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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

1. Brief Restatement of the Situation and Role:

a. The situation I encountered at Electrical Source (ES) involved a promotional email

campaign that had an oversight, directing customers to another company's
website. As the Marketing Manager at ES, I was responsible for overseeing the
campaign's development, execution, and digital marketing efforts.

2. Human Resource Influence:

a. The situation involving the non-approved link in the email campaign was
influenced by the human resources within the organization, particularly the
Marketing team. The team's structure, including positions such as the VP of
Marketing, VP of Sales, and Brand Marketing Coordinator, played a crucial role in
the decision-making process and review procedures. Within the hierarchical
structure, Kim and Tony conducted a review and approval process to ensure the
appropriateness of the content and images.

However, a breakdown occurred in the human resources aspect when Jessie, the
Brand Marketing Coordinator, scheduled the email to be sent without seeking
further approval or conducting a thorough check. This oversight resulted in a
critical error where customers were directed to another company's website
instead of the intended destination.

Furthermore, it is worth considering Jessie's perspective through the lens of

expectancy theory. It is possible that she overlooked the mistake because it didn't
hold much significance for her, and she might not have been motivated to put in
the effort to double-check or seek additional approval. Expectancy theory suggests
that individuals are motivated by the expectation of achieving desired outcomes
(Bolman, L. G., & Deal, 2021, p. 127). In this case, if Jessie didn't perceive the error
as a significant factor or believe that her actions would lead to substantial
consequences, she might not have felt the need to exert additional effort.

3. Recommendations:

a. To address the situation, an alternative course of action would involve leveraging

the human resources within the organization effectively.

Firstly, enhancing the review and approval process is crucial. This can be achieved
by implementing clear guidelines and protocols, ensuring that all elements of
marketing campaigns, such as links and content, undergo thorough checks before
scheduling. Assigning specific individuals responsible for final reviews will enhance
accountability and accuracy.

Secondly, fostering collaboration and communication among the Marketing team

members is essential. Creating an environment where team members openly
share ideas, provide feedback, and collectively review campaign materials will help
identify potential issues and prevent oversights.

Additionally, providing continuous training and development opportunities for the

team will ensure they stay updated on industry best practices, digital marketing
trends, and quality assurance techniques.

Finally, establishing a culture that emphasizes attention to detail and shared

responsibility will further enhance the effectiveness of the team, ensuring each
member takes ownership of their tasks and understands the impact of their work
on campaign success. By implementing these recommendations, the organization
can utilize its human resources to minimize the risk of errors in future marketing
campaigns. I think that strengthening the review and approval process, fostering
collaboration, investing in continuous training, and instilling a culture of attention
to detail will enable the Marketing team to deliver accurate and high-quality

4. Reflection:

a. Our textbook states that “people and organizations need each other.
Organizations need ideas, energy, and talent, people need careers, salaries, and
opportunities (Bolman, L. G., & Deal, 2021, p. 122).” Reflecting on what I have
learned about the human resource frame, there are several aspects I would
consider doing differently in a similar situation.

Firstly, I would prioritize the development of a strong and supportive

organizational culture. This would involve fostering an environment where open
communication, collaboration, and shared responsibility are encouraged. By
promoting a culture that values input from all team members and creates a sense
of psychological safety, we can enhance the effectiveness of the team and
minimize the likelihood of oversights.

Additionally, I would focus on building stronger relationships within the Marketing

team, making sure each team feels comfortable with tasks. By understanding the
unique strengths and capabilities of each team member, I could effectively
leverage their expertise to ensure thorough checks and verification processes are
in place. Nurturing these relationships would also contribute to a sense of
ownership and accountability among team members, leading to a more diligent
approach in reviewing and approving marketing materials.

Furthermore, I would place a greater emphasis on continuous training and

development initiatives for the Marketing team. This would involve providing
opportunities for skill-building, staying updated on industry trends, and sharing
best practices in marketing. By investing in the professional growth of team
members, they would be better equipped to handle the challenges that arise
during campaign development, including conducting thorough quality assurance

Moreover, I would actively encourage a mindset of learning from mistakes. By

fostering a culture where mistakes are viewed as opportunities for growth rather
than sources of blame, team members would feel more comfortable admitting
errors and working collectively to prevent them in the future.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership
(7th ed.). SanFrancisco, CA: Jossey-Bass


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