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Name: Keneth Dave J.

Section: BSN 1 – C
Assessment Diagnoses Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Disturbed After 2 hours of Independent: After 2 hours of
“Hindi ko auditory rendering nursing  Instruct the  Thin rendering
masyadong sensory intervention and patient in washcloths nursing
marinig as perception health teachings the using safe and fingers intervention and
verbalized by related to patient will be able techniques are best for health teachings
the patient” ear to: for cleaning the the patient was
discomfort  To verbalize cleaning ears. Cotton be able to:
Objective: secondary understandi ears tipped  To
 Irritab to surgical ng about  Teach applications verbalize
ility procedure health some non should be understa
due to done teaching verbal avoided to nding
the done gestures prevent about
fluid  To injury to the health
 Impair demonstrate Interdependent: eardrum teaching
ed some verbal  Instruct the  Teaching of done
comm gestures patient to non verbal  To
unica  Interpret have gestures will demonst
tion verbal and routine help the rate
non verbal examinatio patient some
messages n by an understand verbal
audiologist the words gestures
other will  Interpre
utter t verbal
 Exam will be and non
the best verbal
source to message
check for the s
status of the
Assessment Diagnos Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Hearing After 2 hours of Independent:  Make sure After 2 hours of
“Hindi ko loss rendering nursing  Assess communica rendering nursing
masyadong related intervention and patient for tion is not intervention and
marinig as to health teachings signs of too loud for health teachings
verbalized by excessiv the patient will be hearing loss the patient the patient was be
the patient” e noise able to:  Assess that it able to:
exposur  Demonstra patient harms their  Demonstra
Objective: e as te ability to ears te
 Finds evidenc understand understand  Keep understand
difficult ed by ing by a verbal background ing by a
to the verbal, communica noise to a verbal,
answer patient written, or tion minimum written, or
due to signed Interdependent signed
imprope response  Use ear response
r  Determine drops  Use to treat  Determine
hearing the or prevent the
 Weber’s minimal ear minimal
and volume the infections or volume the
Rinne patient can to help patient can
Test hear and remove hear and
shows understand earwax understand
conduc a person a person

Name: Keneth Dave J. Aglibut

Section: BSN 1 – C

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