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Freshwater Biotogy {\W]) 25, 143- I?

Consequences of tadpole shrimp predation on mayflies in some

Californian ponds


Entomology. University of California, Riverside. CA 92521. U.S.A.

SUMMARY. 1. During two. l-month studies, the abundance of mayfly

nymphs. Callihaetis califomicus Banks, in small pt>nds that contained the
tadpole shrimp. Triops tongicatulattvi (LeContc). often was significantly
lower than in pt)nds without tadpole shrimps. Mayfly abundance was
either positively correlated or nol significantly associated with that of
predacious insects.
2. Larger mayfly nymphs were a greater fraction of the population in
ponds with Triops than in ponds without tadpole shrimps. Between 2 and
3 weeks after ponds were flooded, the smallest mayfly nymphs were
absent from ponds in which T. longicaudatus densities were >5 individuals
per square metre during the summer and >L'i individuals per square
metre during the autumn.
3. In prey-choice trials. T. longicaudatus consumed predominantly
small C. californictis nymphs (mean headwidth ± 1 SD: 0.44 ± (1.05 mm).
After encounters with tadpole shrimps, small mayfly nymphs moved
relatively short distances, were easily overtaken, and were, consequently,
more susceptible to tadpole shrimps than larger-sized nymphs.

Introduction 1935a. b). In Ihe Coachella Valley and the

Central Valley of California. T. tongicaudattis VA
Predator-prey relationships in the aquatic sys- commonly found in many man-made, transient
tems of arid and semi-arid habitats are relatively habitats such as flix>d-irrigated agricultural
unexplored as compared to those in mesic lakes fields (i.e. date gardens, rice fields) and the
anil streams (Resh & Rosenberg. iy84; Di>dson. large, temporar>' ponds of wildfowl hunting
I9H7; Kerfoot & Sih. 19S7). The ladptilc shrimp. clubs.
Triops longicatidatus (UeConte). occurs fre-
Tadpole shrimps are able to exploit unpre-
quently in transient habitats throughout a broad
dictable, ephemeral habitats because they
geographical range thai extends from the
produce eggs which resist drying and develop
Americas and West Indies through the Indo-
rapidly to the reproductive stage. Dormant
Paci5c region (Linder, 1952; Longhurst.
eggs in the substrate may hatch up to 2 weeks
after inundation; however, most eggs hatch
Correspondence: Dr William E. Walton, Center within 1-3 days (Takahashi & Gohda, 1981;
tor Great Lakes Studies. University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee. 60() East Greenfield Ave. Milwaukee. Anonymous. 1983). At 21''C. tadpole shrimps
Wl. 532(M, U.S.A. begin reproduction approximately 9-12 days

