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Q1Tell us the differences between uncontrolled and controlled components. React, controlled components refer to components that have their state and behavior controlled passed down fram the parent component to update their state and behavior. Uncontrolled components Q2.How to validate React props using PropTypes ans:1.PropTypesany ; The prop can be of any data type, 2 PropTypes.bool : The prop should be @ Boolea PropTypes.string : The prop should be a siring, 5. PropTypes.func : The prop should be a function, 6 Pror Q3 Tell us the difference between nodejs and express js ans:Exoress is a minimal and flexible node. js web application framework, providing a robust set of featur applications. On the other hand, Node, js is detailed as A platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime Q4,What is a custom hook, and why will you create a custom hook? ans:Custom React JS hooks offer reusability as when a custom hook is created, it can be reused easily, w code, It also enhances the rendering speed of the code as a custom hook does not need to he rendered

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