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Guided analysis on the text

The author deftly uses words to arouse a spectrum of emotions in the listener in this heartbreaking
and compelling tribute. It starts off with melancholy and a sense of loss, referring to Jawaharlal
Nehru as a vanished grandeur whose absence leaves the populace feeling gloomy and frigid. Despite
this sadness, Nehru's influence on the populace is described in language that exudes respect and
admiration. His impact is compared to a live flame that he sparked among the people, and he is
portrayed as a man with divine fire who is revered in millions of hearts. Despite their adoration for
Nehru, the speaker makes a point of stressing their modesty and inadequacy when attempting to
pay himtribute. This is because they recognise the contrast between his grandeur and their own
limitations. They demonstrate sympathy for Nehru's sorrows and tribulations, acknowledging the
magnitude of his struggles despite his ability to smile and be pleasant to everyone. As it implies that
Nehru's lessons and vision have left an enduring flame in the hearts of the tribute. This is because
they recognise them towards a brighter future, the text also inspires hope and resiliency. The
audience is asked to experience a sense of pride and gratitude for being affiliated with such a
magnificent figure amid the sense of loss and gloom. Future generations will remember this time
period and those who followed Nehru's example. This will leave a legacy of pride and appreciation
for the chance to study under such an inspiring leader, it is acknowledged. Lastly, this tribute's
language skilfully combines sentiments of fondness, love, empathy, optimism, and pride to create a
stunning tapestry that honours Jawaharlal Nehru's significant influence on India and its people. He
continues to have a profound impact on millions of people, pointing the way forward for future

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