144 W. E. Walton. N. S. Tietze and M. S. Multa

after hatching (Scott & Grigarick. 1979a) and northwest of the Salton Sea in Oasis. CA
individuals lay predominantly dormant eggs (33°32'30"N. n6°06'56"W; 55m BSL). The
which require desiccation prior to hatching ponds are arrayed in an 8 x 8 grid and subsets
(Takahashi, IV77; Scott & Grigarick. 1979b). of the ponds are used primarily for short-term
During development, Triops cancriformis (i.e. I month) studies of mosquito control and
(Bosc.) switch from a diet that consists primarilybiology.
of microalgae and particulate organic matter to The ponds contained a mixture of bermuda
one that incorporates a variety of plant and \Cynodon dactylon (L.)], crab [Digitaria
animal material (Pont & Vaquer. 1986). sanguinalis (L.)]. and nut (C.vpcru.ssp.) grasses.
Carnivory in T. cancriformis increased markedly To standardize the height of vegetation at the
between 1 and 2 weeks after hatching in rice start of each experiment, the vegetation was cut
fields in southern France (Pont & Vaquer, to approximately 6 cm and the cuttings were
1986). Animal remains were observed in 27% removed prior to inundation.
of digestive tracts of 5-10 mm {total length) Tlie water supply was extracted from a single
T. cancriformis and in 93% of larger individuals well. Ground water was pumped into a holding
(>lOmm total length). Tietze & Mulla (1989) tank andflowedto the ponds via an underground
found, however, that T. tongicaudatus was car- pipeline. Four pipelines branched perpendicu-
nivorous at smaller sizes. In laboratory exper- larly from the main pipeline, each pipeline fed
iments, tadpole shrimps as small as 2.2 mm the ponds in a pair of rows (i.e. rows A - B ,
(carapace length; total length is approximately C - D , E - F and G-H) and the distance be-
3 mm) consumed first and second instar mos- tween ponds in each of the four pairs of rows
quito larvae (Tietze & Mulla. 1989). was <3 m. The distance between adjacent pairs
Because tadpole shrimps often attain densities of rows (i.e. B vs. C, D vs. E. etc.) was 8.5-
of several hundred individuals per square metre, 11 m. For the columns (i.e. 1-8) in the grid,
lay desiccation-resistant eggs, become carnivor- ponds were separated by <3m. Water levels in
ous soon after habitats are inundated, and feed the ponds were maintained at a depth of 30cm
on mosquito larvae (Maffi. 1962: Tietze & by float valves.
Muila. 1989), they have been proposed as a Sixteen ponds (surface area per pond =
biological control agent for mosquitoes. Triops 36.25 m^) were flooded during the period
has the potential to reduce the populations of 4th August to 4th September 1987; however,
certain dipterans. such as culicine mosquitoes conspicuous tadpole shrimp populations were
(Tietze & Mulla. 1989) and ceratopogonids found in only three ponds (F3, F5 and F6). For
(Dodson. 1987). and might also affect the this study, mayfly populations in the three row
abundances of other co-habiting insects. F ponds were compared to three ponds (E5, E6
Here, we examine the association be- and E7) that lacked tadpole shrimps. In a second
tween 7. longicaudatus and the commonly co- study, eight ponds (Ponds A1-A8: surface area
occurring mayfly. Catlibaetis catifornicus Banks, per pond = 30.25 m") were flooded during the
in small ponds in the Coachella Valley of period 29th September to 4th November 1987.
southern California. We also determine the Tadpole shrimps were found in six ponds.
size-structure of mayfly nymph populations in The ponds used did not differ appreciably in
ponds with different Triops densities and. via several physicochemical parameters; except for
prey-choice experiments in the laboratory, the the conductivity of Pond F6 (584nMHOS
size-related consequences of tadpole shrimp cm ^), which was twice the size of conductivities
predation on C. califomicus. in the other ponds. Water conductivity and pH
ranged respectively from 226 to 584 ^iMHOS
cm"' (mean = 276^MHOScm "), and from
Methods 7.4 to 8.4 (mean = 7.7). The total alkalinity was
similar among the ponds and averaged (± 1 SD)
Study site 1.34±0.l3meq 1 CaCO,. The maximum and
Tadpole shrimps and mayflies were studied in minimum water temperatures were measured
small ponds at the University of California- between sampling dates with a maximum-
Riverside. Aquatic and Vector Control Re- minimum recording thermometer.
search Facility located approximately 5 km
Tadpole .shrimp predation 145

