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4000 Essential English Words 3

Unit Word Part

1 arise v
1 benefactor n
1 blacksmith n
1 charitable adj
1 chimney n
1 compensate v
1 encounter v
1 exceed v
1 forge v
1 humble adj
1 iron n
1 ladder n
1 modest adj
1 occupy v
1 penny n
1 preach v
1 prosper v
1 province n
1 satisfaction n
1 sustain v
2 acquire v
2 awkward adj
2 caretaker n
2 deceive v
2 discourage v
2 fake adj
2 hatred n
2 hut n
2 inferior adj
2 lodge n
2 neglect v
2 newcomer n
2 offense n
2 overlook v
2 repay v
2 ridiculous adj
2 satisfactory adj
2 shepherd n
2 venture v
2 wheat n
3 alley n
3 ax n
3 bunch n
3 chore n
3 decent adj
3 disgrace n
3 elbow n
3 grateful adj
3 irritate v
3 kid v
3 loose adj
3 offend v
3 overnight adv
3 persist v
3 pine n
3 scar n
3 sensation n
3 sled n
3 tease v
3 valentine n
4 bloom v
4 compact adj
4 curl n
4 decay v
4 dessert n
4 dip v
4 distant adj
4 eclipse n
4 fairy n
4 grace n
4 leisure n
4 mankind n
4 passion n
4 pillow n
4 pulse n
4 refresh v
4 sneeze v
4 spice n
4 whistle v
4 wool n
5 acquaint v
5 cemetery n
5 curse v
5 disguise n
5 fancy adj
5 flashlight n
5 hood n
5 inhabitant n
5 nourish v
5 pirate n
5 publication n
5 riddle n
5 rot v
5 scare v
5 shortly adv
5 skeleton n
5 spoil v
5 starve v
5 thrill n
5 wicked adj
6 alert v
6 broadcast n
6 bulletin n
6 bump n
6 chop v
6 closet n
6 console v
6 district n
6 drawer n
6 endure v
6 execute v
6 grasp v
6 rear n
6 senator n
6 skull n
6 stir v
6 tap v
6 tremendous adj
6 underneath prep
6 worm n
7 abandon v
7 ambitious adj
7 bark v
7 bay n
7 brilliant adj
7 chin n
7 complaint n
7 deaf adj
7 enthusiastic adj
7 expedition n
7 horizon n
7 loyal adj
7 mayor n
7 mutual adj
7 overweight adj
7 refuge n
7 restore v
7 rub v
7 senses n
7 veterinarian n
8 anniversary n
8 arithmetic n
8 ashamed adj
8 burst v
8 carpenter n
8 coal n
8 couch n
8 drip v
8 elegant adj
8 fabric n
8 highlands n
8 ivory n
8 mill n
8 needle n
8 polish v
8 sew v
8 shed n
8 thread n
8 trim v
8 upwards adv
9 ail v
9 ally n
9 boast v
9 bounce v
9 bully n
9 carbohydrate n
9 crawl v
9 defeat v
9 dial n
9 dominant adj
9 mercy n
9 nod v
9 opponent n
9 quarrel v
9 rival n
9 sore adj
9 sting v
9 strain v
9 torture n
9 wrestle v
10 absence n
10 aloud adv
10 bald adj
10 blanket n
10 creep v
10 divorce n
10 imitate v
10 infant n
10 kidnap v
10 nap n
10 nowhere adv
10 pat v
10 relief n
10 reproduce v
10 rhyme n
10 suck v
10 urgent adj
10 vanish v
10 wagon n
10 wrinkle n
11 abnormal adj
11 bamboo n
11 blossom n
11 compass n
11 dialect n
11 dishonest adj
11 dwarf n
11 ecosystem n
11 fatal adj
11 impatient adj
11 leaf n
11 manuscript n
11 marsh n
11 patience n
11 perfume n
11 pond n
11 proverb n
11 pursuit n
11 recite v
11 wilderness n
12 anticipate v
12 barrel n
12 beam n
12 casual adj
12 caution n
12 contrary adj
12 deliberate adj
12 dissolve v
12 explode v
12 fasten v
12 germ n
12 kit n
12 puff n
12 rag n
12 scatter v
12 scent n
12 steel n
12 swift adj
12 toss v
12 triumph n
13 aboard prep
13 bitter adj
13 bullet n
13 devil n
13 drift v
13 enforce v
13 fountain n
13 harbor n
13 inhabit v
13 march v
13 millionaire n
13 port n
13 sheriff n
13 startle v
13 sweat v
13 trigger n
13 unify v
13 vessel n
13 voyage n
13 worship v
14 apprentice n
14 assure v
14 bandage n
14 bleed v
14 bond v
14 chef n
14 crown n
14 departure n
14 diligent adj
14 emperor n
14 fiber n
14 horrible adj
14 impolite adj
14 kneel v
14 luxury n
14 massive adj
14 panic v
14 priority n
14 robe n
14 scold v
15 affair n
15 assembly n
15 bless v
15 cereal n
15 cheerful adj
15 diameter n
15 exploit v
15 famine n
15 harvest n
15 merry adj
15 nut n
15 pardon v
15 pharaoh n
15 ripe adj
15 roast v
15 routine n
15 scheme n
15 slim adj
15 stove n
15 theft n
16 adolescent n
16 aptitude n
16 compliment v
16 hinder v
16 journalism n
