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Simplification Questions for Bank Mains Exam Eng Version


30) 9/13 of 130 + 14/15 of 240 - ? = 18 * 10


Answer with Explanation

1) Answer: C
120% of 175 + 40% of 28
210 + 112 = ? + 121
? = 201

2) Answer: A
45% of 1600 + 30% of 450
720 + 135
x = (855-91)/191 = 4

3) Answer: D
45% of 900 30% of 750 + 60% of 1450 =? 1800
=> 45/100 x 900 30/100 x 750 + 60/100 x 1450 + 1800 =?
=> 405 225 + 870 + 1800 =?
=> 2850 =?

4) Answer: C
1/9 of 6561 4/5 of 1350 + 25% of 8000 = 1/8 of 4800 +?
=> 1/9 x 6561 4/5 x 1350 + 25/100 x 8000 1/8 x 4800 =?
=> 729 1080 + 2000 600 =?
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Simplification Questions for Bank Mains Exam Eng Version
=> 1049 =?

5) Answer: C
10 = (125)(4/3)
(120/3) * 4 + (50/x) 10 = 625
40 * 4 + (50/x) 10 = 625
160 + (50/x) - 10 = 625
50/x = 625 + 10 - 160 = 475
x = 50/475 = 2/19

6) Answer: B

(37/7) * (10/(8 * 74) * 16) = (x/100) * 350

(10/7) = (x/100) * 350
x = 20/49

7) Answer: B

6 = 432/?
? = 72

8) Answer: D
(92/1700)*8500 (80/300)*1500 = (x/100)*950
92*500 80*500 = x*950
12*500 = x*950
x = 120/19 = 6(6/19)

9) Answer: C
(14)7 * (16)-4/((343)2 * (128)-2
27 * 77 * (24)-4/(76 * (27)-2
2(7-16+14) * 7(7-6)
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Simplification Questions for Bank Mains Exam Eng Version
25 * 7 =
x = 256

10) Answer: D
x- 2

x - (126 / 3) * 11 = (25 / 100) * 500 + 289

x - 462 = 125 + 289
x = 414 + 462 = 876

11) Answer: A
10 5/9 5 2/3 + 3 1/6 - 4 1/3 + 4 2/9 = x
x = (10 5+3 4 + 4) (5/9 2/3 + 1/6 1/3 + 2/9)
x = 8 [(10 12 + 3 6 + 4) / 18]
x = 8 (-1/18) = (144 1) / 18 = 143 / 18 = 7 17/18

12) Answer: B
x + 116 = 275 % of 52 + 192 + (11/7) of 84
x + 116 = (275 / 100) * 52 + 361 + (11 / 7) * 84
x + 116 = 143 + 361 + 132
x = 636 116 = 520

13) Answer: C
2 -
(44 + 63 + 29) / (81 27 + 14) = x
x = 136 / 68 = 2

14) Answer: A

(44 /11) * 16 + (5/8) * 120 18 = x

x = 64 + 75 18 = 121

15) Answer: A
[(25/4) + (29/8) + (33/8)] * 3 (20/12) = x2/3
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Simplification Questions for Bank Mains Exam Eng Version
[(50 + 29 + 33)/8] * 3 (5/3) = x2/3
(112/8) * 3 (5/3) = x2/3
42 5/3 = x2/3
121/3 = x2/3
x = 11

16) Answer: B
(12% of 1000 + 60% of 400) * 10 = ? 2
(120 + 240) * 10 = ? 2
?2 = 360 * 10
? = 60

17) Answer: D
[(30 + 20 + 15)/12]/[(6 + 2 + 5)/6] = 29/4 - x
(65/12)/(13/6) = 29/4 - x
5/2 = 29/4 x
x = 29/4 5/2
x = 19/4 = 4 (3/4)

18) Answer: D

(432/108) = 12 * (26/7) * (x/13) * (1/36)
(4 * 36 * 13 * 7)/(12 * 26) = x
x = 42

19) Answer: A
16 % of 200 = x - 93
(841 * 8)/29 (16/100) * 200 + 729 = x
x = 232 32 + 729
x = 929

20) Answer: A
(192 72 203
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Simplification Questions for Bank Mains Exam Eng Version
(361 49) * (8/24) + (x/100) * 150 = 203
(312/3) + (3x/2) = 203
(3x/2) = 203 104
(3x/2) = 99
x = 99 * (2/3) = 66

21) Answer: C

(x/100) * 19 * 75 + 390 = 1188

(x/100) * 19 * 75 = 1188 390
x = (798 * 100)/(19 * 75)
x = 56

22) Answer: A

? = 384/32 = 12

23) Answer: D
?2 2 122) + 16% of 2500
?2 = 225 + 400
?2 = 625
? = 25

24) Answer: B
2 x3 1002
(36% x 450)/9 + 432 + 1002 = (?) 2 x 3
(18 + 1434)/3 = (?)2
(?) = (484)1/2 = 22
Hence, the answer is option B

25) Answer: A
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Simplification Questions for Bank Mains Exam Eng Version
24% of 560 + 54% of 690
134.4 + 372.6 57 = (?)% x 720
(450 x 100)/720 = (?)
(?) = 62.5
Hence, the answer is option A

26) Answer: D
(60% of 75% of 40% of 1200) x 4 + 136 = (?) 3
(3/5 x 3/4 x 2/5 *1200) x 4 + 136 = (?) 3
864 + 136 = (?)3
(?) = (1000)1/3 = 10
Hence, the answer is option D

27) Answer: B
56% of 1200 (43 125% of (720/5) = ?
672 32 180 = ?
? = 460
28) Answer: B
18% of 400 + (20% of 75) * (15% of 80) 9% of 900 = ?
72 + 180 81 = ?
171 = ?

29) Answer: C
19) 80 = ? + 20/100 * 500
21 80 = ?+ 100
? = -159

30) Answer: D
9/13 * 130 + 14/15 * 240 - ? = 18 * 10
90 + 224 - ? = 180
? = 314 180
? = 134

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