Tadpole shrimp and mayfly populations dates; row A. flve dates. Haul lengths equalled
either 6.1 m for the ponds in rows E and F or
Tadpole shrimp were sampled beiween 12;00 5.5 m for the ponds in row A. Each tow net haul
and I5:00h with a galvanized cylindrical steel was preserved in the field with 95% ethanol
areal sampler (internal diameter = 49cm; (final concentration: 50% ethanol) and counted
height = 60cm; area = 0.189 m"). Samples at 20x in the laboratory with a stereo dissecting
were collected with a hand net (20 x 14.5cm; microscope.
mesh aperture size = 1.67 mm) following a For the summer study, mayfly densities
modification of the method used by Wilbur & (number m"*^) in ponds with and without tad-
Travis (1984). The net was moved around the pole shrimps were compared with a repeated
galvanized steel cylinder in circles of decreasing measures ANOVA (SAS Institute. 1986).
diameter and the cylinder was sampled until Mayfly and tadpole shrimp densities were
tadpole shrimps were absent from five successive Iog(j:-hl) transformed prior to analysis. Be-
samples. The total number of tadpole shrimps cause there was a continuum of tadpole shrimp
in each sample were counted and returned to densities in the autumn study, regression an-
the pond. alyses were used to examine the relationship
Ten individuals were selected randomly from between mayfly density and T longicaudatus
each pond and carapace lengths were measured density. For each date, regressions were com-
mid-dorsally to the nearest 0.5 mm on each puted using log-transformed mayfly densities
sampling date. Because the fleshy abdominal and the log(j:+l) tadpole shrimp densities in
segments can be contracted and protracted, the eight ponds. The effectiveness of the trans-
total length measurements may vary more than formations were checked by plotting the re-
those of the comparatively stiffened carapace. gression residuals against the independent
First instar larvae (metanaupliae) are too small variable.
(total length = 0.52-0.63 mm; Scott & Headwidths of mayfly nymphs were measured
Grigarick, 1979a) to be captured with the hand as the maximum distance across the eyes. On
net; hence, only stages with a well-developed each sampling date, mayfly headwidths were
carapace were counted. measured to the nearest 0.039 mm with an
Areal samples were initially intended to in- ocular micrometer to a maximum of fifty indi-
vestigate the spatial distribution of viduals from each pond. Smaller samples were
T. longicaudatus in three habitats: the comers, used on some sampling dates for ponds with low
edges and centres of the ponds (N. S. Tietze. mayfly populations. In order to compare mayfly
unpublished observations). Therefore, twelve size distributions among ponds for each sam-
samples per pond were taken from 4th August pling date. C. califomicus nymphs were separ-
to 4th September. One sample was taken from ated into seven headwidth size categories based
each corner of the pond, and four samples were on micrometer units. After conversion to milli-
taken haphazardly along the ponds' perimeter meters, the size categories were: 1: 0.12-
and from the ponds" interior. The ponds were 0.34mm; 2: 0.35-0.58mm; 3: 0.59-0.81 mm;
sampled four times from day 7 until day 17 after 4: 0.82-1.02mm; 5: 1.03-1.25mm; 6: 1.26-
the ponds were flooded. Tadpole shrimps were 1.48mm; 7: > 1.48mm.
not present in the ponds on day 3(). The numbers The distributions of headwidth size categories
of tadpole shrimps collected in the three habitats in some of the ponds were occasionally bim<Klal
did nol differ signfieantly using the above sam- or skewed; therefore, for each sampling date,
pling protocol (N. S. Tietze, unpublished median headwidths were computed for every
observations); hence, from 29th September to ponds. For the summer study, median mayfly
4th November, five samples were taken hap- headwidths in ponds with and without tadpole
hazardly from each pond. The ponds were shrimps were compared with a repeated
sampled twice weekly during the autumn study. measures ANOVA (SAS Institute. 1986).
Mayflies and predacious insects were col- Triops longicaudatus densities were log(.t + 1)
lected between 09:(X) and 11:00 hours using a transformed prior to statistical analysis. The
tow net of 19.5 cm maximum diameter and relationships between median mayfly head-
mesh openings of 153 |im. Duplicate tow net widths and tadpole shrimp densities during the
hauls were taken weekly: rows E and F. four autumn study were determined by regression
146 W. E. V/alton, N. S. Tietze and M. S. Mulla

analyses. On each date, median mayfly head- pond water (mesh aperture = 153 [xm)) and
widths for the eight ponds were regressed on water temperature was 19''C. Tadpole shrimps
the log(-t + I) of Triops densities and regression typically contact prey with a pair of antenna-
residuals were plotted as stated above. tike, thoracic appendages, and in order to
control the interval between stimulations and
obtain visual measurements of mayfly escape
Associations between the abundances of responses, mayfly nymphs were gently stimu-
mayflies, tadpole .shrimps and other insect taxa lated with a minuten pin. The distances moved
We showed previously that thirty-seven by mayflies of three size categories {mean head-
predatory taxa coexisted in the experimental width - I SD ( « = 12); small: O.37±O.()5mm;
ponds (Walton ct al., 1990b); however, for most medium: 0.70 ± 0.07 mm; large: 1.34=:
taxa, fewer than five specimens were collected 0.11 mm] were measured to the nearest 0.5 cm.
during three studies in 1987 (Walton et at.., Five measurements were taken for each of
1990b). Because predators other than tadpole thirty-six mayflies and a minimum of 10 s
shrimps certainly consume mayflies, we exam- elapsed between stimulations. Only those
ined the associations between C. califomicus, movements along a straight path were used.
T. tortgicaudatus and several insect groups. The mean distance moved was calculated for
Correlations were computed for the logC-t + 1) each individual and the log-transformed mean
transformed abundances of anisopterans, distance travelled was compared among the
zygopterans, dytiscid larvae, hydrophilid larvae, three size classes by analysis of variance and by
notonectids (adults and nymphs combined), Tukey's HSD (Sokal & Rohlf. 1981).
corixids (adults and nymphs combined) vs. Tadpole shrimp cruising speed was also
log-transformed C. califomicus and measured in the plexiglass chamber. The exper-
7. tongicaudatus abundances. Dytiscid adults imental conditions were similar to those given
and beiostomatids were rare in tow nel samples, above. Five measurements were made on each
were not associated significantly with tadpole of seven tadpole shrimps (mean carinal length
shrimp abundance or mayfly abundance, and ±1 SD: 1.36 :± 0.05 cm) and the average cruising
will not be considered further. speed was calculated for each tadpole shrimp.