16 jury n
16 justice n
16 liberty n
16 literary adj
16 pharmacy n
16 pill n
16 presume v
16 privacy n
16 punishment n
16 sensible adj
16 slice n
16 sorrow n
16 straw n
16 swell v
16 tidy adj
17 affection n
17 agency n
17 ash n
17 confine v
17 dismiss v
17 erupt v
17 fate n
17 lava n
17 miserable adj
17 navigate v
17 originate v
17 remainder n
17 retrieve v
17 shallow adj
17 slope n
17 span v
17 superstition n
17 sympathy n
17 vibrate v
17 wander v
18 armor n
18 blaze v
18 boom v
18 cliff n
18 flame n
18 independence n
18 invasion n
18 knight n
18 lightning n
18 rebel n
18 retreat v
18 revolution n
18 spear n
18 steep adj
18 summit n
18 thunder n
18 troops n
18 warrior n
18 withdraw v
18 yield v
19 bench n
19 confront v
19 daisy n
19 dispute n
19 horror n
19 incident n
19 mist n
19 object n
19 orphan n
19 plot v
19 pregnant adj
19 rage n
19 revenge n
19 shame n
19 sigh v
19 sneak v
19 spare v
19 stem n
19 supper n
19 tender adj
20 beneath prep
20 cub n
20 dawn n
20 dissatisfied adj
20 ease n
20 evident adj
20 hail n
20 howl v
20 leap v
20 magnificent adj
20 necessity n
20 outcome n
20 pile n
20 profound adj
20 seize v
20 squeeze v
20 supreme adj
20 terrific adj
20 trait n
20 vital adj
21 accustomed adj
21 affirm v
21 astonished adj
21 bang v
21 clan n
21 dim adj
21 emphasis n
21 fable n
21 feast n
21 glow v
21 hollow adj
21 instinct n
21 joint n
21 leak n
21 physician n
21 sacrifice v
21 stiff adj
21 stroke v
21 tragic adj
21 tune n
22 accommodate v
22 circus n
22 coincide v
22 commission v
22 dose n
22 dye v
22 extent n
22 gender n
22 headline n
22 informal adj
22 inquire v
22 messenger n
22 peer v
22 portrait n
22 pose v
22 ranch n
22 steer v
22 stripe n
22 tame adj
22 tempt v
23 aborigine n
23 ban v
23 cautious adj
23 confess v
23 cottage n
23 daytime n
23 desperate adj
23 fade v
23 fierce adj
23 gamble v
23 lawn n
23 mow v
23 outlaw n
23 prospect n
23 purse n
23 rod n
23 seldom adv
23 shave v
23 terrified adj
23 wizard n
24 baggage n
24 bulb n
24 bundle n
24 cattle n
24 flee v
24 graze v
24 greed n
24 herd n
24 initiate v
24 lane n
24 nerve n
24 optimist n
24 parade n
24 pave v
24 phantom n
24 portable adj
24 poster n
24 scratch v
24 symphony n
24 widow n
25 circulate v
25 consequent adj
25 derive v
25 drown v
25 dynasty n
25 fraction n
25 frost n
25 illusion n
25 invade v
25 lieutenant n
25 marine adj
25 merit n
25 navy n
25 polar adj
25 ray n
25 resign v
25 suicide n
25 tremble v
25 underlying adj
25 via prep
26 alter v
26 aside adv
26 autumn n
26 blend v
26 collapse v
26 crush v
26 curve v
26 disgusting adj
26 drain n
26 embrace v
26 envy v
26 fireworks n
26 flour n
26 fuse n
26 ginger n
26 jealous adj
26 paste n
26 receipt n
26 wipe v
26 wire n
27 acknowledge v
27 ambassador n
27 blonde n
27 conquer v
27 drag v
27 exaggerate v
27 heritage n
27 insult v
27 meanwhile adv
27 necklace n
27 noble n
27 precious adj
27 prejudice n
27 rumor n
27 sin n
27 spectacle n
27 stack n
27 suspicious adj
27 tin n
27 vase n
28 ache v
28 arctic adj
28 canal n
28 chemist n
28 chill n
28 congress n
28 dairy adj
28 descend v
28 grocer n
28 hesitate v
28 institution n
28 jog v
28 merchant n
28 poke v
28 postpone v
28 splash v
28 stubborn adj
28 suburb n
28 tide n
28 tragedy n
29 bomb n
29 certificate n
29 circumstance n
29 coffin n
29 cope v
29 criticism n
29 devastate v
29 frown v
29 gaze v
29 glance v
29 grief n
29 groom n
29 license n
29 microscope n
29 nuclear adj
29 portray v
29 rotate v
29 souvenir n
29 submarine n
29 trace v
30 appliance n
30 basin n
30 broom n
30 caterpillar n
30 cupboard n
30 delicate adj
30 emerge v
30 handicap n
30 hook n
30 hop v
30 laundry n
30 pursue v
30 reluctant adj
30 sleeve n
30 spine n
30 stain n
30 strip n
30 swear v
30 swing v
30 utilize v
4000 Essential English Words 3

English Definition

To arise is to happen.
