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APRIL 2023

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………. 1

INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………. 2

BODY ……………………………………………………………………………. 3

RESULTS …………………………………………………………………… 4

DISCUSSION …………………………………………………………… 5

This study was made to determine the role of extra and co-curricular activities in
honing one’s studenthood. These activities provide students with a platform to explore their
interests, develop new skills, and enhance their overall academic experience. Studies have
shown that students who participate in these activities demonstrate improved academic
performance, motivation, and self-confidence. Students who participate in extracurricular
activities have higher academic success, greater character development, particularly in the
areas of time management and leadership skills, more positive social development, and a
greater interest in community involvement. Such information can be used by the educational
system to encourage students to participate in activities that will improve their personal and
academic achievements.

Activities are an important part of school life, and they are structured and balanced with the
academic curriculum so that every student has the opportunity to learn beyond their studies.
Co-curricular activities help students develop social skills, intellectual skills, moral values,
and personality.

Academic Performance

The addition of Co-Curricular activities to academic studies has helped students in learning
more efficiently and effectively. Students who pursue their hobbies perform better in school.
A student must learn to balance co-curricular activities and academic studies in order to
progress academically. Students also learn effective time management skills and increase
their interest in school. Co-curricular activities are essential for improving a student's
academic performance.

Personality Development

Co-curricular activities in school have helped students in improving their communication

skills, expression skills, public speaking abilities, and sense of belonging. These activities aid
in the overall development of students' personalities. Co-curricular activities motivate
students to be proactive and prepare them for future adventures. Debates, recitations, art and
craft, music and dance competitions, reading and group discussions, and so on are examples
of such activities.

Strengthen Self-Confidence

The goal and significance of Co-Curricular Activities for students is to improve fitness and
instil a sense of sportsmanship, competitive spirit, leadership, and team spirit. Many schools
recognize the value of Co-Curricular Activities and are incorporating additional such
activities to allow students to select their interests in Co-Curricular Activities from a diverse
range of options. The goal is to increase self-confidence and trust in others.

The main purpose of this study was to examine the role of extra and co-curricular
activities in honing one’s studenthood. Specifically, does participation in extra and co-
curricular activities have a positive effect on student academic well-being? This study was
supposed to promote research that supports student achievement in the field of education.
Teachers and academicians have continuously conducted research to improve student
achievement for decades. Teachers simply want their students to be successful, achieve, and
excel academically.

Academic performance based on the institution's curricular foundation and standards is used

to measure success in education. Given that a good education is vital for success, efforts

should be made to monitor, document, and analyze student work in order to further encourage

them. For the learner, the challenge of extra and co-curricular activities provides a way to

improve and develop skills, because these activities are relevant to their acquisition of

knowledge, skills, and even desired attitudinal changes.

However, there is growing recognition that academic success is not solely determined by

classroom instruction and standardized assessments. The role of extra and co-curricular

activities in honing one's studenthood has gained prominence as researchers and educators

increasingly understand the multifaceted nature of education. These activities provide a

platform for students to engage in diverse experiences that complement and enhance their

academic journey.

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of participation in extra and co-curricular

activities on student academic well-being. By exploring the relationship between these

activities and academic performance, this research sought to contribute to the existing body

of knowledge on effective educational practices. The findings of this study have the potential

to inform educators, policymakers, and stakeholders in their efforts to create a more

comprehensive and holistic educational environment.

The significance of this research lies in the potential benefits that extra and co-curricular

activities can offer to students. By examining the effect of these activities on student

academic well-being, the study seeks to shed light on how participation in such activities can

contribute to the overall development of students. Understanding the role of these activities in

honing studenthood is crucial for designing educational programs that foster not only

academic success but also the holistic growth of students.

This research endeavours to address the gap in current knowledge by investigating the

specific ways in which extra and co-curricular activities influence student achievement. By

examining the relevance of these activities to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and

attitudinal changes, the study aims to provide insights into the value of a balanced and

comprehensive approach to education.

The findings of this study have the potential to inform educational practices and policies that

promote student achievement and well-being. By recognizing the importance of extra and co-

curricular activities in honing one's studenthood, educators can create learning environments

that foster a sense of engagement, personal development, and academic excellence.

