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7/9/23, 1:08 PM 4.1 Data Mining and Visualization -



4.1 Data Mining and Visualization

Continuous Assessment 1

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Question 1
Which assumption is not required for linear regression?

Response: Heteroscedasticity

Question 2
Why are Ensemble methods used with decision trees ?

Response: Improve the accuracy and robustness of the predictions

Question 3
Which statement is false about the residuals in linear regression? 1/5
7/9/23, 1:08 PM 4.1 Data Mining and Visualization -

Response: They need not have constant variance

Question 4
When does Multicollinearity occur?

Response: There is a perfect linear relationship between predictor variables

Question 5
The term “heteroscedasticity” refers to:

Response: Unequal variances of residuals

Question 6
Decision trees can be used in customer relationship management (CRM) to:

Response: Segment customers based on their purchasing behavior

Question 7
The CART algorithm stands for:

Response: Classification and Regression Trees

Question 8
What is the cost function used in logistic regression ?

Response: Cross-Entropy Loss

Question 9
The sigmoid function can be used to transform any real-valued number into a range between:

Response: 0 and 1

Question 10
In logistic regression, the term “odds” refers to:

Response: The ratio of the probability of success to the probability of failure

Question 11
One of the advantages of decision trees is:

Response: They do not require any preprocessing of the data 2/5
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Question 12
Which of the following statements is true about linear regression?

Response: It assumes a linear relationship between the predictor variables and the target variable.

Question 13
Regularization in logistic regression helps to:

Response: Reduce overfitting

Question 14
In logistic regression,what is the basis on which the decision boundary separates classes?

Response: Setting a threshold on the predicted probabilities

Question 15
What is the stopping criteria in chaid algorithm?

Response: The chi-squared test statistic does not exceed a predetermined threshold

Question 16
Decision trees are prone to overfitting when:

Response: The tree is too complex

Question 17
What is Entropy used to measure?

Response: The disorder or impurity of a node

Question 18
What is the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is used to detect?

Response: Multicollinearity among predictor variables

Question 19
The logarithm of the odds ratio in logistic regression is used to:

Response: Transform the output of the sigmoid function into a linear relationship

Question 20 3/5
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What is the range to which a Sigmoid function transforms its input?

Response: 0 and 1

Question 21
Which plot is useful for identifying outliers in linear regression?

Response: Scatter plot

Question 22
In the field of finance, decision trees can be employed to:

Response: Perform portfolio optimization

Question 23
The decision boundary in logistic regression is a:

Response: Curve

Question 24
What does the coefficient of determination (R-squared) measure?

Response: The percentage of variation explained by the model

Question 25
How is the Random Forest algorithm improvement over a single decision tree?

Response: Uses bootstrap aggregating

Question 26
What does a correlation coefficient of 0.78 indicate?

Response: There is a strong positive relationship between the variables.

Question 27
What kind of classification problems can logistic regression handle?

Response: Both binary and multiclass classification problems

Question 28
When is the cost function minimized? 4/5
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Response: predicted probabilities are as close to one as possible

Question 29
What does the p-value of a coefficient in linear regression indicate?

Response: The significance of the predictor variable

Question 30
What is the main goal of pruning in Decision Trees

Response: Reduce the complexity and overfitting of the tree 5/5

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