A benefactor is a person who gives money to help someone.
A blacksmith is a person who makes things out of metal.
When someone is charitable, they help people who are in need.
A chimney is a tall pipe used to carry smoke out of a building.
To compensate is to pay someone for the time they spent doing something.
If you encounter something, you meet or come close to it.
To exceed is to be more than something.
To forge is to make or produce, especially with difficulty.
People who are humble do not believe that they are better than other people.
Iron is a strong metal that is used to make many objects.
A ladder is an object that is used to climb up and down things.
If people are modest, they do not think that they are too important.
To occupy a place is to live, work, or be there.
A penny is a coin worth one cent.
To preach is to talk about and promote a religious idea.
To prosper is to be successful or make a lot of money.
A province is a small area that is controlled by a country.
Satisfaction is a feeling you get when you do or receive something good.
To sustain something is to keep it going.
To acquire something is to gain possession of it.
If something is awkward, it is embarrassing and uncomfortable.
A caretaker is a person who takes care of very young, old, or sick people.
To deceive someone is to make them believe something that is not true.
To discourage someone is to make them feel less excited about something.
If something is fake, it is made to look real in order to trick people.
Hatred is a strong feeling of not liking someone or something.
A hut is a house made of wood, grass, or mud that has only one or two rooms.
If something is inferior, it is not as good as something else.
A lodge is a house in the mountains, used by people who hunt or fi sh.
To neglect someone or something is to not take care of it properly.
A newcomer is a person who has recently arrived at a place or a group.
An offense is behavior that is wrong or breaks a law.
To overlook something is to not notice it, or to not realize that it is important.
To repay is to pay back or to reward someone or something.
If something is ridiculous, it is silly or strange.
If something is satisfactory, it is good enough.
A shepherd is a person who protects and cares for sheep.
To venture is to go to a place that may be dangerous.
Wheat is a plant which makes grain. Wheat grain is used to make bread.
An alley is a narrow road behind houses or buildings.
An ax is a tool used to cut wood.
A bunch is a group of the same things.
A chore is a job that you have to do but don’t like.
When something is decent, it is OK or good enough.
Disgrace is a feeling of shame.
The elbow is the middle part of a person’s arm that lets you bend it.
When you are grateful for something, you are happy that it happened.
To irritate means to annoy someone.
To kid is to make a joke to make someone believe something which is not true.
When something is loose, it is not held in place well.
To offend someone means to make them angry or upset.
When something happens overnight, it happens during the night.
To persist means to keep doing something even when it is hard.
A pine is a type of tree that is tall and thin.
A scar is a mark on the skin after a wound heals.
A sensation is a feeling a person gets from their senses.
A sled is a small vehicle that you use on snow.
To tease someone means to laugh at or make fun of them.
A valentine is someone you love or admire with great affection.
When a plant blooms, it makes flowers.
If something is compact, it is smaller than normal.
A curl is a small piece of something with a round shape.
To decay is to be destroyed naturally.
Dessert is a sweet food that you eat after a meal.
To dip something is to put part of it into a liquid for a short time.
If something is distant, it is far away.
An eclipse is an occasion when the moon moves in front of the sun.
A fairy is a small, magic creature with wings.
Grace is a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed and attractive way.
Leisure is time when you do not have to do work.
Mankind is all of the world’s people.
Passion is a very strong feeling of wanting to do something.
A pillow is something that you put your head on when you sleep.
A pulse is the beat of the heart.
To refresh someone is to make them feel less hot or tired.
To sneeze is to suddenly blow air out of your nose and mouth.