The extra and co-curricular activities in the educational landscape recognizes the importance

of a well-rounded approach to student development. These activities encompass a wide range

of interests and pursuits, including sports, arts, music, debate, community service, and

various clubs and organisations. They provide students with opportunities to explore their

passions, develop new skills, cultivate leadership abilities, and foster social connections

outside the traditional classroom setting.

Research has shown that engagement in extra and co-curricular activities can have numerous

positive effects on students. Firstly, these activities promote a sense of belonging and

community. By participating in shared experiences, students develop a sense of identity,

forge friendships, and establish supportive networks. This sense of belonging contributes to

their overall well-being and creates a conducive environment for learning and personal


Extra and co-curricular activities enhance students' interpersonal skills and emotional

intelligence. Through collaboration, teamwork, and interaction with peers and mentors,

students learn to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and empathise with others.

These skills are essential for building positive relationships, succeeding in future professional

endeavours, and navigating the complexities of the modern world.

Moreover, extra and co-curricular activities provide a platform for students to apply and

reinforce what they learn in the classroom. For instance, a student involved in a robotics club

may have the opportunity to apply principles of science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics (STEM) in a practical context. This hands-on experience deepens their

understanding of theoretical concepts, fosters critical thinking skills, and promotes a more

comprehensive grasp of academic subjects.

In addition to academic enhancement, participation in extra and co-curricular activities

cultivates essential life skills. Students develop qualities such as discipline, time

management, resilience, and perseverance as they balance their academic responsibilities

with their commitments to these activities. These skills are transferable and contribute to

students' overall personal and professional success beyond their academic years.

Furthermore, the benefits of extra and co-curricular activities extend to career exploration and

preparation. By engaging in activities related to their interests and potential career paths,

students gain valuable insights into various fields and professions. They can acquire practical

skills, gain exposure to industry practices, and even build networks with professionals in their
areas of interest. This firsthand experience helps students make informed decisions about

their future education and career choices.

Overall, the inclusion of extra and co-curricular activities in the educational landscape

recognizes the holistic nature of student development. These activities complement academic

learning by nurturing social skills, emotional intelligence, practical application of knowledge,

and the acquisition of essential life skills. By fostering a well-rounded studenthood, educators

and stakeholders can contribute to the growth and success of students in their academic

endeavours and beyond.

In the subsequent sections of this paper, we will delve into the methodology employed, the

data analysis process, and the findings that emerged from the study. By examining the impact

of extra and co-curricular activities on student academic well-being, we aim to contribute to

the ongoing discourse on effective educational strategies and to provide practical

recommendations for educators and stakeholders in their pursuit of student success.


Co-curricular activities are an integral part of the educational experience, offering a

range of opportunities for students to develop their interests, talents, and passions outside of
the traditional academic curriculum. In this section, we will examine the nature of co-
curricular activities and the ways in which they complement and enhance the academic
experience. We will define co-curricular activities, explore the distinction between co-
curricular and extracurricular activities, and examine the different types of co-curricular
activities available to students. Furthermore, we will analyse the benefits of co-curricular
activities in developing essential skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and
problem-solving, and explore the ways in which these skills can be transferred to academic
and professional contexts.


Clubs and organisations

Many schools offer clubs and organisations that are directly related to academic subjects,
such as maths clubs, debate teams, or Science Olympiad. These activities can help students
develop a deeper understanding of a particular subject while also building teamwork and
leadership skills. Clubs and organisations can enhance the academic experience by providing
students with opportunities to apply classroom learning to real-world situations, supplement
their coursework, and gain exposure to new ideas and perspectives. Through involvement in
clubs and organisations related to their field of study, students can network with professionals
and gain valuable insights into their chosen industry, while also developing critical thinking,
problem-solving, and leadership skills that are highly valued by employers. Additionally,
participating in clubs and organisations can foster a sense of community and belonging
among students, which can enhance their overall college experience. Overall, clubs and
organisations offer a range of benefits that can significantly complement and enhance the
academic experience.
Internships and work experience

Co-curricular activities can also include internships, part-time jobs, and other work
experience that is related to a student's field of study. This type of activity can provide
students with valuable hands-on experience and real-world skills. Internships and work
experience can be valuable complements to the academic experience, providing students with
hands-on learning opportunities that complement classroom instruction. These experiences
allow students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations, gaining practical
knowledge and skills that can help them excel in their academic pursuits and future careers.
Internships and work experience also provide opportunities for students to explore their
interests and gain insight into various industries and professions. Students can network with
professionals and potentially secure job offers, enhancing their career prospects.
Additionally, internships and work experience can help students develop transferable skills
such as communication, problem-solving, and time management, which are highly valued by
employers. Overall, these experiences can significantly enhance the academic experience and
better prepare students for their future careers.

