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The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent
doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of
the house or building they live in.

What are the reasons for this?

How can people research this?

In some countries, the competition of a housing market markedly has inclined between short terms until
nowadays. Moreover, people’s spending in living also becomes higher and higher because of
government’s failure of the housing market control. This phenomenon makes public to worry about their
asset and financial states based on their house.

I think, in specific countries, this phenomenon is occurred by growing importance of the house as
individual’s asset. By searching about the history of their homes, it is easy to look for some valuable
information that is useful when they sell their houses. For example, one CEO of a company in Korea
bought a new house for his living. However, after he knew that a celebrity had lived in his house for a
while, he decided to sell his house over 150% higher price than he bought. Therefore, this shows the
harsh competitiveness of housing market triggers people’s desire of information of their house’s history.

By the way, how can people acquire this type of knowledge?

First, some people who live in his/her homes can hire experts of housing market. They could search
detail information including previous uses and owners of the house and even the price being sold before.
By researching about their house, they can sell their homes to buyer higher prices than those located
nearby, utilizing this useful information. Second, they can find out their houses in specific Internet
platforms. Due to development of the network and transportation of data, huge number of housing
market platforms provide people to find out historical information about their housing.

Finally, among the reasons why does people find out historical information about their homes such as to
find some interesting things and to enhance the relationship between them and their living conditions, I
assert that people who are not satisfied by their annual income from jobs want to find some way to
make lots of money by trading houses, using useful information about their homes in specific countries.
(329 words / 15 sentences)

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