A spice is a flavor for food and drinks.
To whistle is to make a sound by putting your lips together and blowing.
Wool is the hair that a sheep has.
To acquaint is to get to know something or someone.
A cemetery is where people are buried when they die.
To curse someone or something is to hope that bad things happen to them.
A disguise is something you wear so people cannot tell who you are.
If something is fancy, it is nicer than normal.
A flashlight is a small electric light that you carry in your hand.
A hood is part of a coat that goes over your head.
An inhabitant is a person who lives in a certain place.
To nourish something is to give it food that it needs to live.
A pirate is a sailor who steals things from other boats.
A publication is something printed, like a newspaper or book.
A riddle is a question that is difficult to answer but meant to be funny.
When something rots, it slowly gets softer and is destroyed.
To scare means to cause one to feel frightened.
If something will happen shortly, it will happen very soon.
A skeleton is the bones of a body.
If something spoils, it turns bad or rots.
If a person starves, they do not get enough to eat and sometimes die.
A thrill is an exciting feeling.
If something is wicked, it is very bad or evil.
To alert someone is to tell or warn them about something.
A broadcast is a television or radio show.
A bulletin is a news report that talks about very recent and important events.
A bump is a small raised area on a surface.
To chop something means to cut it into pieces with a tool.
A closet is a small room used to store things.
To console someone who is sad means to make them comforted.
A district is a small part of a city, county, state, or country.
A drawer is a small part in furniture that is used to store things.
To endure something tough means to do or go through it.
To execute someone means to kill them as a legal punishment.
To grasp something means to hold it.
When something is in the rear of something, it is in the back.
A senator is someone who makes laws for a state.
A skull is the hard part of your head. Your brain is inside of it.
To stir something means to mix it using something small, like a spoon.
To tap something is to hit it lightly.
When something is tremendous, it is very large.
When something is underneath something else, it is below or lower than it.
A worm is a small animal with a long, thin body.
To abandon something is to leave it forever or for a long time.
If someone is ambitious, they want to be rich or successful.
When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise.
A bay is an area near the ocean where the land goes inward.
If someone is brilliant, they are very smart.
Your chin is the hard part at the bottom of your face.
A complaint is something you say to tell people that you don’t like something.
When someone is deaf, they cannot hear.
To be enthusiastic about something is to be excited by or interested in it.
An expedition is a long trip, usually to a place very far away.
The horizon is where the sky looks like it meets the ground.
To be loyal to something or someone is to agree to always help them.
The mayor is the person in charge of a city.
If something is mutual, it is felt in the same way by two or more people.
If someone is overweight, they are very fat.
A refuge is a place where you go to be safe.
To restore something is to put it back the way it was.
To rub something is to push on it and move your hand back and forth.
Your senses are how you see, taste, hear, feel and smell.
A veterinarian is a doctor that takes care of animals.
An anniversary is a day that celebrates something from the past.
Arithmetic is math.
To be ashamed is to feel upset because you did something wrong or bad.
To burst is to suddenly break open or apart.
A carpenter is a person who builds things with wood.
Coal is a hard black rock that you burn for heat.
A couch is a long, soft seat that many people can sit on.
When a liquid drips, just a little bit falls at a time.
If something is elegant, it is very fancy and pleasing.
Fabric is cloth used to make clothes, furniture, etc.
The highlands are high areas of land, usually with mountains.
Ivory is a white, hard substance that comes from elephants.
A mill is a building where flour is made.
A needle is a small, sharp piece of metal that you use to make or fi x clothes.
To polish something is to rub it in order to make it shiny.
To sew means to put pieces of cloth together using string.
A shed is a small building where you store things like tools.
A thread is a thin piece of string.
To trim something is to cut it a little bit.
If something goes upwards, it moves vertically higher.
To ail a person or group is to cause difficulty or pain.
An ally is someone who agrees to help or support you.
To boast is to talk about how good you are.
To bounce is to move something up and away from a surface after hitting it.
A bully is a person who is mean to others.
Carbohydrates are substances in foods like bread that give you energy.
To crawl is to move slowly on your hands and knees.
To defeat someone is to beat them in a game or battle.
A dial is the front of a clock.
When someone or something is dominant, they are stronger than others.
If you show mercy, you choose not to punish or harm someone.
To nod is to move your head up and down.
An opponent is someone who fights against you.
To quarrel is to argue or fight.
A rival is someone that is trying to keep you from getting what you want.
When a part of your body is sore, it hurts.
To sting is to cause pain by pushing a sharp part into the skin.
To strain is to try very hard.
Torture is something that causes you physical or mental pain.
To wrestle is to play a game where you try to push someone to the floor.
Absence is the state of something being away.