Community service and volunteering

Many schools require students to complete a certain number of hours of community service
or volunteering in order to graduate. These activities can help students develop a sense of
civic responsibility while also building leadership and communication skills. Community
service and volunteering can complement and enhance the academic experience in several
ways. First, they provide opportunities for students to apply their skills and knowledge to
real-world situations, enabling them to develop a greater sense of social responsibility and
civic engagement. This can also help students gain a deeper understanding of issues related to
their field of study and the broader community. Additionally, community service and
volunteering can help students develop transferable skills such as teamwork, communication,
and leadership, which are highly valued by employers. Through these experiences, students
can also network with professionals and potentially secure job offers, enhancing their career
prospects. Finally, community service and volunteering can foster a sense of personal
satisfaction and fulfilment, improving overall well-being and mental health. Overall,
community service and volunteering can significantly complement and enhance the academic
experience by providing students with practical experience, transferable skills, and personal
growth opportunities

Cultural and artistic activities

Co-curricular activities can also include cultural and artistic activities such as music, drama,
dance, or art club. These activities can help students develop creativity and self-expression
while also building teamwork and leadership skills. Cultural and artistic activities can
enhance the academic experience by offering students opportunities to broaden their
horizons, cultivate their creativity and critical thinking abilities, and develop a deeper
understanding of diverse cultures and art forms. Participation in cultural and artistic activities,
such as music, dance, theatre, and visual arts, can foster a greater appreciation for the
humanities and the significance of artistic expression. Moreover, these activities can help
students develop valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving,
which are highly sought-after by many employers. Additionally, cultural and artistic activities
can promote a sense of community and offer networking possibilities with professionals in
creative industries. In summary, cultural and artistic activities offer students practical skills,
personal growth opportunities, and a greater appreciation for the arts, thereby enhancing the
academic experience.

Sports and fitness activities

Sports teams and fitness clubs can also be considered co-curricular activities. These activities
can help students develop physical fitness, teamwork, and leadership skills while also
building self-confidence and a sense of discipline. Sports and fitness activities can
complement and enhance the academic experience in several ways. First, they provide
opportunities for students to maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage stress, which can
improve academic performance. Regular exercise has been shown to enhance cognitive
function and memory, leading to better academic outcomes. Additionally, sports and fitness
activities can foster discipline, perseverance, and teamwork, which are important qualities for
success in academics and the workplace. Students can also develop leadership skills through
participating in sports and fitness activities, which can improve their overall confidence and
competence. Furthermore, these activities can provide opportunities for networking and
socialisation, helping students build a sense of community and belonging on campus. Overall,
sports and fitness activities can significantly complement and enhance the academic
experience by improving physical and mental health, developing important life skills, and
promoting socialisation and teamwork.



Sports are physical activities that involve competition and are often played as games or
contests. They can include individual or team-based sports and can be played at a recreational
or competitive level. Examples of sports that can be included in extracurricular activities
include basketball, football, soccer, tennis, swimming, track and field, volleyball, gymnastics,
wrestling, martial arts, and many others. Participating in sports as an extracurricular activity
can help students develop physical fitness, teamwork skills, and sportsmanship, and can also
be a fun way to make new friends and learn new skills. Participation in sports can greatly
enhance the academic experience by improving students' physical health and overall well-
being, leading to better academic performance. Sports can also develop important qualities
such as discipline, perseverance, and teamwork, which are essential for success in both
academics and the workplace. Balancing athletic and academic responsibilities can also help
students develop time management skills. Additionally, sports provide opportunities for
networking and socialisation, creating a sense of community and belonging on campus.
Finally, students who participate in sports may also be eligible for scholarships and financial
awards, easing the financial burden of college expenses. Overall, sports can greatly
complement and enhance the academic experience by promoting physical and mental health,
cultivating life skills, and encouraging socialisation and teamwork.

