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IELTS Writing Task 1 #173

The bar charts below show the percentages of men and women in employment in three
countries in 2005 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The two charts show the percentages of men and women in employment in three countries in the
years 2005 and 2015. In general, we can see that the percentages of working people increased, with
the proportion of women showing the most significant rise.

In all of the countries covered, and in both years, the number of men in employment was greater than
the number of women. South Korea has the highest rate of male employment – approximately 75% in
2005, rising slightly to about 78% in 2015 – and Canada has the lowest – just over 60% in 2005 and
70% in 2015.

The proportion of women in employment was lower than men in all of the countries covered over the
two years. It was below 50% everywhere in 2005, but the figures had risen by 2015. In Canada, over
half of the women were working, and in Sweden the figure was exactly 50%. In contrast, the number of
South Korean women who were working was only about 35% compared with a percentage which was
more than double for men at over 70%.

(180 words)


The given bar graph illustrates the rate of employed men and women in 3 different countries in 2005
and 2015.

Overall, in both years male employees always seem to be higher than female employees in all three
countries. However, in 2015 there is a certain rise in the rate of female staffs involved in employment

Firstly, in 2005 the rate of employed men was highest in Sweden and lowest in Canada but in 2015,
Canada and Sweden have equal percentage of employment rate of 70%. It is clear that percentage of
employees in Sweden decreased about 9% while Canada had an increase of 10% in the rate. Also,
South Korea had made a decent progress in 10 years as it has the highest rate of male employees
compared to other countries.

In 2005, the rate of women employment in all the countries were less than 50%. But in 2015,
employment rate in Canada crosses 50% and in Sweden the figure is exactly 50%. For South Korea, the
data for women is nearly half the data for men.

(178 words)
IELTS Writing Task 1 #174

The graph shows the number of visitors to four international museums between 1980 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The line graph shows how many people visited four museums in different countries in the world
between 1980 and 2015.

All in all, the Louvre Museum was the most popular, with between approximately 8 and 9 million
visitors each year. The least popular were the Shenzhen and the London Science Museum, with no
more than 4 million visitors each year.

The number of visitors to the London Science Museum decreased slowly from just over 4 million in
1980 to around 2 million in 2015. By contrast, the visitors to the Vatican Museum increased from just
under 5 million in 1980 to around 9 million in 2015.

In addition, the number of visitors to the Shenzhen Museum stayed about the same over the thirty-five-
year period. They fell from just under 4 million in 1980 to just over 3 million in 2000 and then rose to
just under 4 million again in 2015.

(151 words)


The chart illustrates the quantity, shown in millions, of visitors of four international museums
throughout the period between 1980 and 2015.
To begin with the real figures, the sectors that saw growth with the peak at about 9 millions are Louvre
and Vatican Museums. Although the final number is the same for both exhibition places, Vatican
Museums had been growing relatively sharply since 1980. By contrast, London Science Museum had
had no change within 1980 and 1985, but then it tended to decrease. With its marginal index, At the
and it had got approximately 2 million visitors by 2015 year. Shenzhen,
however, after a decline reported in 2000, possessed a tendency to have
a gradual rise. At the end it peaked at slightly less than 4 million,
following that.
What is the most important to notice, it can be seen that Louvre have never stayed without rocketing in
the whole thirty-five-year period, but in the end, Louvre had the most significant number of people
coming there.
IELTS Writing Task 1 #175

The bar chart below illustrates five different industries’ percentage share of Brazil’s economy
in 2009 and 2019 with a forecast for 2029.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The bar chart shows the actual and projected share of the economy of Brazil held by the five key
business sectors for the years 2009, 2019 and 2029.

Beginning with the real figures, the sectors that saw growth between 2009 and 2019 are Finance,
Fossil Fuels and Food Processing with rises of around 5 percent for the two former and around 10%
for the latter. However, both Tourism and Manufacturing saw falls of around 5% for that period.

Turning next to the projected figures for 2029, only the Finance sector is predicted to see a continued
growth in 2029, again by 5%. Of the remaining sectors, tourism stays at 2019 levels with around 21%
and both Food Processing and Oil, Coal and Gas return to 2009 levels (11 and 26% respectively).
Meanwhile, Manufacturing sees a further drop in its share, falling by a further 10 percent to around 5

Overall, for the period covered, the Finance sector stands out in terms of having the largest share of
brazil’s economy and its share shows continued growth. The big loser is manufacturing, which starts
as the joint smallest sector and sees both real and projected falls.