Laboratory studies
Apparent size-specific pretlation by
Field Study: 4th August-4th September
T. tongicaudatus was investigated in the labora-
tory. An individual tadpole shrimp (mean Tadpole shrimp poputations. Tadpole shrimp
carapace length ±1 SD (/i = 9): 1.37 = 0.15cm) populations in two ponds declined rapidly
was placed into a plastic washtub (25.4 x 32 cm; following 7 days of flooding and Triops had dis-
water depth =4cm) containing 3.21 of net appeared from all ponds by I month (Fig. 1). In
filtered (mesh aperture size=153^m) pond Pond F6. tadpole shrimp populations did not
water. Fifteen mayfly nymphs (live per size decline appreciably until 14 days of flooding
category; mean headwidth =1 SD (/i=15): had elapsed.
small: 0.44 ±0.05 mm; medium: 0.83 ± During August and September, the average
0.09mm; large: 1.34* 0.08mm) had been water temperature declined from 32.5 to 3 0 ^
placed previously into the tub and were re- (Fig. 2a) and. from day 7 to day 17 after flood-
placed as needed (every 10min) during l h ing, T. longicaudattis size increased linearly
experiments. Individual mayflies and tadpole from approximately 5 mm on day 7 to 7 mm on
shrimp were used only once. Mean water day 17 (Fig. 2b).
temperature (±1 SD) was 1\.2^{).2X'. Pre- Mayfiy poptdations. Compared with ponds
datorless controls were run concurrently and without tadpole shrimps, mayfly abundance on
were also replicated nine times. each sampling date was significantly lower in
The escape response of C. califomicus was ponds with tadpole shrimps (/^]4 = 22.6,
measured in a 10 x 49.5 cm plexiglass box which /*<0.01). On average. C. califomicus abun-
was positioned over a grid of 0.5 cm squares. dance in ponds with T. longicaudatus was twelve
The water depth equalled 1cm [net filtered times lower than that in ponds without tadpole
Tadpole shrimp predation 147


n* oo


"j. 10

21 29

FIG. y. Densities ( i I SD) of Callibaeiis califomicus

FIG. 1. Density of Triops longicaudatus in areal in ponds from 14th August until 4th September.
samples from 4th August until 4th September 1987:
Cliiscd symbols = ponds without Triops longuau-
datus. Open symbols - punds with T. longicaudatus.

In addition to fewer mayfiy nymphs being

found in ponds with the tadpole shrimps, median
mayfiy headwidths differed significantly be-
tween ponds with and without T longicatulatus
(Fig. 4; f"i.3=I1.9. P = i)m). Median mayfly
headwidths increased from 14th August to 28th
August in the ponds without tadpole shrimps as
Ihe lirst C. califomicus cohort matured. A
second cohort was evident on 4th September.
The time by T. longicaudatus interaction was
again not significant (MANOVA: Wilks' Lambda =
6.92. P = {).n).
The smallest mayfiy headwidth size class was
absent in ponds which contained tadpole
shrimps on 14 and 21 August (Fig. 4). On both
dates, tadpole shrimp densities were > 5 indi-
viduals m ~.

10 Ii; 14
Field Study: 29th September-4th November
Tadpole shrimp abundance. Tadpi>lc shrimps
R G . 2. Water temperature (a) and Triops longi-
caudatus carapace lengths (b) during the summer
were found in six of (he eight ponds in row A.
study. Maximum, minimum and average ( -) water In live of the six ponds, T. longicaudatus density
temperatures between sampling dates arc illustrated. reached a maximum between 1 and 2 weeks
The symbols in (b) are displaced hoh/onially lo after fitx>ding and declined thereafter (Fig. .*»).
fitdlitatc illustration. The line in (b) is the least As observed in the first study, tadpole shrimps
squiircs regression, carapace length (mm) = .1.84 +
O.l«(days). r = U.92. for the data from the three
were found for about I month in most of the
ponds: F3 ( A ) . F5 (D) and F6 (o). ponds.
The average water temperatures and
7". tongicaudattts growth rates decreased
throughout the autumn study. Average water
shrimps (Fig. 3). ITie time by T. longicaudatus temperatures declined from approximately 2S''C
interaction was not significant (MANOVA; Wilks' on !s( October to 2\°C on 4th November
Umbda = 2.51. P<().3()). (Fig. 6a). Whereas the average carapace lengths
148 W. E. Walton, N. S. Tietze and M. S. Mulla