If you say something aloud, you say it so that others can hear you.
If someone is bald, they have no hair.
A blanket is a piece of cloth that you use to keep warm or to sit upon.
To creep is to move quietly and slowly.
Divorce is an event in which a marriage is ended.
To imitate someone is to do exactly what they do.
An infant is a baby.
To kidnap someone is to take them illegally.
A nap is a short sleep, usually during the day.
You use nowhere to say that a place or thing does not exist.
To pat something is to hit it softly with your hand.
Relief is a feeling you get when something bad or challenging ends.
To reproduce is to make something exactly how someone else did it.
To rhyme is to have the same sounds at the end of a word.
To suck is to put something in your mouth and try to get flavor out of it.
If something is urgent, it is important and needs to be done now.
To vanish is to go away suddenly.
A wagon is a cart you use to carry heavy things.
A wrinkle is a line on a person’s face that happens as they get old.
If something is abnormal, it is strange or not normal.
Bamboo is a hard plant with thin branches and leaves.
A blossom is a flower or group of flowers.
A compass is a device used to tell what direction one is going.
A dialect is a regional variety of language showing where you are from.
If someone is dishonest, they do not tell the truth.
A dwarf is a creature from stories that often looks like a short, hairy man.
An ecosystem is a group of plants and animals in an area.
If something is fatal, it causes death.
If someone is impatient, they are not able to wait for things.
A leaf is the flat green thing on trees or bushes.
A manuscript is an old book or paper written by hand.
A marsh is a type of wet land covered with grasses and short plants.
Patience is the ability to wait for something without becoming upset.
Perfume is a good-smelling liquid that girls wear.
A pond is a very small area of water.
A proverb is a short saying that tells you something important.
A pursuit is a chase.
To recite something means to repeat or say aloud in front of a group.
A wilderness is an area where no people live.
To anticipate something is to think that it will happen.
A barrel is a round thing that you can keep liquids in.
A beam is a heavy bar.
If something is casual, it is relaxed or simple.
Caution is care and attention in order to avoid danger.
If something is contrary to something else, it is the opposite.
If you are deliberate, you do something on purpose.
To dissolve something is to mix it into a liquid and disappear.
When something explodes, it blows up.
To fasten something is to close it or put it in the correct place.
A germ is something that makes you sick.
A kit is a set of all the things needed to do something.
A puff is a little bit of smoke or steam.
A rag is a small towel.
To scatter something is to make it go in many places.
A scent is a smell.
Steel is a shiny gray metal.
If something is swift, it is fast.
If you toss something, you throw it softly.
Triumph is what you feel when you win or finish something.
When someone is aboard a ship or plane, they are on or in it.
When a person is bitter, they are upset with someone or a situation.
A bullet is a small metal object that is shot out of guns.
The devil is a powerful evil spirit in some religions.
To drift means to be moved slowly by wind or water.
To enforce means to make a person follow a rule.
A fountain is a source of water made by people.
A harbor is an area of water along a shore where boats land.
To inhabit means to live in a certain place.
To march means to walk at a steady pace together with others.
A millionaire is a person who has at least a million dollars.
A port is a place where ships stop to load and unload things.
A sheriff is a police officer who is in charge of a large area.
To startle means to scare someone suddenly.
To sweat means to lose liquid from the body through the skin.
A trigger is the part of the gun that a person pulls to make it fi re.
To unify means to bring people or things together.
A vessel is a large ship or boat.
A voyage is a long journey made on a boat or an aircraft.
To worship means to like and honor a person, thing, or religious figure.
An apprentice is a person who learns how to do a job from a skilled person.
To assure someone is to tell them something is true to make them less worried.
A bandage is a piece of cloth used to stop bleeding.
To bleed is to lose blood.
To bond with someone is to become friends with them.
A chef is a person who cooks in a restaurant.
A crown is the hat worn by a king or queen.
A departure is the act of leaving a place.
If someone is diligent, they work hard and are careful.
An emperor is the leader of a group of countries.
Fiber is a thread of a substance used to make clothes or rope.
If something is horrible, it is very bad.
If someone is impolite, they are rude.
To kneel is to put one or both knees on the ground.
A luxury is an expensive thing that you do not need.
If something is massive, it is very big.
To panic is to feel so nervous or afraid that you cannot think clearly.
A priority is something that is more important than other things.
A robe is a long, loose piece of clothing.
To scold means to criticize one angrily because they have done wrong.
An affair is an event or a thing that happened.
An assembly is a group that is together for the same reason.
To bless is to ask God for protection or help.
Cereal is a food that you mix with milk and eat for breakfast.
If someone is cheerful, they are happy or feel good.
The diameter of a round thing is the length across its center.