(195 words)


The main purpose of the bar chart is to provide information about the percentage of five different
Brazilian’s economy sectors during a ten-year-interval between 2009 and 2019, and a forecast for the
next 10 years. Overall, it is perfectly clear to observe that the behavers of bars do not follow a pattern
among the industries, they all look completely different from each other.

The graph illustrates the most significant industry from all this analyzed period, including the
projection, is the Finance, which increases gradually over the years: from a slightly greater than 30% in
2009, to approximately 35% in 2019 and a projection to more than 40% in 2029.

It is interesting to notice that although, the food processing and oil, coal and gas industry presented a
considerably rise in the first ten-year-interval, in the forecast for 2029 both of them will look exactly the
same as they were in 2009: 10% and 25% respectively.
Tourism industry moderately decrease from 2009 to 2019, and will stabilize in the next 10 years. While
Manufacturing industry is falling gradually, to became the least Brazilian economy in 2029, according
to the projection.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #176

The maps show improvements that have been made to a university campus between 2010 and
the present day.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The two maps show the development of a university campus from 2010 to the present day. It can be
seen from the maps that the campus has been improved and extended, with much more student
accommodation and facilities than previously.

Firstly, the number of student accommodation buildings has been increased in number and size. A
previous accommodation block south of the lake has been destroyed and replaced by a new building
for students, which includes shops and offices. In addition, the teaching facilities have been extended.
The previous single teaching block has been changed into a block only for arts subjects and there is a
new building for the sciences to the north of the campus. This has replaced the old university offices.
The lawn and outside seating area which were next to the lake have been removed. The lake,
however, has remained and is still the central point of the campus.

(152 words)

The two maps show the changes that have been made to a university campus from the year 2010 up
to the present. Overall, there are drastic changes that had happened with the facilities and some
establishments were already removed and/or improved in size or numbers.

One notable change in the university campus was the changes in student accommodation facilities, as
there already three big buildings currently compared to only two small buildings in 2010. Also, the
university offices and teaching block were both changed and improved to Science building and Arts
building, respectively. With regards to the student accommodation to the south of the lake, it was
reconstructed to student facilities building where shops and offices are located.

Furthermore, the shops and restaurant to the east side of the lake were removed and was erected with
a new student accommodation facility. Likewise, the lawn and seating area in the lake were removed.
(152 words)

IELTS Writing Task 1 #177

The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The diagram shows the seven most important stages in the making of honey by bees. The process
begins with the honey bees building a hive, and then finishes when the honey is ready to be collected
and used.

Firstly, the bees have to build a container. This is called a hive and it consists of many individually built
cells. Next, the bees leave the hive in order to search for flowers. When they find a suitable flower,
they collect the nectar from it, which is used to make honey.
The nectar is then taken back to the hive where the production process can begin. First, it is put into
cells. Then, following this, the nectar must be cooled down. In order to do this, the bees fan the nectar-
filled cells with their wings. As a result, the nectar loses its water content and then finally, the honey is

(150 words)


The diagram shows the way in which honey is produced by bees. Overall, the process consists of 7
steps before honey is collected. Beginning with bees creating the hive and ending up with a ready
consumed honey.

First of all, bees create their nest called hive, consisting of multiple octagonal shape cells. After that,
bees leaving their hive in order to search flowers and extract their nectar. Following this, bees bring it
back to their hive and fill up the cells in their hive with the previously collected nectar.

In the next stage, bees flap their wings to create airflow within their hive. As time goes by, the water
content in the collected nectar change into gas which the process is called water evaporation. Lastly,
the hive is collected and the nectar which the water content was reduced by evaporation, is ready to be
harvested and put in the jar.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #178

The chart below shows the proportions of graduates from Brighton University in 2019 entering
different employment sectors.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The pie chart illustrates the career choices of Brighton University's 2019 graduates, giving the
percentages who worked in each of various sectors after finishing university. Overwhelmingly, industry
and government were the most popular choices.

Just under half the students went into industry, with service industries attracting more Brighton
graduates than any other sector by far — almost a third (33.0%). About half that number (16.3%) took
jobs in manufacturing.
Politics and public service were the next most popular choice, accounting for nearly a fifth of
graduates. Just over 12% went into politics and a further 5.6% chose the civil service. The other
significant career choices were education (about 15%) and two others: transportation and
warehousing, with 7.8%; and science and technology with 7.3%.