Triops absent
0-80 mm 0.38 mm

f 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6

Sf Triops presen!
°- 80

2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6
Headwidth (sijse-closs)
14 Oug 21 Aug 28 Aug 4 Sept

FIG. 4. The mean relative abundances ( 1 1 SD) and medians (mm) of Callibaetis califomicus headwidth size
classes collected from !4th August lo 4th September 1M87.

K» into pond A4 approximately 4 days before

the ponds were flcxxled to a depth of 30cm.
80 The few tadpole shrimps collected in pond A4
were larger than those collected in the other
five ponds (Fig. 6b and c).
Mayfly populations. Caltibaetis califomicus
abundance was negatively related to
-2 40 T. longicaudatus densities on days 21 (20 Oct.:
F|.,,= 17.3. /*<0.01). 28 (27 Oct.: F,.^ = 72.8,
20 P < (MWI) and 35 (3 Nov.: f ,„ = 17.4. P < 0.01)
after flooding (Fig. 7). For days 21 through 35
after flooding. Triops density explained between
74 and 92% of the variation in mayfly abundance
(Fig. 7). Mayfly abundances at 1 and 2 weeks
after flooding were not significantly related to
FIG. 5. Density of Triops longicaudatus in areal tadpole shrimp densities (Fig. 7).
samples from 29th September to 4th November 1987:
Al (•), A2 (•), A3 (A), A4 ( • ) , A6 lo) and A8 Median mayfly headwidth increased directly
(D). with tadpole shrimp density on days 14
(/^i.h = 15.3, P< 0.01), 21 (fi.f, = 6.2, P< 0.05)
and 28 (/^|.ft=10.0, P<O.(Kil) after flooding
(Fig. 8). Tadpole shrimp density explained be-
of Triops in Ponds AI, A2 and A3 were ap- tween 51 and 72% of the variation in mayfly
proximately 7.5 mm between 2 and 3 weeks size (Fig. 8). On days 7 (F,.^ = 0.31. /'>0.05)
after flooding (Fig. 6b), the sizes of tadpole and 35 (fi.h = 0.05. P>0.65) after flooding,
shrimps were comparatively smaller in ponds median C. califomicus headwidths were not
A6 and A8 (Fig. 6c). significantly retated to T. longicaudatus densities
Pond A4 differed from the other ponds with (Fig. 8). Between 2 and 3 weeks after flooding,
tadpole shrimps; T. tongicaudatus densities de- the smallest mayfly size class (13 Oet.) and size
clined during Ihc first week and were zero, or classes 1 and 2 (20 Oct.) were absent from
near zero, for the remainder of the study ponds (A6 and A8) containing dense tadpole
(Fig. 5). Water from an adjacent row seeped shrimp populations (>15-20 individuals m"^)
Tadpole shrimp predation 149


13 Oct

6 Oct

(0 20 30 40
Doys otter flooding

FIG. 6 Waler temperature (a) and mean Triops

longicaudattis carapace lengths ( i l SD) (b and c)
during the autumn study Maximum, minimum and I 10
average (—-) water temperatures between sampling T. tongicoudatus (Jensity ([no.+l]m"^l
dales are illustrated. The symbols in (b) are displaced
horizontally to permit illustration. The line in (b) is FIG 7. Least squares regression lities for C califor-
the least squares regression, earapaee length (c.l.: nicus density plotted against T. tongicaudatus density
m m ) = - I . 9 7 + 7 421log(days)l. r = 0.»>2. for the on CHeh sampling date during the autumn sludy. ( ^ )
data from AI ( • ) . A2 (•) and A3 ( A ) . The lines 6 Oct.: (,v) 1.60 + 0.(Mx. r <0.01: (o) 13 Oct.: v =
in (c) are the least square regressions for each pond: 2.22 - O.iWA. r^ =; (•) 20 Oet.: v = 2,82 - 0.48x,
A4 ( 4 ) : C.I. =3.y« + 4.67[log(days)). r = 0 . 9 9 : r = ().74; {•) 27 Oct.: y = 2.Q4 - 1.76;t. H = 0.92;
A6 (0): e.l. = 2.89 + 2.5(»(loglda>-s|). f'- 0.60; A8 ( A ) 3 Nov.: _v = 2.72 + l.93x. i^ = 0.75.
(D): c.l. = -1.16-*-5.77(log(days)]. r^ = 0.73.