To exploit something is to use it for greedy reasons rather than good reasons.
A famine is a long time with little or no food.
A harvest is the act of collecting food from farming.
If someone is merry, they are very happy.
A nut is a hard seed or fruit that comes from some trees and bushes.
To pardon is a way to ask someone to repeat what was said before.
A pharaoh was a king in ancient Egypt.
When a fruit is ripe, it is ready to be eaten.
To roast something is to cook it in an oven or over a fi re.
A routine is a way of doing things that is the same every time.
A scheme is a plan or design.
If something or someone is slim, they are thin.
A stove is a device used to cook food.
A theft is a criminal act that involves someone stealing something.
An adolescent is a young person or a teenager.
Aptitude is a natural ability or skill.
To compliment is to say a nice thing about someone or something.
To hinder is to keep someone or something from doing something.
Journalism is the work of collecting the news to put in newspapers or on TV.
A jury is a group of people that listen to a trial and say if someone is guilty.
Justice is fairness in the way that you treat other people.
Liberty is freedom to do what you want.
If someone or something is literary, it is involved with literature in some way.
A pharmacy is a place where medicine is sold.
A pill is a small object that has medicine inside.
To presume is to believe something is true without being certain.
To have privacy is to be away from other people.
A punishment is something that one must endure for any wrongdoing.
If someone is sensible, they make good decisions.
A slice is a piece from something larger, such as a cake.
Sorrow is a very sad feeling.
A straw is a thin tube that is used to suck liquid into the mouth.
To swell is to become larger and rounder.
When something is tidy, it is clean and in order.
Affection is a feeling of liking someone or something.
An agency is a business or service set up to act for others.
Ash is the grey or black powder created when something is burned.
To confine something is to keep it in one place.
To dismiss something is to say it is not important.
To erupt is for a volcano or something to shoot a hot substance.
Fate is a power that causes some things to happen.
Lava is the hot substance made of melted rock that shoots from volcanoes.
If someone is miserable, they are very unhappy.
To navigate something is to control the way it moves or goes.
To originate somewhere is to start there.
The remainder of something is what is left.
To retrieve something is to find it and get it back.
If something is shallow, it is not deep.
A slope is ground that is not flat.
To span a length of time is to last that long.
A superstition is something magical that people believe is real.
Sympathy is a feeling of being sad for another person.
To vibrate is to shake very hard.
To wander is to walk without going to a certain place.
Armor is metal worn by soldiers to protect the body.
To blaze means to burn brightly or powerfully.
To boom means to make a loud, deep sound.
A cliff is a high and often flat wall of rock.
A flame is part of fire.
Independence is the state of being free from the control of others.
An invasion is an attack by a group from another country.
A knight is a soldier of high rank and skill who usually serves a king.
Lightning is the bright light seen during a storm.
A rebel is a person who fights the government in order to change it.
To retreat means to run away because you have been beaten in a fight.
A revolution is a change to the political system by a group of people.
A spear is a long stick with a blade on one end that is used as a weapon.
If something is steep, then its slope or angle rises or falls sharply.
A summit is the highest part of a hill or mountain.
Thunder is the loud noise heard during a storm.
Troops are soldiers that fight in groups in a battle.
A warrior is a brave soldier or fighter.
To withdraw means to leave a place, usually during war.
To yield something means to give up control of it or to give it away.
A bench is a long seat for two or more people.
To confront a hard situation or person is to deal with it.
A daisy is a small flower with white petals and a yellow center.
A dispute is an argument or disagreement that people have.
Horror is a feeling of being very afraid or shocked.
An incident is an event that is usually not pleasant.
Mist is water that you can see in the air or on a surface.
An object is an inanimate thing that you can see or touch.
An orphan is a child who does not have parents.
To plot is to make a secret plan to do something that is wrong or mean.
When a female is pregnant, she is going to have a baby.
Rage is a very angry feeling.
Revenge is what you do to hurt or punish someone who hurts you.
Shame is a bad feeling about things you have done wrong.
To sigh is to breathe out loudly and show that you are tired or sad.
To sneak is to move quietly so that no one hears or sees you.
To spare something is to give it because you have more than you need.
The stem of a plant is the stick that grows leaves or flowers.
Supper is a meal that is eaten in the evening.
When something is tender, it is soft and easy to chew.
If something is beneath something else, it is under it.
A cub is a baby animal, such as a bear or lion.
Dawn is the time of day when the sun rises.
If you are dissatisfied, you are not happy with something.
When something is done with ease, it is not hard to do.
When something is evident, it is easy to see or understand.
Hail is ice that falls from the sky when rain freezes.
To howl means to make a long, loud sound like a wolf or a dog.
To leap means to jump a long distance.
