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The time was 1980.

A 12-year-old girl named Madison Mitchell showed

interest in baseball. She started to play baseball, and she was really good.
However, when she tried to join a team, she always got declined because she
was a girl, and people thought that girls were weak. She went to her grandma
and asked for help. She got an idea. She wanted to disguise herself as a boy,
and when she did that, she finally got accepted. She continues to play, and her
team is really impressed with her. Should she be able to play as herself without
wearing a disguise?

I think that she should be able to because of various reasons. As long as

she is good enough to join the team, she can. Madison was a bright girl. She
had many interests, but she esteemed baseball with her soul. She used to play
baseball in her neighbor's yard, and her brother encouraged her. She learned
the throw a curveball. She then entered the team, disguised as a boy. All her
teammates were impressed with her.

You may assume "She is a girl and she isn't allowed to, because she will
make the team lose", but if Madison really desired baseball, she would be
willing to take difficulties. It was crucial that she had to dress up as a boy at
first, and she took that risk. She had to wear a Leonard to make her body look
like a boy's. The Leonard jumpsuit hurt her body extensively and gave her
blemishes, she kept running towards her pursuit because she wanted to play.
Yes, Madison was a girl, and she may have lost, but she had a certain method of
playing, and it was unique.

It doesn't matter what gender she is. She was a girl, but it isn't fair if she
is excluded. In 1972, the law for Equal Rights Amendment came out, giving all
sexes equality. The team won't know how she plays if they don't welcome her.
She also liked to dress like a boy too, and she can do it if she desired it.

To conclude, Madison was good enough to play, she took risks, and she
accepted the fact that she wasn't allowed to play as herself, so she dressed up
as a boy. She wore uncomfortable clothing to fit in. She should've been
confident, but she knew she didn't want to risk herself. She was brave to make
her team win by learning quickly. How would you act if you were in this

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