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Example Answer:

The table chart presents the 10 most frequent visitors to Vietnam from 2011 until
(change to “to”) the first quarter of 2019.
It can be seen that 6 out of 10 of these visitors were neighboring countries, and
consistently throughout the period, most of the travelers to Vietnam were Chinese.
In 2011, there were almost 1.5 million Chinese tourists, which figure was triple that of
tourists from Korea, the second in the list. In total, the arrivals from the Asian
countries that were included in the top 10 reached approximately 2.5 million.
Until 2018, the figures generally followed an upward trend. The (suggestion:
compound the prior and the following sentence; change underlined to “but the”)
number of Korean visitors showed the most notable (alternative: “a staggering”)
increase, which was about 700% (add: “more than their number in 2011”).
Nonetheless, Chinese tourists still ranked first, reaching almost 5 million at the end of
that year (to avoid ambiguity, change underlined to “2018”).
Based on the data, it is advisable that Vietnam should continue investing in (remove
“should”; change underlined to “continue to strengthen”) its business and economic
relations with China, China being its number one patron in tourism.

Task Response: 8.0

Coherence and Cohesion: 8.0
Lexical Resource: 8.0
Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 8.0

Estimate score: 8.0

Answer 1

The given table presents the number of tourists in 10 particular (not just any country,
but the top 10) countries who arrived in (change to “visited”) Vietnam in ten years
(superfluous; remove) from 2011 to 2019. It can be seen that the number of visitors
showed an upward trend from 2011 to 2018 but it had a decrease decline (choose
one or the other) from 2018 to the first quarter of 2019.
Looking at the table, (Suggestion: change to “On closer inspection, it can be seen
that”) the figure for visitors in 4 top-ranked countries has a significant increase from
2011 to 2018., (Remove comma [,]) in (change to “In”) 2011, 1,416,804 (no need to
be very specific with the figures; a round-off will do) visitors from China were ranked
first out of the 9 other (change to “among the 10”) countries, compared to South
Korea, which stayed in second rank. In the subsequent 7 (change to “seven”) years,
the number of visitors in China climbed up from nearly 1,500,000 (may be written as
1.5 million) to about 5,000,000 (may be written as “5 million”), while the figure for
South Korea increased to almost 3,500,500 (may be written as “3.5 million”) in 2018.
The number of visitors in all 10 listed countries substantially declined in the third
month of 2019 (irrelevant detail; interpret data until 2018 only). It is witnessed that
the number of visitors in 10th ranked countries, the UK fell rapidly for more than
100,000 visitors (irrelevant; remove). Compared to them, (remove) Australia (insert “,
on the other hand,”) had the same decrease in 2019 in that the number of tourists
plummeted to (“plummeted” means to drop rapidly; change to “dropped from”)
386,934 (round off) to 108,552 (round off). In contrast, since China has the most
significant reduction they still stayed in the first ranked.

Task achievement: 6.0

Coherence & Cohesion: 6.5
Lexical Resource: 8.0
Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 7.0

Estimate Score: 7.0

Answer 2

The given chart gives information about the nationality of top 10 visitors to Vietnam
in the period of 9 (change to “nine”) years from 2011 to 2019. It is obvious (change
to “evident”) that the most frequent tourists were Chinese, while the opposite was
true for the figure of the United Kingdom.
As can be seen in the table (nice! good use of this phrase), the number of Chinese
travelers coming to Vietnam in 2011 was over 1.4 million, which was significantly
higher than that of the rest (change to “other”) countries. It seems that the quantity
of Chinese visitors showed a gradual increase to 1.7 million from 2011 to 2015 before
comparably growing to nearly 5 million in 2018.
In addition, the findings suggest that the data of other countries’ tourists to Vietnam
also steadily rose between 2011 and 2018 with a total of approximately 7.5 million.

Word count: 133

Task Achievement: 6.5

Coherence & Cohesion: 7.0
Lexical Resource: 7.0
Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 7.0

Estimate score: 7.0

Answer 3

The given chart illustrates the number of international visitors to Vietnam from March
2019 back to 2011 (better stated the other way around), focusing on the top 10
countries contributing to Vietnam's tourism industry. Overall, the chart demonstrates
an upward trend in international tourism to Vietnam before the pandemic period,
with some countries experiencing significant changes in visitor arrivals.
China consistently remained the leading source country for tourists visiting Vietnam
throughout the observed period. The number of Chinese tourists steadily increased,
reaching its peak in 2018 with more then (spelling; change to “than”) 4 millions
(change to “million”) people, nearly more than 3 (change to “three”) times the
number of people from Japan at the same time. South Korea secured the second
position in the top 10 source countries. While there was continuous growth in South
Korean visitors, there was a slight dip in early 2019 (irrelevant detail; good grammar
and vocabulary nonetheless).

Word count: 130

Task Achievement: 6.5

Coherence & Cohesion: 8.0
Lexical Resource: 7.0
Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 7.0

Estimate score: 7.5

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