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Patricia Marquardt

2 July 2023

Argumentative Essay

The Greatest Argument I Will Ever Make: My Life

Arguments are claims made through reasoning (Kirszner and Mandell 736). Most adults have

probably had experience passionately defending their beliefs with a logical piece of information.

Depending on how informed the person is on a certain topic, they might call that passion their

greatest argument. My life is the greatest argument I will ever make. Every time I need to justify

any part of my testable life, I already have all the evidence at my disposal.

First, I would like to expand on how my life already provides me with enough evidence to

make the best argument. My personal experiences make up my life. Those experiences do not

require me to spend time and resources outside what I already have. For example, when I had to

find arguments for a paper about healthcare, I knew I would spend my future time learning about

statistics and reasonable evidence from database sources. I only knew the fundamental debate on

why some people supported free healthcare, but I didn’t know the more intricate reasons.

Although, one could argue that if I were as passionate about healthcare as I was about my life, I

wouldn’t have to spend as much time learning about the topic. However, even if I knew a lot

about it, new studies and realizations are continuously being made. Maybe a new database study

is being conducted that I don’t know about, but I’m always up to date with my life experiences. I

know when I’ve just eaten my ritualistic peanut butter and banana sandwich for the umpteenth

time; and suddenly make a mental note that I will be eating a chicken sandwich from then on out.

Changes in my behavior and thoughts are automatically made known to me.

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Furthermore, my life consists of not only my behavior and thoughts; but also my emotions

and observations. Both types of experiences require self-awareness which I possess. I am more

aware of myself than I am of every other topic I could try to argue. I know the patterns of my

emotions during certain circumstances and times of the month. Sometimes I think I notice when

someone is feels sad, but when I question it, I get told that they are only tired. The reply could be

correct, or perhaps they didn’t feel like expressing their feelings to me. Either way I can’t be sure

when it comes to other people, but I will always understand my feelings and way of thinking. For

example, I have a Glo Worm doll named Wormy; I still take her with me whenever I go on a trip.

Because of that, some people assume that my mind is too childish, but I know myself and my

mind contains curiosity about a wide range of analytical topics. Just by looking at me, most

people don’t assume that, but outside observations and assumptions are not always correct. Some

people could mention that possessing empathy and clear understanding would make any stance

strong, but it could never be as strong than a stance I make of my life. I may be able to empathize

with a person or a sound reason, but to fully embody that feeling or perceive its logic would not

be possible.

Additionally, as far as certainty goes, I’m convinced that my life is the most significant

argument I will ever make. If something is essential, it is naturally easier to create a powerful

stance. My life is not my destination; it is a trial. I will be assessed according to my actions and

love. My way of life will determine where I end up for eternity. The importance I put on it helps

me to pay attention to my experiences and to acknowledge my faults. Undoubtedly, there are

people who know me in person who have seen me be very negative about myself and make

mistakes left and right. Even when I’m not feeling my brightest, somewhere hidden inside of me
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I know that there is more outside the gloomy feeling. I find credibility in God’s Word; that is all I


All things considered, my life is the greatest argument I will ever make because it already

provides me with all the tools I need to make a strong argument. I understand the importance of

my life, and I know myself better than I know anything else. Without my life, I could not make

any other kind of argument.

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Works Cited

Kirszner, Laurie G., and Stephen R. Mandell. Patterns for college writing: A rhetorical reader

and guide. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2018. Canvas.

%20Rhetorical%20Reader%20and%20Guide%20by%20Laurie%20Kirszner%20(z- to an external site.

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