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Q1. Why do people prefer democracy? OR Give moral reasons to justify why we prefer

Ans 1. Promotes equality among citizens.

2. Enhances the dignity of the individual.

3. Improves the quality of decision making.

4. Provides a method to resolve conflicts.

5. Allows room to correct mistakes.

Q2. What are the prudential reasons to support democracy?

Ans. 1. Over a hundred countries of the world today claim & practice some kind of democratic

2. They have formal constitutions, they hold elections, they have parties & they guarantee
rights of citizens.

3. While these features are common to most of them, these democracies are different from
each other in terms of their social situations, their economic achievements & their culture.

Q3. Should we blame democracy for socio-economic & political problems?

Ans. 1. If some of our expectations are not met, we start blaming the idea of democracy.

2. The first step towards thinking carefully about the outcomes of democracy is to recognize
that democracy is to recognize that democracy is just a form of govt. It can only create
conditions for achieving something.

3. The citizens have to take advantage of those conditions & achieve those goals.

Q4. What are our expectations from democracy?

Ans. 1. In a democracy , we are concerned about people having the right to choose their rulers
& people having control over the rulers.

2. Citizens should be able to participate in the decision making.

3. The most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces a govt that is accountable
to the citizens & responsive to the needs & expectations of the citizens.

Q5. What is the importance of the cost of time on decision making? OR “ A democratic govt is
efficient & effective.” Analyse the statement

Ans 1. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation & negotiation. So some delay is bound to
take place.

2. A govt. that may take decisions very fast. May take decisions that are not accepted by the
people & may face problems

3. In contrast, the democratic govt will take more time to follow procedures before arriving at
a decision. So the decisions taken maybe more acceptable to the people & more effective. So
the cost of time is worth it in a democracy.

Q6 "Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms & procedures”. Explain.
OR How much transparency is there in democracy as compared to other govts ?

Ans 1. If a citizen wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures then
can find this out. A citizen has the right to examine the process of decision making. This is
known as transparency.

2. This factor is often missing from a no-democratic govt. Therefore when we are trying to find
out the outcomes of democracy, it is right to expect democracy to produce a govt that follows
procedures & is accountable to the people.

3.The democratic govt develops a mechanisms( device) for citizens to hold the govt accountable
& for citizens to take part in the decision making.

Q 7. How can democracy be measured on the basis of its expected outcome? OR What are the
practices & Institutions which ensure accountability of the govt?

Ans 1. To hold regular,free & fair elections.

2. Open public debate on major policies &legislations.

3. Citizens should be given Right to Information about the govt & its functioning.

Q 8. The actual performance of democracies show a mixed record. Explain

Ans. 1. Democracies had great success in setting up regular & free elections & holding open
public debate. But most democracies fall short of providing a fair chance to everyone & in
subjecting every decision to public debate.
2. Democratic govts do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with

3. All one can say is that democratic rule is much better that non-democratic rule in these

Q9. “ Democracy is a govt that is attentive to the needs of the people & demands of the people
& is largely free of corruption.”Comment.

Ans. 1. Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people & often ignore the demands of a
majority of its population.

2. The routine tales of corruption are enough to convince us that democracy is not free from
this evil.

3. At the same time, there is nothing to show that non-democracies are less corrupt or more
sensitive to the people.

Q 10. In what respect is democratic government better than its alternatives?

Ans 1. Democratic govt is legitimate govt. It may be slow, less efficient, not always responsive
or clean. But it’s always people’s own govt.

2. There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world. The support
exists in countries with democratic rule as well as countries without democratic rule.

3. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. They also believe that
democracy is suitable for their country. Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is itself
an outcome that cannot be ignored

Q 11. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive & legitimate government? OR
How can we assess the political outcomes of democracy?

Ans 1. IT IS A LEGITIMATE FORM OF GOVERNMENT :- Democratic govt is a legitimate govt. it is

people’s own govt & the people wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. This
ensures participation of the people, legitimacy(conformity of the law/to rule) & stability of the

2. IT IS ACCOUNTABLE & RESPONSIVE FORM OF GOVT :- In a democracy, we are most

concerned with ensuring that people will have the right to choose their rulers & people have
control over the rulers. Therefore, the most basic outcome of democracy should be that it
produces a govt that is accountable to the citizens & responsive to the needs & expectations of
the citizens.
3. IT IS BASED ON DELIBERATIONS & DISCUSSIONS :-It also ensures that the decision making
will be based on certain norms & procedures. This results in greater acceptability by the people
& more effectiveness.

