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Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 10, pp.

816-820, 1997
Pergamon © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
All fights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0025-326X(96)00086--0 0025-326X/96 $15.00 + 0.00

Epiphytic Bacteria in a Copper-enriched

Environment in Northern Chile
*Facultad de Recursos del Mar, Universidad de Antofagasta, Casilla 170, Antofagasta, Chile
tDepartamento de Ecologia, Facultad de Ciencias Biol6gicas, Pontificia Universidad Cat6lica de Chile, Casilla l14-D,
Santiago, Chile
~Address for c o r r e s p o n d e n c e

This study was designed to characterize the bacterial their accumulation capabilities and under conditions of
community epiphytic on the green alga Enteromorpha heavy epiphytism (i.e. formation of bacterial films on
compressa in terms of density, generic composition and algal hosts), bacteria may act as filters or barrier to
degree of copper tolerance. Algal hosts were collected in diminish the amount of copper that actually reaches the
Caleta Palito, a rocky beach in northern Chile which has host. Thus, a possibility exists that algal species,
suffered the impact of waste disposal from the copper considered as copper tolerant organisms and used in
mine El Salvador during the last 20 years. Comparisons biomonitoring programmes, may display such responses
between epiphytic bacteria from Caleta Palito and those at least in part because of their epiph),tic bacterial flora.
from Caleta Zenteno, a control site with no history of Species belonging to the chlorophycean genus
copper enrichment, showed that differences in generic Enteromorpha are known as copper-tolerant algae and
composition and density were very minor. However, a are used world-wide as bioindicators of copper
larger number of isolates from Caleta Palito showed enrichments due to their capacity to accumulate the
higher copper tolerance. Our study demonstrates the high metal (Evans, 1981; Seeliger & Cordazzo, 1982; Reed &
copper tolerance of bacteria epiphytic on the dominant Moffat, 1983; Ho, 1987; Correa et al., 1996a). In this
algal taxa in Caleta Palito and suggests the potential role context, in an effort to understand the interactions
of bacterial films in lessening the negative impact of between copper and marine organisms, we have
copper on algal hosts inhabiting copper-polluted environ- concentrated our studies in Chafiaral Bay (26°15'S,
ments. © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd 69°39'W) and surroundings, northern Chile. For
decades Chafiaral Bay received the solid and liquid
wastes from the copper mine E1 Salvador. In 1990 the
company built a sedimentation dam where most
Bacteria flourish in almost any marine habitat, and are particulate residues accumulated, releasing mainly
important structural components participating in a liquid wastes known as 'aguas claras' or clear waters.
number of biogeochemical processes like the nitrogen, Prior to the construction of the sedimentation dam, the
sulfur and carbon cycles (Austin, 1988a). Bacteria are site of direct discharge was changed from Chafiaral Bay
known for establishing close interactions with marine to Caleta Palito, a rocky beach 8 km north from
animals and plants. Epiphytic bacteria (i.e. those which Chafiaral. As a result of the direct tailings, marine flora
colonize marine algae) have received attention from the and fauna in the area suffered severely, and the few
perspective of deleterious organisms that can eventually studies available reported major losses in species
cause diseases (Fujita, 1990), facilitate the establishment diversity (Castilla & Nealler, 1987; Castilla, 1996).
of other fouling organisms (Wahl, 1989), participate in Later, the intertidal fringe became dominated by
settlement induction of invertebrate larvae (Johnson et Enteromorpha compressa, a cosmopolitan green alga
al., 1991) or as producers of growth-promoting recognized as a copper-tolerant organism (Reed &
substances (Provasoli & Pintner, 1980). Moffat, 1983; Correa et al., 1996a). Today, even
Bacteria use copper as an essential micronutrient and, though the solids do not reach the sea, the values of
similarly to all living organisms, respond differently to dissolved copper range from 14 to 29 ~tgl-1 (Correa et
abnormally high copper concentrations in the sea. It is al., 1996a,b) and are higher than those reported for non-
know that bacterial films can bind heavy metals (Gadd contaminated seawater (Davies & Bennett, 1985).
& White, 1993) and a number of bacteria have been Furthermore, E. compressa remains as the dominant
reported as copper-tolerant organisms able to accumu- organism on the rocks.
late the metal in the cell (reviewed by Brown et al., 1992; Based on the above information and on earlier
Silver & Ji, 1994). To our knowledge, however, no study unpublished observations revealing that E. compressa
has dealt specifically with epiphytic bacteria. Based on from Caleta Palito hosted an abundant bacterial flora,