The least popular choices included work in the charitable sector and careers in sport, both of which
were chosen by well under 1% of graduates. Finally, 2.8% entered work in other, unspecified, sectors.

(155 words)


The main purpose of the pie chart is to provide information about the percentages of the various
businesses sector occupied by graduates from Brighton University in the year 2019. From an overall
perspective, we can see that bachelors mostly preferred four employment areas compared to other

It is readily apparent the sector of service industries predominated among others, 33% of graduates
chose to work in this sector. The second-highest employment rate of the business area was the
manufacturing industry with 16.3%, followed by education with 14.7% and politics and government
with 12.1%.

On the other hand, as is presented in the pie chart the two business areas; science and technology and
transportation and warehousing experienced a roughly similar proportion. While the figure was 7.3%
for science and technology, 7.8% for transportation and warehousing. Regarding the sector of civil
service, it was preferred by graduates with only 5.6%. Besides, the percentage of charity, sport and
other sectors was total of about 3.2%.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #179

The graph below shows the percentage of part-time workers in each country of the United
Kingdom in 1980 and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer

The bar chart shows the percentage of people who have part-time jobs in the countries that make up
the United Kingdom, both in 1980 and in 2010. There'has generally been a small increase in part-time
workers from 1980 to 2010, except in Northern Ireland. The graph also shows that England and Wales
have far more part-time workers than Northern Ireland and Scotland.

In 1980, 25% of people in England worked part time. The only country with a greater percentage of
part-time workers was Wales, with around 33% working part time. Both countries saw an increase in
the percentage of people working part time in 2010. In England, the percentage rose to over 30% and
in Wales percentage rose to just over 35%.

Scotland had the smallest percentage of part-time workers in 1980, with just over ten per cent.
However, this rose to almost 20% in 2010 which is a large increase. Lastly, Northern Ireland was the
only country which had a decreasing percentage of part-time workers. In 1980, it had around 15% of
people in part-time work. This decreased by a couple of per cent in 2010.

(187 words)


The given bar graph shows the rate of part time employees in four different parts of Uk from 1980 to

Overall, except for the workers of Northern Ireland, all the people of other countries have shown a rise
in the rate of their works as time continues. Also, Wales and England have the most active part- time
workers in both the eras.

The graph clearly depicts that in 1980, nearly 25% of people worked in England as a part- time worker
but manpower in whales is about 8% higher than that in England. After 30 years, England shows a
greater rise in the rate of workers than that in Whales. But the overall percentage of employees in 2010
still seems to be higher in Wales.

Furthermore, Scotland has the least rate of part time workers with just about 11% while, Northern
Ireland exceeds more than that in the starting year. As time passes by, the percentage of workers
decreases in Northern Ireland in contrary increases twice as that in 1980 in Scotland.

(173 words)

IELTS Writing Task 1 #180

The pie charts compare ways of accessing the news in Canada and Australia.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The pie charts show the principle ways of finding out the news in two different countries, Canada and
Australia. The two nations show broadly similar patterns, though there are some differences, both
significant and minor.

One of the most prominent features of this data is that, while in Canada over a third of people access
the news online, in Australia the figure is more than half, at 52%. It is apparent that viewing the TV
news is popular in both countries, with about two fifths of Canadian population favouring this mode of
delivery and only 3% fewer in Australia. One major difference between Canada and Australia is that
over twice as many people read the news in print in the former, compared with the latter. The figures
are 14% and 7% respectively. Similarly, listening to the news on the radio is preferred by three times
more people in Canada than in Australia.

Overall, it can be said that the high levels of internet use in Australia mean that other methods such as
radio and print are used less in comparison with Canada.

(182 words)


The pie charts compare information about how ways of receiving the news in two different countries.

Overall, we can see that the way of getting news by watching TV is the most popular in Canada, while
online access to news mostly preferred by Australians.

It is readily apparent the percentage of getting news from TV in Canada is experiencing the highest
with 40%, following by the way of online with 36% that is slightly less. By contrast, in Australia, the
figure for online access is the most opt with just over half, is 52%. Moreover, watching TV to receive
news is the second choice for Australians with 37%.

Regarding other ways of accessing, it is noticeable that the proportion of accessing by print is twice in
Canada, compared to those of Australia, with 14% and 7%, respectively. Similarly, the radio is preferred
by Canadians with 7% that is more than triple the figure for Australians which is only 2%. Besides, while
the rate of the non-specified way for Canada is 3%, the rate for Australia is just 2%.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #181

The graph gives information about male and female gym membership between 1980 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The line graph shows male and female gym membership over a thirty-year period. The vertical axis
represents the number of members in units of 1,000. The horizontal axis represents the period from
1980 to 2010.