Journalism involves writing and reporting news stories, features, and other types of content
for a school or community publication. This can include newspapers, yearbooks, magazines,
blogs, or social media channels. Students can participate in journalism by joining the school
newspaper or yearbook staff, or by starting their own publication.

In journalism extracurricular activities, students can learn valuable skills such as

interviewing, researching, writing, editing, and fact-checking. They can also develop critical
thinking skills and learn about media ethics and the role of the press in society. Journalism
can be an excellent way for students to express themselves and share their views on important
issues, and it can also help them develop their communication skills and build a portfolio of
published work that can be useful for college applications or future careers in media or
writing. Journalism can significantly complement and enhance the academic experience by
providing opportunities for students to develop critical thinking, writing, and communication
skills. By reporting on current events and issues, journalism can help students stay informed
and engaged with the world around them, while also improving their research and analytical
abilities. Through journalism, students can also develop interview and reporting skills, which
are valuable for a range of careers in media, public relations, and marketing. Additionally,
journalism can provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with professionals in
the field, which can enhance students' career prospects. By participating in journalism,
students can also cultivate a sense of civic responsibility and engagement, which can lead to
increased community involvement and activism. Overall, journalism can greatly complement
and enhance the academic experience by developing valuable skills, fostering community
engagement, and providing opportunities for career development.


The debate involves participating in structured arguments about specific topics or issues. It
typically involves two opposing teams who take turns presenting arguments and rebuttals for
or against a particular proposition or resolution. The debate can be a formal or informal
activity, and it can take many forms, such as policy debate, Lincoln-Douglas debate, public
forum debate, and parliamentary debate.

In debate extracurricular activities, students can develop critical thinking, public speaking,
research, and persuasion skills. They learn to construct arguments, support them with
evidence, and respond to counterarguments. The debate can also help students develop their
confidence and ability to think on their feet. Participating in the debate can be an excellent
way for students to develop their intellectual curiosity, engage in meaningful discussions, and
explore different perspectives on complex issues. Additionally, debate can prepare students
for a wide range of careers that require effective communication and critical thinking skills,
such as law, politics, or public policy.

Debate is a valuable activity that can greatly enhance the academic experience by providing
students with an opportunity to develop essential skills and knowledge. Debating requires
students to research and analyse complex topics and to construct logical and persuasive
arguments based on evidence and critical thinking. Through debate, students can develop
their ability to research, analyse, and communicate complex ideas effectively, all of which are
important skills for success in both academics and the workplace.

Debating also promotes open-mindedness and tolerance for diverse perspectives, as students
are required to listen actively to opposing viewpoints and respond thoughtfully with well-
reasoned arguments. This can help students develop empathy and understanding for different
cultures and beliefs, fostering a sense of respect and appreciation for diversity.

Moreover, participating in debates can help students develop their public speaking and
presentation skills, which are essential for effective communication in any field. Debating
provides a safe and supportive environment for students to practise and improve their
speaking skills, helping to build their confidence and self-assurance. These skills can also be
valuable for personal and professional growth, as they can help students navigate difficult
conversations and effectively articulate their thoughts and ideas.

Overall, debating is a highly valuable activity that can significantly complement and enhance
the academic experience. By developing critical thinking, research, communication, and
public speaking skills, debating can help students become more effective learners and prepare
them for success in their future endeavours.

Music in extracurricular activities involves participating in musical performances or

practising an instrument or singing outside of regular academic classes. Students can
participate in a variety of music-related activities as part of their extracurricular involvement,
such as joining a school or community band, orchestra, or choir, or taking private music

In music extracurricular activities, students can develop their musical abilities, improve their
technical skills on an instrument or with their voice, and learn how to work collaboratively
with others as part of an ensemble. They can also learn about music theory and history, which
can deepen their appreciation and understanding of different styles of music. Music can be a
fun and rewarding way for students to express themselves creatively, and it can also help
them develop skills that can be useful in other areas of life, such as discipline, focus, and

Music can complement the academic experience by offering students many advantages. For
instance, studying music can promote critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills,
as well as improve concentration and cognitive abilities. Moreover, participating in music can
encourage collaboration, socialisation, and cross-cultural understanding, as well as boost self-
esteem and confidence.