and, on the latter date, mediati mayfly head- atid Buenoa margaritacea Bueno; Corixidae:
widths in ponds A6 and A8 were > 1 mm. Corisella inscripta (Uhler). C. decotor Uhler
and Trichocorixa reticutata (Guerin)] were
never significantly associated with Triops and,
Associations among Triops, Callibaetis, and the
on only one date, were significantly associated
other insects
with C. califomicus. The abundances of
For most dates in both studies, Triops and oilotiates |Anisoptera: Anax junius (Drury),
Callibaetis densities were negatively correlated I'antata hymanaea (Say). Sympetrum corrupturn
(Table 1). Callibaetis califomicus abundance (Hagen), Tramea spp.; Zygoptera: Enallagma
was either correlated directly or was not signifi- civile (Hagen) and Ischnura barberi Currie]
Lanily associated with the abundances of other and dytiscid lar\ae (primarily Laccophilus
insects (Table 1). The converse was true for the spp.) were correlated negatively with
associations between T. longicattdatus and the T. longicaudatus, and positively with
other insects. Heteropterans [Notoneclidae; C. califomicus, on 14th August. 2l)lh October
Notonecta irrorata Say. N. tinifasciata Guerin and 27th October.
150 W. E. Walton, N. S Tietze and M S. Mulla

during escapes from a trtinuten pin differed

significantly atnong C. califomicus size cat-
egories (F2.33= 123.9. /'<0.001) and escape
distances increased significantly with nymph
size (small < medium < large; Tukey s USD,
P < 0 . 0 5 ) . The relationship between distance
moved and headwidth was described well by a
second-order polynomial:

y = -0.88 -^ 3.2Zr - 1. = 0.89,

where y is the distance moved in log(cm) and x
is headwidth in mm (Fig. 9).
Triops cruising speed. The average cruising
speed of a tadpole shrimp (mean carapace
length = 1.36cm) was about 1.3cm s ' (mean
±1 SE: 1.26 ± 0.59cm s ' ) . The mean cruising
speed of individual tadpole shrimp ranged
from 0.49 to 2.17cm s"'. During escapes,
mayflies swim and then stop. As the duration of
this behaviour was nearly 1 s in small mayflies,
T, longicaudatus' eruising speeds were similar
to the escape rates of small mayflies (Fig. 9).
Consequently, small mayfly nymphs (i.e. head-
width size categories 1 and 2) are predicted lo
be more stjsceptible to tadpole shrimps than are
large-sized mayfly nymphs.
Thngicaudotus density ([no. + l ] m

RG. 8. Least squares regression lines for median C. Discussion

catifornicus headwidth \'5. T. longicaudatus density
on each sampling date during the autumn study. (^) The abundance of C califomicus nymph
f) Oct.: v = O.37-l).O5x. r - 0 . 0 5 ; (o) |3 Oct.: y = populations is often inversely related to
0.45 + O'. i5x, r^ = 0.72: (•) 20 Oct.: v = 0..S9 + 0.43.t. T. longicaudattis densities in small, man-made
r^=0.50; (n) 27 Oct.: >> = 0.46-H b.85.t. ^^ = 0.63;
(A)3Nov.: V = 0 . 5 4 - 0 . 0 2 J . ponds. Additionally, the relative abundance of

Laboratory studies
Prey selection. When tadpole shrimps were
offered three mayfly size classes in equal relative
abundances. T. longicaudatus almost exclusively 10
consumed the smallest mayflies. The smallest
mayfly size class constituted 94 i: 18% (1 SD)of
the prey captured by tadpole shrimps. Eight out
of nine tadpole shrimps consumed only small 11/

mayflies and one individual consumed an equal

number of small and medium mayfly nymphs. 6
Although tadpole shrimp captured mostly small- 0.5 1.0
sized individuals, on average. T. tongicaudattts O.I Headwidlh (mm)
consumed only two mayflies during the I h
observations (mean ± 1 SD = 2 ± 1.2 prey FKi. y. The djstanee trtoved by three Catlibaetis cali-
h '). fomicus nymph size classes during escape responses
from a mJnutcn pin Data points arc the mean distance
Mayfiy escape response. The distanee moved travelled by individual nytnphs.
Tadpole shrimp predation 151