Overall, the graph indicates that there were greater fluctuations in gym membership among men than
among women. The number of male members started the period at just over two thousand and
reached highs of four thousand in 1985 and five thousand around 2005. The lowest rates were
between 1993 and 1997 and more recently in 2010 when the rate dipped as low as one thousand.

Female gym membership began lower at one thousand, doubled by 1984, and then fluctuated
between two and three thousand for the remainder of the period. When male rates were at their
lowest, female rates were higher. This was particularly true between 1993 and 1997 when over three
thousand women held gym membership.

In brief, there were marked differences in rates of male and female gym memberships in the period

(170 words)


The line graph shows the number of gym membership at men and women from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, as can be seen from the graph, at the beginning of the period men have been the largest share
in a gym membership, later, in the last of the period, women have got the most gym membership.

It is clear from the graph, that men have more gym membership than women, this Status has stayed
from 1980 when the gym membership for men was 2000 until the period between 1990 to 2000,
approximately 10 years when the number of males in gym membership witnessed a sharp decline, the
number has been halved, from almost 4000 to approximately 2000. However, the pointer rose again
from 2000 and 2005, to reach its highest level at about 5000 members, but this doesn't stay long, later,
in the last five years, the membership for men decreased to reach the lowest level, at less than a
thousand gym membership in 2010.

For women, it has been a gradual rise in gym membership round the years, since 1980 when the
members were about a thousand members, then in 1985, the number doubled with about 2000 gym
membership. After that in the period between 1995 and 2005, the numbers approached 3000. Then
from 2005 to 2010, the numbers dropped to nearly 2000.
IELTS Writing Task 1 #182
The bar charts below give information on road transport in a number of European countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant
Model answer
The bar charts give information about methods of travel and commuting times for six European
countries, as well as the average figure for the European Union. From the information, we can see that
car use is highest in Denmark at about 12,500 kilometres per person a year, and lowest in Spain and

Perhaps surprisingly, the Danish also make far greater use of alternative transport than people in other
countries, travelling over 3,000 kilometres a year by bus, tram, metro or bike, which is more than
double the EU average. By comparison, the British and French travel less than a third of that distance
by public transport.

When it comes to commuting times, British drivers spend about 47 minutes each day travelling to
work, which is more than any other country. In Denmark and Italy, on the other hand, where many
more people use public transport, commuting times are significantly lower.

(151 words)


The bar charts compare information about how many kilometres per year Europeans use
private vehicles and public transports in six different countries, and how much time spent on

Overall, we can see that the figure of people who travelled by private vehicle was over the EU average
in all countries with an exception of Germany and Spain, and also while public transports used in
Denmark and Italy more than EU average. Besides, the time of commuting in the UK and Germany was
the higher than others.

As is presented in the first bar graph, the figure for Denmark experienced the highest rate of using a
private car with just over 12000 kilometres per year. By contrast, people who prefer to travel by car in
German and Spain witnessed numbers, that lower than the EU average (10.000), about 9000 and just
above 8000, respectively.

It is readily apparent in the second graph, regarding using public transport ways, people who live in
Denmark used these the most with 3000 kilometres per year, followed by Italy with about 1700,
compared to the figure of EU average, approximately 1200. According to the third graph, however,
Italians spent time commuting the lowest with just over 20 minutes per day, whereas British and
Germans spent time the most, about 45 and 43 minutes per day, respectively

IELTS Writing Task 1 #183

The chart and graph below give information about participants who have entered the Olympics
since it began.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The two charts give information about the gender and number of athletes who have entered the
Games since they started. The bar chart illustrates the number of men and women entering the
Games, whereas the line graph shows the number of participants.

It is evident from the bar chart that, until 2012, there were always significantly more men entering the
Games than women. In 1924 and 1952, there were hardly any women entering the Games, yet in 1952
there were over 4,000 male participants. In 2012, however, the number of female athletes rose
significantly to nearly 5,000, only approximately 1,000 lower than male participants.

The line graph shows a similar trend, with the number of participants increasing throughout the
century. The most significant increase occurred between 1984 and 2012, when the number of athletes
rose from just over 6,000 to over 10,000 in 2012.

To summarise therefore, since 1924 the number of athletes entering the Olympic Games, has
increased dramatically. This is particularly the case for women, who are now represented in nearly the
same numbers as male participants.