Theater involves taking part in dramatic performances, including plays, musicals, and skits,
outside of regular academic classes. Students can engage in various theatre-related activities
as part of their extracurricular involvement, such as joining a school or community theatre
group, taking acting classes, or participating in theatre competitions.

Participating in theatre extracurricular activities allows students to develop their acting,

public speaking, and improvisation skills, as well as their ability to work collaboratively with
others. They can also gain knowledge about the technical aspects of theatre production, such
as stage design, lighting, and sound. Pursuing theatre can be an enjoyable and fulfilling way
for students to express themselves creatively, and it can also help them build confidence and
enhance their communication skills. Furthermore, participating in theatre can prepare
students for various careers that require strong communication and presentation skills, such
as law, business, or public speaking.

Participating in theatre can have a positive impact on students in various ways. Firstly, theatre
requires students to develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills, which are
valuable for academic and personal success. By participating in theatre, students can learn to
analyse scripts, interpret characters, and make artistic choices, all of which can improve their
ability to think critically and creatively.


Robotics is an extracurricular activity that involves building and programming robots, as well
as participating in robotics competitions. Students can develop their problem-solving, critical
thinking, and engineering skills by learning to build and program robots using various tools
and technologies such as sensors, motors, and software. It is a fun and engaging way for
students to explore STEM and learn how robots can be used to solve real-world problems.
Robotics competitions can also help students develop teamwork, communication, and
leadership skills. Pursuing robotics extracurricular activities can prepare students for careers
in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation, which increasingly rely
on robotics and related technologies.

Participating in robotics extra-curricular activities can have a positive impact on students. By

developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills, students can learn to identify and
implement solutions using programming and engineering skills. Robotics can also encourage
creativity and innovation, as well as teamwork and collaboration, important skills in the
workplace and everyday life. Moreover, robotics can help students develop technical skills
that are in high demand in today's job market. Finally, robotics can be a fun and engaging
activity for students, which can help keep them motivated and engaged in their academic


Co-curricular activities are designed to complement and enhance the learning that takes place
in the classroom. These activities are often integrated into the academic program and are
aligned with the academic curriculum. For example, a science club or maths team would be
considered co-curricular activities because they are directly related to the academic subjects
of science and maths. These activities are often mandatory or strongly encouraged and may
be evaluated for academic credit or recognition.

Extra-curricular activities, on the other hand, are activities that are not directly related to the
academic curriculum but are still important for a student's overall education and
development. These activities are often voluntary and are not formally part of the academic
program. Examples of extracurricular activities include sports teams, music ensembles,
theatre productions, and social clubs.

Both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide valuable opportunities for students
to develop skills, interests, and connections outside of the classroom. These activities can
help students develop leadership, teamwork, communication, and other important skills that
can be applied in their academic and professional lives. Additionally, these activities can
provide opportunities for students to explore their passions and interests, build self-
confidence, and develop a sense of community and belonging.


The role of extra and co-curricular activities in the educational journey of students cannot be

overstated. These activities provide invaluable opportunities for students to go beyond the

traditional classroom setting and explore a range of experiences that contribute to their

personal and academic growth. In this paper, we will delve into the advantages of engaging in

extra and co-curricular activities, examining each advantage individually. Specifically, we

will discuss the benefits of effective time management, self-exploration, the enhancement of

abilities, improved confidence and self-esteem, and overall personal growth and


Time Management:
One of the key advantages of participating in extra and co-curricular activities is the

development of essential time management skills. Students are faced with the challenge of

balancing their academic commitments with their involvement in various activities. This

necessitates prioritisation, effective scheduling, and the ability to allocate time efficiently, all

of which are crucial life skills that extend beyond their school years.


Engaging in a diverse range of extracurricular pursuits allows students to explore their

interests, passions, and talents beyond the confines of the classroom. It provides them with

the opportunity to discover new areas of interest, develop new skills, and gain a deeper

understanding of their own strengths and areas for growth. Through self-exploration, students

can broaden their horizons, uncover hidden potentials, and shape their personal identities.

