone, Leics.
Methyldopa and Hypertension
SIR,-Dr. Philip Lauwers and his colleagues (Febru- Danger Corner
ary 2, p. 295) were unable to find a reduction in the SIR,-In the section entitled " Danger Corner"
excretion of total metanephrines in hypertensive patients (February 16, p. 454) there is a description of a case
treated with methyldopa. They comment, however, report by Gilbert.'
that since methyldopa can be metabolized to a-methyl In the original article, the author describes how the
noradrenaline, which in turn undergoes 3-0-methylation, patient received courses of erythromycin stearate and
they could not interpret their results until they were erythromycin estolate without symptoms. The latter
able to separate the a-methyl from the physiological course almost certainly sensitized the patient, since a
metanephrines. challenge dose of erythromycin estolate on two occasions
We have recently shown" that patients treated with resulted in symptoms and signs of hepatitis within twelve
methyldopa may excrete significantly raised amounts of hours of ingestion. However, the author goes on to
total metadrenalines. This is due largely to the presence state, "A final challenge of 250 mg. of erythromycin
of a 3-0-methyl catechol tentatively identified from its stearate resulted in no clinical or laboratory evidence of
chromatographic properties as a-methyl normeta- hepatitis."-I am, etc.,
nephrine. Abbott Laboratories Ltd., M. R. E. EVANS.
We have now separated this substance chromato- Queenborough, Kent.
graphically from normetanephrine and estimated the REFERENCE
normetanephrine spectrophotometrically after its 1 Gilbert, F. I., J. Amer. med. Ass., 1962, 182, 1040.
oxidation to vanillin2 (see Table).
It can be seen that in three of the five patients there School Medical Examinations
was a significant fall in both the normetanephrine output SIR,-It is quite extraordinary that from time to time
and the blood-pressure. Nevertheless, these preliminary we should get violent protests against the apparent
infringement of human liberties and freedom as a result
Before " Aldomet" After " Aldomet " of powers conferred on our own colleagues in the Public
Patient Normetanephrine Blood Normetanephrine Blood Health and School Health Services by Acts of Parlia-
(mm. Hg)
(mm. Hg) ment. Your correspondent Dr. R. G. Newton (Janu-
ary 5, p. 57) must be a comparatively young man, and
1 0 255 230/130 0 184 1601100
2 0-28 2301140 0 163 1651110 one wonders therefore why he did not learn in his
0 523
0 25
medical school a little bit more about the Public Health
5 0-346 2201110 0-384 220/130 and Preventive Services in Britain.
Would he take the same objection to some of the
All patients received 500 mg. methyldopa b.d. before the second specimen
was collected. provisions of the Public Health Acts which safeguard

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