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/* Create a Table "employee" */

create table employee(id serial primary key,

name varchar(20) not null,
dept varchar(10) not null,
date_of_joining timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
status varchar(10) default 'Active',
salary real not null,
last_updated timestamp default now());

/* Insert Data into the employee table */

insert into employee (name, dept, salary) values ('Ravi Kiran', 'HR', 40000.00),
('Priya Darshini', 'IT', 25000.00),('Mohan Bhargav', 'IT', 30000.00);
insert into employee (name, dept, salary) values ('Raja Ram', 'HR', 45000.00),
('Shilpa Sharma', 'IT', 25000.00),('Akhil K', 'IT', 35000.00);

/* Retrieve the data from employee table */

select * from employee;

/*To get the total number of records */

select count(*) as number_of_recrods from employee;

/* How many departments are present */

select count(distinct dept) as number_of_depatments from employee;

/* To get the number of people getting salary of more than 30000 */

select count(name) from employee where salary>30000;

/* To get the number of people getting salary of more than 30000 but less than
45000 */
select count(name) from employee where salary>30000 and salary <45000;
select count(name) from employee where salary between 30000 and 45000;

/* Total salaries being paid to employees */

select sum(salary) from employee;

/* Average of the salaries being paid to the employees */

select avg(salary) from employee;

/*Minimum salary being paid */

select min(salary) from employee;

/*Maximum salary being paid */

select max(salary) from employee;

/* Identify the employee who is getting minimum salary */

select name, salary from employee order by salary limit 1;

/* Identify the employee who is getting maximum salary */

select name, salary from employee order by salary desc limit 1;

/* alter table employee to add location column */

alter table employee add column location varchar(20) not null default 'Hyderabad';

/* Update a few employees locations */

update employee set location='Chennai' where name in ('Priya Darshini', 'Ravi
update employee set location='Mumbai' where id = 6;

select * from employee order by id;

/* delete records from a table */
delete from employee where name='Akhil K';

insert into employee (name, dept, salary, location) values ('Akhil K', 'IT',
35000.00, 'Hyderabad'), ('Komal K', 'IT', 50000.00, 'Mumbai');

/* Group By and Having Clauses */

/* number of employees in each location */
select location, count(*) as num_of_employees from employee group by location;

/*number of employees in each location in each department*/

select location, dept, count(*) from employee group by location, dept;

/* number of employees in each location in each department and salary above 35000
select location, dept, count(*) from employee where salary>35000 group by location,
dept ;

select location, count(*) as total from employee group by location;

select location, count(*) as total from employee group by location having count(*)
> 1;

/* Number of People from Hyderabad */

Select location, count(*) from employee where location = 'Hyderabad' group by

Select location count(*) from employee group by location having location =


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