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Lace Stripe Shrug

Designed By Deborah Helmke

Lace Stripe Shrug
Designed by Deborah Helmke

YARN: Cascade Sateen (100% acrylic; 300 yards [100g]):#3 2(2,2,2,3) skeins.

NEEDLES: Cuffs-US Size2 (2.75mm) straight. Body-US Size 4 (3.5mm) straight and US Size 3 (3.25mm)
straight. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

NOTIONS: Tapestry needle

GAUGE: 17 sts and 7 rows = 4” in 2x2 rib on smaller needles; lacy garland pattern=18 sts and 9 rows on
size 4 needle; waterfall pattern= 21 sts and 7 rows on size 3 needle.
Shrug is worked from cuff to cuff. Keep attention to needle size per pattern.

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS: Length 31”(31”,32”,32”,33”)

2x2 rib
Row 1: k1, *k2 ,p2* k1.
Repeat Row 1 for pattern.

Lacy Garland
Row 1 (rs)-k1, k2tog,*k1, yf, k5, k2tog*, k1, yf, k6, k1.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 purl.
Row 3 k1, k2tog,*yf, k1, yf, k4, k3tog*,yf, k1, yf, k4, k2tog, k1.
Row 5 k1, k2tog,*k1, yf, k1, yf, k3, k3tog* k1, yf, k1, yf, k3, k2tog, k1.
Row 7 k1, k2tog,*k2, yf, k1, yf, k2, k3tog* k2, yf, k1, yf, k2, k2tog, k1.
Row 9 k1, k2tog,*k3, yf, k1, yf, k1, k3tog,* k3, yf, k1, yf, k1, k2tog, k1.

Row 1 (ws)- k3 *p3,k3; rep from*.
Row 2 p3,* k3, yo, p3: rep from*.
Row 3 k3, * p4, k3; rep from*.
Row 4 p3,* k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p3; rep from*.
Row 5 k3,* p2, p2tog, k3; rep from*.
Row 6 p3,* k1, yo, k2tog, p3; rep from*.

With smaller needles, co 54(54,58,66,70) sts.

Cuff: Work 2x2 rib pattern for 5(5, 5, 6, 6) inches, ending with a rs row.

Body: Increase row (ws) with size 4 needles, k1f&b 8(8,13,22,27) times, * k1f&b,m1* rep from * 39
(39,31,23,15) times, k1f&b 7(7,14,21,28) times. Total sts. 147(147,147,155,155).
With size 4 needles, (rs) begin lacy garland pattern, work 3(3,3,3,3) repeats, ending last repeat with row
9. For the 2 largest sizes only, on the last repeat of row 9: k3tog *k3, yf, k1, yf, k1, k3tog*k3, yf, k1, yf,
k1, k3tog, k1. Total sts: 147(147,147,147,153,153).

With size 3 needles,(ws) begin waterfall pattern, work 4(4,4,4,4) repeats, ending last repeat with row 5.
For the 2 largest sizes only, on the last repeat of row 5: k1, m1, k2*p2, p2tog, k3; repeat from * until
last 7 stitches, then p2, p2tog, k2, m1, k1. Total sts 147(147,147,147,155,155).

With size 4 needles,(rs) begin lacy garland pattern, work 3(3,3,5,5) repeats, ending last repeat with row
9. For the 2 largest sizes only, on the last repeat of row 9: k3tog *k3, yf, k1, yf, k1, k3tog*k3, yf, k1, yf,
k1, k3tog, k1. Total sts: 147(147,147,147,153,153).

With size 3 needles, (ws) begin waterfall pattern, work 4(4,4,4,4) repeats, ending last repeat with row 5.
For the 2 largest sizes only, on the last repeat of row 5: k1, m1, k2*p2, p2tog, k3; repeat from * until last
7 stitches, then p2, p2tog, k2, m1, k1. Total sts 147(147,147,147,155,155).

With size 4 needles, (rs) begin lacy garland pattern, work 3(3,3,3,3) repeats, ending last repeat with row

Decrease row (rs), k2tog 8(8,13,22,27) times, k3tog 39(39,31,23,15) times, k2tog 7(7,14,21,28) times.
Total stitches 54(54,58,66,70).

Cuff: Work in 2x2 rib pattern for 5(5,5,6,6) inches. Bind off all stitches.

Block pieces gently. Fold garment in half to form cuff. Sew cuff and an additional 2 inches of garment.
Sew in loose ends.

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