When something is magnificent, it is beautiful and grand.
A necessity is something that is needed.
An outcome is the end of an action or event.
A pile is a large group of things on top of one another.
When something is profound, it is very intelligent.
To seize something means to grab it quickly or strongly.
To squeeze something means to press it together and hold it tightly.
When something is supreme, it is the highest or best.
When something is terrific, it is very good.
A trait is part of someone’s personality.
When something is vital, it is necessary for life.
When you become accustomed to something, you are in the habit of it.
To affirm is to say that something is true.
If someone is astonished, they are very surprised or shocked.
To bang is to hit something to make a noise.
A clan is a group of relatives or friends.
When something is dim, it does not give out much light.
Emphasis is special attention or importance.
A fable is a short story that teaches a lesson.
A feast is a large meal for many people.
To glow is to make a soft light.
When something is hollow, it has an empty space inside.
Instinct is the natural way that people behave without thinking about it.
A joint is a place of the body where the bones meet, such as the knee.
To leak is to let a liquid or gas pass through a flaw.
A physician is a doctor.
To sacrifice something valuable is to give it up to get something else.
When something is stiff, it is hard to move.
To stroke is to move a hand over something or someone.
When something is tragic, it is connected with death and suffering.
A tune is a song.
To accommodate is to have enough room.
A circus is a traveling show with animals and people.
If two things coincide, they happen at the same time.
To commission someone to do something is to pay them to do it.
A dose is a certain amount of medicine that you take at one time.
To dye something is to make it a certain color by using a special chemical.
The extent of something is how large, important, or serious it is.
Gender is a category that describes being either a boy or a girl.
A headline is the title of a newspaper story.
When something is informal, it is not official.
To inquire about something is to ask about it.
A messenger is one who carries information from one place to another.
To peer at something is to watch it carefully.
A portrait is a painting or photograph of someone.
To pose is to stay in one place without moving.
A ranch is a large farm where animals are kept.
To steer something is to control where it goes.
A stripe is a thick line.
When an animal is tame, it is not afraid to be near people.
To tempt people is to offer them something they want but shouldn’t have.
An Aborigine is a native of Australia before Europeans lived there.
To ban something is to not let people do it.
If you are cautious, you are careful in a dangerous situation.
To confess something is to say that you did it.
A cottage is a small, old house in the countryside.
Daytime is the time of the day when the sky is light.
If you are desperate, you will try anything to do or change something.
If something fades, it gets quieter or darker.
If a person or animal is fierce, they are angry or violent.
To gamble means to play a game that involves winning or losing money.
A lawn is an area covered in grass.
To mow grass is to cut it to make it very short.
An outlaw is a criminal who hides from the police.
A prospect is a possibility that something will happen.
A purse is a bag where women keep money, makeup and keys.
A rod is a thin stick made of wood or metal.
If something seldom happens, it doesn’t happen very often.
To shave means to cut the hairs on your face with a sharp tool.
If you are terrified, you are extremely scared.
A wizard is a man who can do magic.
Baggage is the set of bags that people take with them when they travel.
A bulb is the glass part of an electric light.
A bundle is a number of things that are tied together.
Cattle are cows and bulls, especially on a farm.
To flee means to run away from trouble or danger.
To graze means to eat grass.
Greed is a desire to have more than the things that you need.
A herd is a large group of the same type of animals that live together.
To initiate something means to start it.
A lane is a small road.
Nerve is bravery or the belief that you can do something.
An optimist is somebody who sees the good parts of a situation.
A parade is a celebration when groups of people walk in the same direction.
To pave the ground is to lay material on it to make it easier to walk or drive on.
A phantom is a ghost or spirit.
Something that is portable is able to be moved or carried easily.
A poster is a written announcement that is used to advertise something.
To scratch is to make small cuts with a claw or fingernail.
A symphony is a long piece of music performed by many musicians.
A widow is a woman whose husband has died.
To circulate something is to spread it quickly.
Consequent means happening because of a different situation.
To derive something from another source means to get it from that thing.
To drown is to die from not being able to breathe underwater.
A dynasty is a series of rulers who are all from the same family.
A fraction is a small part of something.
Frost is a white layer of ice that forms during very cold weather.
An illusion is something that looks real, but doesn’t actually exist.
To invade is to take over a place by force.
A lieutenant is a rank in the military or police, or a person with that rank.
The word marine describes something related to the sea.
The merit of something or someone is their good qualities.
A navy is the part of a country’s military that fights at sea.
Polar relates to the cold places on Earth’s north and south ends.
A ray is a line of light that comes from a bright object.
To resign means to quit a job.
Suicide is the act of killing oneself.
To tremble is to shake as a result of cold weather.