Volume M/Number lO/October 1997

two main objectives were selected for this study. One collected from agar plates and fixed in 2% glutar-
was to characterize the bacterial microflora epiphytic on aldehyde in 0.451am filtered seawater, followed by
E. compressa from Caleta Palito in terms of density, postfixation in 1% osmium tetroxide. Dehydration
generic composition and degree of copper tolerance, was done in an ethanol series, followed by infiltration
and the other was to compare the situation in Caleta and embedding in Spurr's resin. Sections were stained
Palito with that in Caleta Zenteno, located 65 km south with lead citrate and uranyl acetate and observed in a
from Chafiaral Bay. Caleta Zenteno, used as a control Philips 300 TEM operated at 80 kV. The same strains
locality in our previous studies (Correa et al., 1996a,b), grown in absence of copper were used as controls.
has values of dissolved copper of 3.1 ~g 1-1.
Results and Discussion
Materials and Methods Our SEM observations showed that the mean cover
All samples of E. compressa were collected simulta- value for epiphytic bacteria on E. compressa from
neously at Caleta Palito and Caleta Zenteno on May Caleta Palito was 67.9% (Fig. 1). Values for epiphytic
1995. Individual specimens of E. compressa were rinsed bacteria on E. compressa from Caleta Zenteno was
repeatedly with sterile seawater immediately after similar (65.8%; Fig. 1) and differences between localities
collection. Using autoclaved tweezers, individual were not significant (G test, p > 0.05). During the SEM
fronds were put into autoclaved plastic tubes, stored observations, we detected a dominance by bacilli.
in a cooler at 4°C and transported to the laboratory. The counts of heterotrophic cultivable bacteria
Once in the laboratory, triplicate samples were rinsed oscillated around 106 CFU g - l (Fig. 2), with differences
several times in marine saline solution (Austin, 1988b). between Caleta Palito and Caleta Zenteno being
Algae were blotted, weighed and homogenized in a statistically not significant (G test, p > 0.05). Identifica-
Stomacher 80 for 3 min (Baker, 1988). Subsequently, tion of these bacteria showed that Pseudomonas,
homogenized samples were plated on thiosulfate-citrate- Flavobacterium and Moraxella were dominant and
bile sucrose agar (TCBS, Oxoid) and marine agax Zobell together comprised 95.7% and 91.3% in Caleta Palito
2216 (Difco) for 2 and 7 days, respectively, following and Caleta Zenteno, respectively (Table 1). Members of
the procedure outlined by Riquelme et al. (1995). the genus Vibrio were not detected among the cultivable
Bacterial counts were recorded at the end of each bacterial flora of E. compressa, nor did they grow in the
incubation period and the different morphological types specific TCBS culture medium.
of colonies were isolated and characterized according to All epiphytic bacteria developed well in copper
Muroga et al. (1989). additions of 1.5 to 1500t~gl -l. At concentrations of
Simultaneously to the sampling of E. compressa for
bacteria isolations, samples were obtained for direct
quantification of bacteria on the surface of the alga.
This was done by fixation of tissue fragments in 2%
ON Enteromorpha compressa
glutaraldehyde in seawater for 24 h, followed by
dehydration in an acetone series and critical point
drying. Observations were done in a Jeol JSM-25 S-I 1

scanning electron microscope (SEM) operated at 25 kV.
Densities of bacteria were estimated by using a 100- A 7 f N= 120 I
point grid attached to the screen of the microscope. A
total of 24 individual plants from each locality were
screened under the microscope (6 fronds from 4 sites in =g
each locality). Five fields were screened in each
fragment, and counts were performed at 3000x.
When appropriate, data comparisons by G test (Zar, O
1984) were done.
All strains isolated from E. compressa were tested for
copper tolerance. Trials were done by plating aliquots
of the individual strains on marine agar Zobell 2216
(Difco) prepared with deionized water and copper
additions of 1.5, 15, 150, 1500 and 150001~gl - l from
a CuC12 standard solution (Titrisol, Merck). Plates were
incubated at 20°C for 7 days. Caleta Palito Caleta Zenteno
In an attempt to detect possible sites of copper
accumulation, bacterial isolates that displayed copper LOCALITY
tolerance were processed for transmission electron Fig. 1 Mean cover values of epiphytic bacteria counted directly on
microscopy (TEM). Bacteria were either pelleted or Enteromorpha compressa. Bars represent 1 standard deviation.

