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Prepositions of place

On: Sobre
In: Dentro de
Under: Debajo de
In front of: Delante de
Next to: Al lado de
Behind: Detrás de
Between: Entre
Near: Cerca de
Opposite: Enfrente de
At: En

Learn the difference

AT - IN - ON
These three prepositions are often difficult to distinguish:
IN: it is used to express that someone or something is inside a place: in a box, in a room, in a shop, in a garden, in a
park, in London, in Italy, in the street, in the sky, in a book, in the sea.
ON: it is used to express that an object or a person is on the surface of another object: on a table, on the floor, on the
wall, on the train, on the bus, on a horse.
AT: it is used to refer to a general location: at the door, at the bus stop, at the desk, at the traffic lights, at the
staion. Note these expressions: at work, at home, at a concert, at a party, at the doctor's, at a football match.
Now look at this study and read the sentences (Note the prepositions)
There is a red lamp on the table
The radiator is under the table
There's a chair between the desk
and the bookcase
The computer is opposite the
The table is in front of the window
There's a picture on the wall
The book is next to the glasses
There are two pens in a pencil
Look at the living room and complete the sentences with the right prepositions

1. The dining table is   a window

2. The coffee table is   two sofas

3. There's a lamp   one of the two sofas

4. The bookcase is   the television

5.   the television there's a DVD player

6. There are some pictures   the walls

7. There are some red flowers   a vase


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