I I o o o o I
o .—
n o f^ — G
o o

3 •a
? !J IN
-a ^ 5'S S ir.
d d d d
it X.S I I I

1 s


5 u 3 ^ ^3 2
S o d = d1 d d
1 I 1


o o o c =

B u

f a So
dd d d

•3 •5

flood ing

ll ll
1. Co etatioi

fc >!, J-
ETi „
1 »

: =1-
ca y
152 W. E. Walton, N. S. Tietze and M. S. Mulla

small mayfly nymphs in ponds that contain tad- February and were comparatively more abun-
pole shtimps was, at times, significantly less dant from May until September (Walton et al.,
than that in ponds without Triops. (n the lab- 199()a). The period between floodings and soil
oratory, small mayfly nymphs were consumed moisture, through its effect on the desiccation
more often by T. tongicaudatus than were of Triops eggs (high soil moisture reduces egg
medium and large nymphs. Size-specific pre- hatch rates: L. Fry. personal communication),
dation of mayfly nymphs by tadpole shrimps apparently influence the hatch success of tadpole
might explain the negative associations between shrimp eggs and contribute to the differences in
Triops and mayfly abundances and the mayfly T. longicaudatus population sizes between suc-
nymph size distributions in the Coacheila Valley cessive floodings of a particular pond. The
ponds. vagaries of colonization and egg production of
During the summer study, ponds that con- previous generations must also contribute re-
tained tadpole shrimps were spatially segregated spectively to the differences in tadpole shrimp
by row from ponds lacking T. longicaudatus populations among ponds and between flood-
(i.e. row E i.v. F); but not by column for two of ings. Although T. longicaudatus was not found
the three replicates {i.e. columns 5 and 6). TTie in ponds A5 and A7 during this study, tadpole
ponds in rows E and F were separated, however, shrimps have been observed previously (i.e.
by <3m. A continuum of T. longicaudatus May 1986) and subsequently in both ponds
densities was found during the autumn; mayfly (Walton et at. 1990a). The converse was true of
abundance and nymph size distributions were T. tongicaudatus populations in the row F
again associated with tadpole shrimp densities. ponds.
Although these studies are not experimental, The associations among T. tongicaudatus,
when the differences in mayfly abundances and C. caitfomictts.. and other entomofauna indicate
size distributions among the ponds are con- that the negative relationship between tadpole
sidered, along with other evidence, tadpole shrimp and mayfly abundance did not result
shrimps are the most likely cause. from predation on mayflies by carnivorous in-
Differences in the physicochemical constitu- sects and suggest that, at times, the abundances
ents of the water among the ponds were small of odonates and coleopteran larvae are also
and physicochemical factors in our Coachella affected negatively by tadpole shrimps. The
Valley ponds did not limit T. longicaudatus or correlations of C. califomicus abundance with
C catifomictis; tadpole shrimps and mayflies predacious insect abundances were either sig-
were found in ponds at both extremes of the nificantly positive or non-significant.
ranges for physicochemical factors. Bio- Conversely, the associations between
turbation by tadpole shrimps increases water 7". longicaudatus and predatory insects were
turbidity (Anonymous, 1983; Pont & Vaquer, either significantly negative or non-significant.
1986) and might depress dissolved oxygen con- Caltibaetis is ovoviviparous (Edmunds et at.,
centrations. Compared to the physicochemical 1976; Berner & Pescador, 1988), nymphs are
factors in our ponds, however, the physico- recruited directly into ponds and, as evidenced
chemical characteristics of playa lakes in New by the appearance of small-sized nymphs in
Mexico and Texas were more variable between Triops ponds after the tadpole shrimps had
individual lakes and were of little biological disappeared, adult mayflies probably disperse
significance (Sublette & Sublette, 1967). and oviposit widely. Therefore, historical effects
Tadpole shrimp population sizes and distri- can be ruled out and Callibaetis densities in a
bution in the Coachelia Valley ponds are influ- pond at a particular time will depend on the
enced more by season and historical factors magnitude of the Triops hatch. Although
than by differences in the physicochemical C. califomictis was associated negatively with
factors of the water. Scott & Grigarick (1979b) T. longicaudattis and either positively or non-
found that low relative humidities, low pH, significantly with the entomofauna, Catlibaetis
high (29''C) and low (14°C) water temperatures, hageni (Eaton) was not significantly associated
high salinities, and burial by sediments reduced with the ceratopogonid, branchiopod
egg hatch in T. tongicaudattis. In the Coachella (7". longicaudatus, anostracans and con-
Valley ptmds, tadpole shrimps were absent, or chostracans) or notonectid-zooplankton as-
were extremely rare, from November until semblages in Utah rock pools (Dodson, 1987).
Tadpole shrimp predation 153