Q 12. “ Evidence shows that in practice many democracies did not fulfil the expectation of
producing the economic development in the country.” Explain.

Ans 1.If we consider all democracies & all dictatorships for the 50 years between 1950 & 2000 ,
dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth.

2. Economic development depends on several factors:- a) country’s population size b) global

situation c) cooperation from other countries d) economic priorities adopted by the country.

3. However the rates of economic development between less developed countries with
dictatorships & democracies is negligible.(unimportant)

4. We cannot say that democracy is a guarantee of economic development. But we can expect
democracy not to lag behind dictatorships in this respect.

5. When such significant difference is the rates of economic growth between countries under
dictatorship & democracy, it is better to prefer democracy as it has other positive outcomes.

Q13. What are the factors on which economic development of a country depends on?

Ans Refer to answer 12 point no 2.

Q14. Are democracies based on political equalities?

Ans. Democracy is based on political equality:- a) All Citizens have equal role in electing

b).Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into the political arena, we find growing
economic inequalities.

c) Citizens have to take part in the decision matters.

Q15. “Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.”

Analyse the statement.

Ans. 1. A small number of ultra-rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth & incomes.
Not only that, their share in the total income of the country has been increasing.

2. Those at the bottom of the society have very little to depend upon. Their income have been
3. Sometimes they find it difficult to meet the basic needs of life, such as food, clothing,
education & health.

Q 16.Do democracies lead to peaceful & harmonious life among citizens ? OR What are the
conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?

Ans 1. COMPETITIVE PROCEDURE:-Democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct their

competition. This reduces the possibility of these tensions becoming Violent.

2. MECHANISMS TO NEGOTIATE:- No society can fully & permanently resolve conflicts among
different groups. But we can learn to respect these differences & we can also evolve
mechanisms to negotiate the differences. Democracy is best suited to produce this outcome

3. ABILITY TO HANDLE:-ability to handle social differences, divisions & conflicts is a definite plus
point of democratic regime.

4. GENERAL VIEW:- Democracy is not simple rule by majority opinion. The majority needs to
work with the minority so that the govt function to represent the general view. Majority and
minority opinions are not permanent.

5. RULE BY MAJORITY:- rule by majority community does not become rule by majority
community in terms of religion or race or linguistic groups. It means that in case of every
election,different persons & groups may & can form a majority. Every person must have a
chance of being in majority at some point of time. If someone is barred on the basis of birth,
then the democratic rule ceases to be accommodative

( If the question is asked for 3 marks then club pt 1, 2, & 3)

Q 17. How democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting
dignity & freedom of the individual?

Ans 1. FREEDOM OF THE INDIVIDUAL:- Democracy stands much superior to any other form of
govt in promoting dignity & freedom of the individual.Every individual must be respected by
fellow beings.the passion respect & freedom are the basis of democracy.

It recognizes that all the individuals are equal.

2. DIGINITY OF WOMEN:- ( How has the dignity of women been ensured in a democracy ?)

a) Most societies across the world were historically male dominated societies.Long struggles by
women have created some sensitivity today that respect to & equal treatment of women are
necessary ingredients of a democratic society.
b) That does not mean that women are actually always treated with respect. But once the
principle is recognized, it becomes easier for women to wage a struggle against what is now
unacceptable legally & morally.

c) Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of women, disadvantaged & discriminated
castes for equal status & equal opportunity.

3. EXPECTATIONS FROM DEMOCRACY:- ( “What is the most distinctive about democracy about
democracy is that the examination never gets over.”? Comment.)

a) As democracy passes one test, it produces another test. As people get some benefits of
democracy, they ask for more & want to make democracy even better.

b) That is why, when people are asked about the way democracy is functions, they always come
with more expectations & many complaints.

c) The people are complaining is itself a testimony to the success of democracy. It shows that
people have developed awareness & the ability to expect & to look critically at power holders &
the high & mighty.

d) A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of the democratic
project: it transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizen.

e) Most individuals today believe that their vote makes a difference to the way the govt is run.

