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COURSE: English I

TEACHER: Narda Rebeka, Cumpa Arribasplata


TEAM: Mendivel Mattos, Maria Alejandra (Leader)

Melendez Gordillo, Elizabeth (Monitor)

Michuy Claros, Jashira Jasmin (Note taker)

Lima - Perú
Project: Healthy Habits
● Very well mind Magazine. Why you should take care of your
body and health.

Many will wonder why you should take care of your body and your
health. It is important to take care of ourselves completely in order
to maintain a healthy life without physical or mental problems.
Being so, we must be aware of health problems such as
malfunction, bad habits, daily poor health and stress that we can
generate and how to deal with these problems and combat them.

● Very well mind Magazine. How to build a healthy habit.

Healthy habits could be built if you want them. We can define a
habit as a behavior that is repeated often enough to require less
consciousness to do it. The habits need to be automatic to be
more useful and some characteristics about automatic habits are
that they are efficient, need less awareness, are unintentional and
are less controllable. In lally´s study mencion that making a habit
could take about 18 to 254 days and not always is better the
repetition and action to do stronger habits. Sometimes
establishing a habit could be hard and take more days but if you
still stand the new lifestyle the life will be better.

● News in health Newsletter. Good Sleep for good health.

Sleeping well, improves health and avoids diseases.

Within our daily routine, there are many factors that do not allow
us to have enough sleep, thus creating imbalances that result in
performance, ability to think and react.

Sleeping well improves performance, mood and health. Within the

diseases can be cardiac, cerebrovascular accidents, obesity and

With this we take into account that taking care of our body helps
to improve health, with a healthy routine, and discomfort will be

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