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Good morning, everyone.

Today, we are here to talk about the Gallipoli Campaign, one

of the most significant events in World War I. The campaign took place between April
1915 and January 1916, and it involved the Allied forces' unsuccessful attempt to invade
the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. The aim was to control the Dardanelles strait, a crucial
route to the Black Sea, and open up a new front against the Central Powers.

So, why is this campaign so important? It was a significant moment in the war that
changed the course of history. The Gallipoli Campaign had an enormous impact on
Australia and New Zealand, where it is remembered every year on ANZAC Day. But, it
was also a turning point in the war for the Ottoman Empire, which managed to repel the
Allied forces and gain a significant victory.

Now, let me introduce you to six students who have been working on this project. Each
of them will tell you about a specific aspect of the campaign.

First, we have Adrian, who will talk about the planning and preparation for the

Adrian: Thank you. The Gallipoli Campaign was a massive undertaking that required a lot
of planning and preparation. The Allies had to assemble a fleet of ships and transport
troops from all over the world to the Gallipoli peninsula. However, the planning was
flawed, and the troops were not adequately trained or equipped for the challenges they

Next, we have Wahiba, who will tell you about the landings and the early stages of the

Wahiba: Thank you. The Allied forces landed at several locations on the peninsula,
including Anzac Cove and Cape Helles. The initial landings were successful, but the
troops soon faced fierce resistance from the Ottoman soldiers. The terrain was rugged
and difficult to navigate, and the Allies struggled to make progress.

Thirdly, we have Matthew, who will talk about the role of the ANZACs in the campaign.

Matthew: Thank you. The ANZACs played a significant role in the campaign and suffered
heavy losses. They fought with courage and determination, but they were ultimately
unable to achieve their objectives. The ANZACs' sacrifice is remembered every year on
ANZAC Day, and it is an important part of our national identity.

Fourthly, we have Mahmuda, who will tell you about the impact of the campaign on the
Ottoman Empire.
Mahmuda: Thank you. The Gallipoli Campaign was a significant victory for the Ottoman
Empire, which managed to repel the Allied forces and secure its position in the war. The
Ottoman soldiers showed incredible bravery and resilience, and they managed to hold
off the Allied forces despite being outnumbered and outgunned.

Fifthly, we have Austin, who will talk about the role of the Navy in the campaign.

Austin: Thank you. The Navy played a crucial role in the campaign, but it was ultimately
unsuccessful in its objectives. The naval bombardment of the Ottoman positions was not
as effective as the Allies had hoped, and the Ottoman coastal defenses proved to be

Lastly, we have [ ], who will tell you about the aftermath of the campaign.

[ ]: Thank you. The Gallipoli Campaign was a significant failure for the Allies,
and it had far-reaching consequences. The campaign was a costly and bloody battle that
resulted in the loss of many lives. It also led to the resignation of several high-ranking
military officials and had a significant impact on the war's course.

In conclusion, the Gallipoli Campaign was a significant event in World War I that had a
lasting impact on the countries involved. We hope that our presentation has given you a
better understanding of this important moment in history. Thank you for listening.

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