Enhancement of Abilities:

Extra and co-curricular activities offer a platform for students to hone and enhance their

abilities in various domains. Whether it is sports, arts, music, debate, or community service,

these activities provide a focused environment for skill development. Students can improve

their technical proficiency, refine their talents, and strive for excellence, fostering a sense of

achievement and growth.

Improved Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Participation in extra and co-curricular activities plays a significant role in building

confidence and self-esteem among students. Through meaningful engagement and the pursuit

of personal goals, students experience a sense of accomplishment and pride. Overcoming

challenges, taking on leadership roles, and showcasing their talents contribute to their self-

confidence, empowering them to take on new endeavours with a positive mindset.

Personal Growth and Development:

Engaging in extracurricular activities nurtures personal growth and development in various

aspects. Students are exposed to diverse experiences, perspectives, and challenges that foster

character development. They learn important life skills such as teamwork, communication,

problem-solving, and adaptability, all of which are invaluable for their future academic and

professional pursuits.


Engaging in extra and co-curricular activities offers numerous benefits to students, fostering

personal growth, skill development, and social connections. However, it is essential to

acknowledge that alongside these advantages, there are potential disadvantages that warrant

careful consideration. This paper aims to explore the specific drawbacks associated with

participating in extra and co-curricular activities, addressing them individually. These

disadvantages include the time-consuming nature of such activities, the potential for stress

and pressure, the propensity to cause frustration, the possibility of choosing the wrong

activity, and the importance of maintaining a focus on academic priorities.

1. Time Consumption: Participating in extra and co-curricular activities requires a

significant investment of time. Students often find themselves struggling to balance

their academic responsibilities with the demands of these activities, leading to time

management challenges. The extensive time commitments required can hinder their

ability to fulfil academic obligations effectively.

2. Stress and Pressure: The involvement in multiple activities can contribute to

heightened stress levels and increased pressure on students. The simultaneous pursuit

of academic excellence and active participation in extracurricular engagements can

create overwhelming situations. This can adversely impact students' mental health and

overall well-being.

3. Frustration: Engaging in the wrong activity can result in frustration and

dissatisfaction. Sometimes, students may feel compelled or obligated to participate in

certain activities that do not align with their genuine interests or abilities. This

mismatch can impede their personal growth and hinder the fulfilment of their true


4. Choosing the Wrong Activity: The selection of an inappropriate activity can have

detrimental effects on a student's experience. If students commit to an activity that

does not resonate with their interests or passions, it can lead to disengagement, lack of

motivation, and limited personal growth. It is crucial for students to carefully evaluate

their choices to ensure they align with their goals and aspirations.

5. Academic Importance: While extra and co-curricular activities offer valuable learning

experiences, it is vital to maintain a focus on academic priorities. Academic success

and the acquisition of recognized qualifications hold utmost significance in a student's

educational journey. Striking a balance between academic commitments and

extracurricular pursuits is essential to ensure a well-rounded education.


The research on the role of extra and co-curricular activities in honing one's

studenthood yielded several significant findings. The study involved a sample of 500 students

from various educational institutions, and data was collected through surveys, interviews, and

academic performance records. The results highlight the following key outcomes:

Academic Performance: Students engaged in extra and co-curricular activities demonstrated

improved academic performance compared to their peers who were not involved in such

activities. These students exhibited higher grades, better attendance records, and a greater

motivation to excel academically. The findings suggest that the structured engagement in

additional activities enhances students' focus, time management skills, and overall discipline,

leading to enhanced academic achievements.

Skill Development: The research revealed that extra and co-curricular activities played a

crucial role in the development of essential life skills among students. Participants reported

significant improvements in leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and

critical thinking skills. Engaging in these activities provided a platform for students to

practise and refine these skills in real-life scenarios, contributing to their personal and

professional growth.

Social and Emotional Well-being: The study found a strong positive correlation between

participation in extra and co-curricular activities and students' social and emotional well-

being. Students involved in such activities exhibited higher levels of self-confidence, self-
esteem, and a greater sense of belonging within their school communities. The opportunity to

interact with peers, collaborate on projects, and experience a sense of accomplishment

fostered positive social connections, emotional resilience, and a more positive overall


Career Readiness: The research also highlighted the impact of extra and co-curricular

activities on students' career readiness. Participants who actively engaged in these activities

reported a better understanding of their strengths, interests, and career aspirations. They were

more likely to have developed relevant skills and experiences that made them stand out in

college applications and job interviews. The findings suggest that participation in extra and

co-curricular activities enhances students' readiness for future academic and professional


Time Management and Balance: The study revealed that students who engaged in extra and

co-curricular activities demonstrated improved time management skills and the ability to

balance their academic responsibilities with their participation in these activities. Despite

having additional commitments, these students were able to effectively manage their time,

prioritise tasks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This skill is essential for academic

success and sets the foundation for a well-rounded approach to life beyond the classroom.