Q 18. How are complaints treated as a testimony to the success of democracy? State your
answer by giving examples.
Ans Refer to answer 17 points c,d,e

Example 1 Right to information act brings transparency in the democratic system.

Example 2 Role of the Political Parties, Pressure Groups & Movements in highlighting various


• State three arguments against democracy.

Ans a) Democratic govts take more time in taking decisions as definite norms & procedures
have to be followed. This results in delay & inefficiency.
b) Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people & often ignore the demands of the

c) Elections that are held are at times not free & fair. There are reports of booth capturing,
rigging, violation of model code of conduct.

2) Why is dictatorship preferred over democracy? Or Give arguments in support of


Ans a) In dictatorships rulers do not have to bother about deliberations & negotiations in
assemblies or worry about majorities & public opinion.This results in quick decision making
& successful implementation of plans.

b) They have slightly higher rate of economic growth because definite targets are set for the
implementation of the plans & achieved.

c) They aim at promoting national development & building national pride.

3) “ Democratic form of govt is accused of being inefficient in taking decisions “. Do you

agree with the statement? Give your arguments in favour or against.

Ans. ARGUMENT IN FAVOUR :- If we compare with dictatorship or any non-democratic

form of govt we certainly feel that democratic govt is ineffective in taking quick decisions.
The democratic govt follow definite norms & procedures for arriving at decisions. This
results in:

• Wastage of time’

• Delay in implementation of plans

• Non achievements of the set targets

• Ignoring the demands of the people, various communities & sections of

the society.

AGRUMENT AGAINST: Some people may feel that democracy produces less effective govt.They
also state that in a dictatorship the ruler does not have to bother about deliberation in
assemblies or worry about majorities & public opinion.Hence there is quick decision making &
implementation of decisions taken. It reveals that democratic govts are still more effective
because :

• In a democracy, decisions are based on discussions & negotiations.

• It ensures that decision making follow the norms & procedures. Such decisions
may be more acceptable to the people & more effective.
• People in a democracy have a right to know how decisions are taken. This
transparency keeps the govt alert, under control & accountable
• To the people. This strengthens democracy & sustains people’s faith in
democracy. Hence, democratic govts cannot be said to be less efficient.

Q 4. “ Some people think that democracy produces a less effective govt.” Analyse the

Ans 1. Non-democratic rulers do not have to bother abt deliberation in assemblies or worry abt
majorites & public opinion.

2.They can be very quick & efficient in decision making & implementation.

3. But democracy is based on idea of deliberation & negotiation. So, some delay is bound to
take place.

4. Most democracies fall short of elections that provide a fair chance to everyone.

5. Democratic govts do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with

6. They often frustrate the needs of the people & ignore the demands of the majority.

Q 5. Give arguments to support or oppose the following assertions

a) Industrialised countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become

Ans.Statement is incorrect as we can see examples of India & Zimbabwe. In 1947 India was
included in 3rd world nations but now it is one of the fast growing economies. On the other
hand Zimbabwe was fairly a properous nation,but now it has run ionto huge international debt
under Robert Mugabe's regime.

b) Democracy cant reduce inequality of incomes between different citizens.

Ans. It is incorrect to say that democracy can't reduce inequality of incomes. The Minimum
Wages Act enacted by the govt. will regulate the basic price & has helped to increase the per
capita income of the country making its citzens more properous.

c) Govts in poor countries should spend less on poverty reduction, health, education & spend
more on industries & infrastructure.
Ans This is not wise option, as in poor countries,the people cannot afford health & education
services.If these are provided human resource will develop & a strong foundation will be

d) In a democracy all citizens have one vote ,which means that there is absence of any
domination & conflict.

Ans. This statement in ot true as conflict can be eliminated only in an ideal situtation. in real
democracies though every person has one vote,there are divisions among people.There is
active participation of voters & political parties. There are tensions & conflicts,but can be

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