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Instructions for GW2

I. Download data and script available from:

II. Derive crop time series crop map based on applying Google Earth Engine script

1. Log in to the gmail account you used to register to Google Earth Engine.
2. Go to
3. In line 12 set name of the catchment to Cechticky:

var catAreaName = 'Cechticky;

4. On the top of the script window push “Run”. Computation started if you see it running in the
Console window.
5. After computation on the Console is finished:
a. check the computed map,
b. check results and
c. go to Task window and push RUN for saving the accuracy metrics table and stack of
the crop map.
6. Check created files in your Google Drive under the folder called OPTAIN_export. For checking
the map use QGIS or R. The csv table can be opened with several programs, e.g. with Excel.
7. Save derived crop map under “GEE_crop_map” folder.

III. Derive and check soil input data

Use the shared script and data.

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