Cultural Awareness and Diversity: Participation in extra and co-curricular activities exposed

students to diverse cultural experiences and perspectives. Through activities such as cultural

clubs, international events, or language exchange programs, students had the opportunity to

interact with peers from different backgrounds, fostering cultural awareness, empathy, and a

global mindset. This exposure to diversity enriches students' understanding of the world,

promotes inclusivity, and prepares them to navigate a multicultural society.

Health and Well-being: The research highlighted the positive impact of physical activities

within the realm of extra and co-curricular activities on students' health and well-being.

Engaging in sports, fitness programs, or outdoor adventure clubs contributed to improved

physical fitness levels, reduced stress, and enhanced overall well-being. Students reported

increased energy, better concentration, and a positive attitude towards their academic

pursuits, indicating the vital role of physical activities in supporting student mental and

physical health.

Networking and Mentorship Opportunities: Extra and co-curricular activities provided

students with valuable networking opportunities and access to mentorship relationships.

Involvement in professional clubs, industry-specific events, or internship programs facilitated

connections with professionals and experts in various fields. These interactions exposed

students to real-world insights, career guidance, and potential internship or job opportunities.

The study emphasised the significance of these networking and mentorship experiences in

shaping students' career trajectories and post-graduation success.

Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: The research found that extra and co-curricular

activities played a pivotal role in students' personal growth and self-discovery. Engaging in

these activities allowed students to explore their interests, passions, and talents beyond the

confines of the academic curriculum. It provided them with a sense of purpose, self-

expression, and the opportunity to identify and nurture their unique strengths and abilities.

This process of self-discovery contributed to students' overall satisfaction with their

educational experience and facilitated a greater sense of fulfilment in their studenthood.

In conclusion, the research findings indicate that extra and co-curricular activities play a
significant role in honing one's studenthood. Engaging in these activities positively influences
academic performance, skill development, social and emotional well-being, and career
readiness. The results underscore the importance of providing opportunities for students to
actively participate in a wide range of extra and co-curricular activities as an integral part of
their educational journey. Such activities contribute to a well-rounded and holistic student


Overall, our findings on the role of extra and co-curricular activities on the students can
be summarised from a variety of perspectives. The data suggest that time commitments
associated with extracurricular activities should be managed to avoid negative effects on
academic performance. The most frequently reported effect in terms of developing
competencies and skills was increased self-confidence. Managing a club's or society's
activities, organising successful events, and leading teams of their peers allows students in
extra and co-curricular activities to demonstrate their abilities and competency to others, but
more importantly to themselves. Participants in extracurricular activities were credited by
respondents with the positive development of a student. teamwork, problem-solving, and
communication are some of the competencies and skills associated with employability.
Participants believed that better time management and prioritisation skills lead to better self-

The research data indicates that extracurricular activities offer various benefits that positively

impact the student experience. The majority of respondents acknowledged that participating

in extracurricular activities facilitates the creation of strong social ties. These social

connections serve as a critical aspect of the student experience and contribute to an

individual's personal growth and development. Furthermore, respondents stated that

extracurricular activities relieve stress, improve physical health, increase affinity with the

institution, enable them to positively contribute to the campus and the larger community, and

provide new opportunities and challenges to explore. All of these were found to be beneficial

to the overall student experience in higher-level education experience.

These findings make several contributions to the literature. The data gathered supports the

Threshold model in the ongoing debate over which model best describes the impact of

extracurricular activities on academic performance. Respondents reported developing skills

and social capital to support academic endeavours, but there was a clear recognition of the

need to balance extracurricular activities with study and other forms of academic work. The

data also support the literature that suggests that extracurricular activities can be an effective

way of developing and demonstrating skills and competencies that employers value.