When something is underlying, it is a hidden cause of something else.
To travel via something means to travel through or using something.
To alter something means to make a small change to it.
If someone stands aside, they are on or to one side.
Autumn is the season of the year between summer and winter.
To blend is to mix two or more things together so that they become one thing.
To collapse is to fall down suddenly.
To crush something is to press it together so its shape is destroyed.
To curve is to move in a line that bends and does not go straight.
If something is disgusting, it is very unpleasant.
A drain is a pipe that carries away water from a building, such as in a kitchen.
To embrace is to hug.
To envy someone is to wish that you had something that they have.
Fireworks are objects that create colored lights when they are lit.
Flour is a powder made from plants that is used to make foods like bread.
A fuse is a string that you light on fi reworks to make them explode.
Ginger is a spice from the root of a plant. It tastes spicy and sweet.
If you are jealous, you think someone might take something from you.
A paste is a thick and smooth substance.
A receipt is a paper that proves that something was received or bought.
To wipe something is to slide a piece of cloth over it to clean it.
A wire is a thin string made out of metal.
If you acknowledge something, you accept that it is true or that it exists.
An ambassador is a government worker who works in another country.
If someone is a blonde, they have light-colored hair.
To conquer a country means to attack and take control of it.
To drag something means to pull it across the ground.
To exaggerate is to say that something is bigger or better than it really is.
Heritage is the collection of features of a society, such as language and religion.
To insult someone is to say things that will hurt their feelings.
Meanwhile means until something happens or while something is happening.
A necklace is a piece of jewelry that people wear around their necks.
A noble is a rich and powerful person.
When something is precious, it is valuable and important.
A prejudice is an unfair opinion about someone before you get to know them.
A rumor is a story that may not be true.
A sin is something that is wrong for religious reasons.
A spectacle is an amazing sight.
A stack is a pile of different things.
If someone is suspicious of someone else, they do not trust that person.
Tin is a cheap white metal.
A vase is an attractive container where people keep flowers.
If something aches, it hurts.
If something is arctic, it is from far north near the North Pole.
A canal is a path for water to travel through.
A chemist is a scientist who works with chemicals.
A chill is a feeling of cold.
Congress is a group of leaders in a government.
If something is dairy, it is made from milk.
To descend is to go downward.
A grocer is a person who sells food.
To hesitate is to wait for a short time before doing something.
An institution is an organization that works to help a city or group of people.
To jog is to run slowly.
A merchant is a person who sells things.
To poke something is to push it with your finger.
To postpone something is to make it happen later than planned.
When a liquid splashes, it bursts and hits something.
If people are stubborn, they don’t change their minds easily.
A suburb is a small part of a large city.
The tide is the level of the water in the sea.
A tragedy is a very sad event.
A bomb is an object that explodes and destroys large areas.
A certificate is a document that says that something is true or happened.
A circumstance is an event that makes a situation what it is.
A coffin is a box used to bury dead people.
To cope with a difficult or stressful situation means to deal with it.
Criticism is the act of saying that you don’t like or approve of something.
To devastate something means to completely destroy it.
To frown is to make an unhappy look with your face.
To gaze at something means to look at it for a long time.
To glance at something means to look at it quickly.
Grief is the feeling of deep sadness, usually when a person dies.
A groom is a man who is going to be married.
A license is an official document that gives one permission to do something.
A microscope is a device that makes small objects look bigger.
When something is nuclear, it relates to the division or joining of atoms.
To portray something means to describe it or show it in a picture.
To rotate something means to turn it around in a circle.
A souvenir is something you buy to remind you of a place or event.
A submarine is a boat that can go underwater for long periods of time.
To trace something means to follow over it with the eyes or a finger.
An appliance is a piece of equipment used for jobs in the home.
A basin is large bowl for washing things. A sink is sometimes called a basin.
A broom is a brush with a long handle used for cleaning floors.
A caterpillar is a small insect that looks like a worm and eats plants.
A cupboard is a piece of furniture that is used to store food or household items.
If something or someone is delicate, they are easy to break or harm.
To emerge from something means to come out of it.
A handicap is a condition that limits someone’s mental or physical abilities.
A hook is a sharp curved piece of metal used for catching or holding things.
To hop means to jump a short distance.
Laundry is clothes that have been or need to be washed.
To pursue someone or something is to chase or follow them.
If someone is reluctant, they do not want to do something.
Sleeves are the part of a shirt where your arms go.
The spine is the bone that runs up and down the middle of the back.
A stain is a dirty mark that is difficult to clean.
A strip is a long, narrow piece of material or land.
To swear means to promise to do something.
To swing something means to move it back and forth or from side to side.
To utilize something means to use it for a specifi c purpose.

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