Prey-choice trials run in the laboratory dance. In the autumn, il may take several weeks
showed that small mayflies (average head- before T. tongicatidatus detectably reduces the
width = 0.44 mm) were consumed more often mayfly populations which recruit during the first
by Triops (average carapace length = 1.37cm) week after flcwding and continue recruitment
than were medium and large C. catifornictis thereafter. As compared to the autumnal study,
nymphs. The distances moved during escape warmer water, greater tadpole shrimp foraging
responses (from minuten pins) were size- rates, lower densities of alternative culicine prey
related. Laboratory studies and limited obser- (Walton tra/., 1990b), and smaller mayfly popu-
vations made during the prey-selection lations in the summer may explain why mayfly
experiments suggest that small mayflies were abundances and size distributions in ponds, with
more susceptible to tadpole shrimps than were and without T. tongicatidatus, differed earlier
larger conspecifics because, after encounters and at lower tadpole shrimp densities (>5 vs.
with T. longicaudatus. small C califomicus 15-20 tadpole shrimps m"^).
nymphs moved relatively short distances and. if Previous studies found that Triops spp. den-
this movement was in the same direction as that sities were often greater ihan 100 individuals
of the predator, small nymphs were easily over- per square metre bul the effects of tadpt>le
taken and captured. Previous studies also shrimps on the co-occurring entomofauna were
suggest that mayfly escape responses are im- not described. Barthelmes (l%3) reported that
portant determinants of prey susceptibility to tadpole shrimp densities in fish pond^ were
predators (Molles & Pietruzka, 1983; Allan between 20 and 266 individuals per square
etal., 1987a, b). metre. In rice fields, T. cancriformis densities
Tietze & Mulla (1989) found that even small reached 300 individuals per square metre: how-
T. tongicaudatus (carapace length = 2.2 mm) ever, tadpole shrimp densities differed among
were carnivorous, consumed small mosquito sampling stations, ranged generally between 13
larvae and that shrimp preference for large, and 180 individuals per square metre, and popu-
fourth instar mosquito larvae increased directly lations declined to zero after 1 month (Pont &
with predator size. For mayflies, predation rates Vaquer, 1986). In our study, T. tongicaudatus
of relatively large tadpole shrimp were low. In densities were less than 100 individuals per
laboratory studies. T. longicaudatus consumed square metre, tadpole shrimp populations also
approximately 2 mayflies h"' at prey densities persisted for nearly 1 month, and the negative
equivalent to natural densities (185 mayflies associations between T. longicaudatus and
m " ) . Tadpole shrimps feed throughout the diel C. catifornictts were evident al comparatively
period (Scott & Grigarick, 1979a) and. if low tadpole shrimp densities.
T. longicaudatus consumed only mayflies, this
amounts to a predation rate of 48 mayfly nymphs
m ^ day ' tadpole shrimp"'. Even at low den- Acknowledg ments
sities (i.e. 2 Triops m ~) and in cool water We thank E. T. Schreiber for his enthusiastic
(21''C). tadpole shrimps could consume more assistance with the laboratory experiments and
than 3()0 mayfly nymphs m ~ week"'. two anonymous reviewers for their very helpful
Obviously, alternative animal and plant comments. This research was supported by the
foods, and size- and tem perature-related differ- University of California Special Funds for
ences in T. longicaudatus foraging rates must Mosquito Research, UNDP/World Bank/WHO
influence the impact of tadpole shrimps on Special Program for Research and Training in
mayfly populations. For example, size-related Tropieal Diseases (TDR), and the Coachella
differences in tadpole shrimp foraging rates and Valley Mosquito Abatement District.
alternative mosquito prey during the 2 weeks
after flooding (Walton etal., 199()b) might have
been important factors which influence the References
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154 W. E. Walton. N. S. Tieize and M. S. MuUa

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Triops longicaudatus (LeConte) (Notostraca:

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