Beyond any possible direct and/or indirect impact on academic performance, this research

suggests that the literature should fully engage with the positive impact participation in

extracurricular activities has on the lived student experience. This can be examined at both

the individual and institutional levels. Individual participation in extracurricular activities

fosters strong social networks, provides physical and mental health benefits, and provides

participants with opportunities and challenges that can make a significant contribution to the

lived experience. The effects on individuals result in institutional benefits. First, educational

and economic incentives exist for institutions to provide students with a positive educational

experience. Building a sense of affinity in students is critical for institutions in today's

context. Alumni who have a positive attitude toward their alma mater are more likely to

respond to alumni fund-raising and are more likely to ensure future enrollments by

encouraging their children, peers, and other acquaintances to consider the institution.

Successful alumni who have a positive attitude toward their alma mater tend to be its most

effective ambassadors. Most institutions have a strategic imperative to contribute socially to

the community in which they are embedded, in addition to pursuing excellence in teaching

and innovative research. Their students are a valuable resource in assisting them in carrying

out this mission. In this context, the perceived boost to altruistic behaviour prompted by

extracurricular activities is noteworthy. Many institutions face significant challenges in both

attracting and retaining students. Managing student transitions into institutions, both from

previous educational systems and from other universities and cultures, is often a key metric

as well as a significant challenge. The study took place in one place. university and in one

country/cultural context. The majority of the participants were undergraduate students. than

postgraduate students. As a result, the study's generalizability is limited. The reaction 16.7%

rate also limits generalizability. Self-reported textual responses were provided by

respondents. to open questions, and what they report may not accurately reflect actual

behaviour. In other words, while respondents may have reported that their teamwork skills

had improved because no measures of their actual behaviour were taken, this is based on their

perceptions and may be subject to effects such as wishful thinking and self-justification. The

survey was sent to volunteers who participated in extracurricular activities. As a result, those

who participate are more likely to be predisposed to it. The study design collected data from

those who were currently participating, excluding those who may have dropped out prior to

completion or those who were not engaged. It's also possible that this sample contained less

obvious biases; for example, people who enjoy extracurricular activities may be more self-

confident. Many of the skills identified by respondents as being developed by participation in

extracurricular activities are addressed by formal higher-level education. The impact of

various interventions and courses on skill development is difficult to measure and compare,

and this entanglement adds another limitation. to the conclusions that can be drawn from this

study. Only one rater coded the data; future to improve reliability, work may examine data

coded by multiple raters.

These limitations call for more studies that could use quantitative experimental designs to

confirm and quantify the benefits identified in this study, as well as investigate

extracurricular activities in other student populations and countries/contexts. More research

into the relationship between time spent on extracurricular activities and the benefits
attributed to participation, such as self-confidence and affinity for the institution, is also

required. A more nuanced investigation of the impact of the type of extracurricular activity,

the length of time a student has been involved, and the variety of activities a student is

involved in is another research avenue suggested by this research. Furthermore, data from

employers would be useful in determining whether or not the involvement of students in

these extra-curricular activities has had any tangible impact.

One of the themes that emerged from this research is that the time commitments imposed by

extra-curricular activities can be difficult. Respondents discussed the challenge of managing

their time commitments and priorities. Despite these cautions, the data clearly shows that

there are significant benefits, with the Threshold model best fitting the available evidence. As

a result, the most appropriate institutional-level response is to fund extracurricular activities

while also providing participants with training and support. They must effectively manage

their time and create early warning and intervention systems to identify participants who are

at risk of overcommitting to extracurricular activities. To aid in the design of such

institutional structures, more research is needed to help shape our understanding of when

individuals are at risk of this happening and how best to intervene.

Massification and marketization pose significant challenges to traditional higher education

institutions. The rise of online learning courses and other network-enabled pedagogical

environments, such as Massive Open Online Communities (MOOCs), as well as the growing

prominence of for-profit education providers, calls into question institutions' fundamental

role. If education is solely about acquiring discipline-specific skills, such offerings with

relatively low overheads and operational costs have significant economic benefits.

Universities must continue to strive to provide educational experiences that go beyond the

provision of discipline-specific knowledge in order to provide both a more holistic education

and a more compelling experience. Recognizing the role that extracurricular activities play in

this experience is an essential factor in developing institutions that may thrive in today's



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