Marine Pollution Bulletin


am N= 8

tt 4
O a
--I 2


Fig. 2 Mean values for epiphyticculturable bacteria on marine agar
Zobell 2216. Bars represent 1 standard deviation.

15000~tgl - l copper 87.5% of isolates from Caleta

Palito still developed well, whereas only 57% of the
isolates from Caleta Zenteno displayed copper toler-
ance. Furthermore, the examination under the TEM of
copper tolerant isolates of Pseudomonas exposed to high
copper concentrations showed the presence of dark,
finely granular intracellular deposits (Fig. 3), which Fig. 3 Transmission electron micrographs of copper-tolerant isolate
were not observed in cells of the same strain but grown CP 85 exposed to normal culture medium (a) and to copper
addition of 15000~tg1-1 (b). Scale bar: 0.2[am.
in absence of copper addition.
In spite of the 20 years of copper enrichment in
Caleta Palito, it seems apparent from our results that
only minor differences have developed between the et al. (1996a) confirmed that diversity of algae and
epiphytic bacterial communities from Caleta Palito and invertebrates remains low in Caleta Palito, with E,
Caleta Zenteno. Theoretically, at least two scenarios compressa as the single dominant species. This scenario,
could have developed as liquid and solid wastes from El however, is not supported by our results, which showed
Salvador began pouring into Caleta Palito in 1975. The that densities of total and cultivable bacteria and the
first scenario is one where epiphytic bacterial assem- generic composition of cultivable epiphytic bacteria
blages reacted similarly to algal and invertebrate from Caleta Palito are almost identical to those from
communities, that is decreasing both densities and Caleta Zenteno, an area with no history of copper
diversity, with few copper-tolerant taxa becoming enrichment (Correa et al., 1996a). A second scenario
dominant and prevailing today. Recent reports by can be hypothesized where a differential growth of the
Vermeer & Castilla (1991); Castilla (1996) and Correa copper-tolerant segment of each population within a
bacterial community is induced by copper enrichments.
According to this, neither density nor generic composi-
TABLE 1 tion would necessarily suffer major changes. Tolerance
Relative abundanceof various genera among the isolatesof culturable to copper seems to be inducible in exceedingly short
heterotrophic epiphyticbacteria. time periods, and values of 2 days (Vaccaro et aL, 1977)
and 1-2 days (Tubbing et al., 1995) have been reported.
Locality Alternatively, copper tolerance at community level has
Caleta Palito Caleta Zenteno been explained as selective growth of bacteria carrying
Genus N (%) N (%) plasmids or chromosomal mutations (Foster, 1983;
Pseudomonas 20 (43.6) 18 (39.0) Zelibor et al., 1987), a possibility which can not be
Flavobacterium 18 (39.l) 17 (37.0) discarded in our case.
Moraxella 6 (13.0) 7 (15.2) The second scenario is supported by our results on
N.D. 2 (4.3) 4 (8.7)
copper tolerance, which showed more copper-tolerant
N.D.: Not determinedtaxa. isolates from Caleta Palito than from Caleta Zenteno,

Volume 34/Number 10/October 1997

even t h o u g h the bacterial genera were the same and Castilla, J. C. (1996). Copper mine tailing disposal in northern Chile
rocky shores: Enteromorpha compressa (Chlorophyta) as a sentinel
densities were very similar in b o t h localities. The species. Environ. Mon. Assess. 40, 171-184.
m e c h a n i s m for this e n h a n c e d c o p p e r tolerance is n o t Castilla, J. C. & Nealler, E. (1987). Marine environmental impact due
k n o w n , a l t h o u g h the occurrence o f electron dense to mining activities of E1 Salvador copper mine, Chile. Mar. Pollut.
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particles inside bacterial cells exposed to high c o p p e r Correa, J. A., Gonz~lez, P., Sanchez, P., Mufioz, J. & Orellana, M. C.
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m a y be taking place. This finding is consistent with Environ. Mort. Assess. 39, 41-54.
reports where similar types o f deposits have been Cortes, J. A., Ramirez, M. A., Roman, D. & Rivers, L. (1996). Growth
and regeneration responses to copper enrichment by Chilean macro-
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