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Name: Ivan M. Lusung Week No: 1

Section: HUMMS 11 - St. Anne Subject: Eng. 300

Directions: Write down your answers in the box provided. Your answers must be in
paragraph form with a maximum of 3 paragraphs and have 5 sentences each.

What do you prefer to read academic or non- academic texts? What is your
common purpose for reading those texts? What specific book is your favourite
and why?

I prefer reading non-academic texts. Most resources that is available in our home are these texts
and we do not have access to most academic texts. I like non-academic texts because they are easy to
read and accessible. There are online platforms that provide these resources and are shared in
facebook and other social media sites. If given a chance to read academic texts, I would love too. As
far as I know, we have research subjects in senior high school. It is a right idea to start reading them.

Normally, the purpose of my reading non – academic texts is to have an entertainment and get
information from it. Usually, I read online resources. I also scan newspapers and magazines but not
going into it. I only read things that gets my interests, mostly on topics like travel, online games, pets,
and motorcycles. The information I got from those resources are useful in my daily life. I grow pigeons,
play mobile games and owned a motorcycle. Those things maybe are my reasons why I am drawn into
those resources.

I don’t have specific book that I love. In fact, the books that I have before are only those
textbooks distributed to us by our teachers. If I must choose from those books, maybe I would choose
Filipino books. I love the stories and the lesson from those stories. Right now, with all these
technologies around us, I do not have time to read books. I know that books are like teachers that give
you lessons, but they do not appeal to me anymore. If they are in digital probably I will read them
because they are handy and you can bring them anywhere you go to.

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