Another Global Issue That Can Be Identified From The Given Text Is The Lack of A Strong Support System For Individuals Facing Difficulties and Crises

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Another global issue that can be identified from the given text is the lack of a strong support system

for individuals facing difficulties and crises. Throughout the story, Marjane goes through a series of
hardships, including false accusations, homelessness, and illness. Despite facing these challenges,
she seems to lack a stable support system to turn to for help.

When Marjane is wrongly accused of theft and feeling lost, there doesn't seem to be anyone she can
trust or rely on for support. She ends up living on the streets, surviving by riding warm buses and
trains until she becomes sick and collapses. It is only after waking up in the hospital that she
remembers someone who owes her money, which provides her with some temporary relief.

The lack of a strong support system is a global issue that affects many individuals, especially those
facing financial hardships, homelessness, and health crises. A supportive network of family, friends,
or social services is crucial for individuals in times of need. Without such support, people can find
themselves trapped in cycles of poverty, vulnerability, and despair.

Addressing this issue requires efforts at both the societal and individual levels. Society needs to
invest in social support programs, affordable healthcare, and safety nets to help individuals during
difficult times. Additionally, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding can encourage
individuals to offer support to those in need within their communities.

This story highlights the importance of building a compassionate and supportive society that helps
its members in times of crisis, offering a safety net to prevent vulnerable individuals from falling
through the cracks

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