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A shelf filled with self help books in a room riddled with chaos, defines the story of my life.

Discovering the meaning of life.

It is believed that there is a vibe attached to every individual, which determines his personality. I
differ with this opinion, based on my interaction with a few who are foxes hidden in sheep's wool.
People, therefore; fascinate me, as I find immense disorder in their emotional well-being. However
this disorder is their greatest strength. Feelings, when expressed through the right words, can create
a ripple effect which moves through thousands of light years of building impact. Books, on the other
hand, are incapable of getting attached to even their readers. These darn books don't even give you
tips until you scramble through endless amount of pages to find the one page which really does help
you. Emotionless creatures! They don't mind getting played with.

Emotional attachments come with expectations, which for me are bugs in the complex programming
of human beings. They hinder the normal processing capacity of us humans. Expectations can be
managed through emotional intelligence, as we do need emotions.

They are essential as they differentiate us from rest of the world. Emotions are the key drivers of
creativity, without them we would be operating like nuts and bolts.

Moving with time, learning and creating new things and working at an optimal capacity I was
bombarded with the weight of these expectations which lead me to study humans in a philosophical
context- complex book I tell you. It was not too long, that I managed to come back and that too with
a bang and created over sixteen different scenarios ranging from a simple money=happiness to a
black mirror type of world, quite far fetch I know!

While working on a personal project I encountered a strange phenomenon which determines your
ability to build and construct your ideas. This piece of paper was so powerful that it could halt on my
efforts towards innovating. So I set on the journey to make some of the green ones and soon enough
found out that it's the hardest thing to do especially without a polished skill set.

Along with the art of breaking and making things, I came across this new way to create things. This
gig was different; it created something which cannot be seen but only heard or felt. The strings
vibrated at a certain frequency to create a melody which soothes a troubled heart. Either it was the
break up or the never ending urge to create new things. I was hooked toward learning the art of
strings and creating melodies. It leads me to synchronize music with my working environment hence
fashioning a source of situational motivational. I worked without even having a glance at the clock.
The only time I ever looked at it when I was hungry and it was time to eat, no it was time to cook and
then eat.

Music and humans, the two phenomena which might be contradictory to each other but have a
sharp resemblance with respect to one basic concept, the concept of dreaming. I have been able to
achieve success but this success is in accordance with ambitions I have. There are so many great
achievements which have been done in present era and I might be able to do something that fits in

Though I feel I need my musical needs to be synchronised with my dreams. If I can only find the right
playlist, it would be over for everyone.

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