(179 words)


The bar chart and line graph compare how many women and men participants enrol in the Olympics
and the number of total participants throughout the period from 1924 to 2012.

Overall, we can see that at the beginning of the period, the difference in the rate of participation in the
Olympics between the two genders was remarkably high, whereas this gap had closed at the end of
the timescale, and we can also see that the number of total participants increased significantly at the
same time.

As is presented in the bar chart the number of men who participated in the Olympics was exactly 3000
in 1924, while the figure for women experienced the lowest with approximately 100. By 2012, both
figures for men and women had witnessed a gradually rising trend. The figure for men had risen to just
under 6000, while the number of women had reached a peak at about 4800. By contrast, the gap in the
number between genders had plummeted to around 1200 participants which was the smallest figure.

It is readily apparent in the line graph the figure for total Olympics participants began at about 3100 in
1924, following roughly 60 years it increased steadily to just over 6000 participants. Moreover, it
increased dramatically from that point to around 10500 participants in 2012.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #184

The chart gives information on the percentage of women going into higher education in five
countries for the years 1980 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The bar chart shows the percentage of females entering higher education in the years 1980 and 2015.
The chart shows the percentages in five countries, the UK, the USA, Australia, South Korea and
France. Overall, the proportion of women in higher education increased in the five countries.

In general, there were more female students in 2015 than in 1980, with more than half of women in
higher education in all of the countries apart from South Korea. In four of the countries, the percentage
of women going into higher education rose.

The most dramatic change was in South Korea, where the percentage doubled from 15% to 30%. The
smallest change was seen in France, where the number increased only from 50% to 54%. The only
country in which there was not an increase was Australia. Although the percentage of Australian
women going into higher education remained the same at 58%, this was the highest in 1980 and equal
highest with the USA in 2015.

(164 words)


This bar chart depicts the percentages of women who were enrolled in higher education in 5
geographic areas, namely UK, USA, Australia, South Korea, and France. It compares the figures in 1980
to those in 2015. With the exception of Australia, it is clear that all the other regions witnessed an
increase in females entering university.

Interestingly, the rate of Australian women who went into higher education was almost three-fifths in
1980, a figure which was identical in 2015. Whereas 2015 USA had the exact same numbers as
Australia, only around 40% of American women continued their education journey after school in 1980.
The UK showed a similar pattern to the US, although the percentages in the former were slightly lower
in both years than the latter. As for French women, their numbers are not far behind Australia, with just
over half of them choosing to continue their learning experience in 2015 and exactly half in 1980.

Lastly, South Korean female school graduates were the least likely to continue their education further,
with only about three in ten women doing so in 2015, which was double the figure in 1980.

In conclusion, the rate of women entering higher education is overall on the rise in the regions
examined, with South Korea having a significantly lower rate than the rest.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #185

The table below shows the estimated literacy rates by region and gender for 2000-2004.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The table shows estimated literacy rates for men and women in 2000-2004 in five regions: Africa, the
Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. It also shows average world literacy rates for both genders for
the same years.

According to the table, Europe has the highest literacy rates, reaching almost 99%. There is virtually
no difference in literacy rates for European men and women.

In Oceania and the Americas, the figures for both men and women are almost the same. In both
regions over 93% of the population is literate.

In both Asia and Africa, there are considerable differences in literacy rates between men and women.
In Asia, only 72.5% of women are literate, whereas the figure for Asian men is 13% higher. In Africa,
the gap is nearly double, with 53.9% of all African women being literate and 71.6% of the African men
being able to read and write.

Overall, around 82% of the world population is literate. In Europe, Oceania and the Americas the
literacy rates are the highest, with over 90% of the population able to read and write. Asia and Africa
have lower literacy rates than the other regions in the graph.

(194 words)


The given table highlights the proportion of literacy for male and female in five various types of regions
in the year 2000 to 2004.

Overall, as it can be seen in the table that the highest percentage of literacy was noted in Europe.
While, the opposite trend was followed by Africa in give time period.

To embark with, Americas and Oceania had almost same literacy rates in both counterparts and the
figare was more than 90% as compared to other regions. Asia noted that the proportion of world
literacy was nearly four folds (about 80%), which was far more rather than women literacy rates at
around 73%.

Moreover, male and female had the gratest percentage of literacy rate in Europe and which was 99.2%
and 98.5% respectively. However, at the same time the least amount of literacy rates was noted for
man and women in America and the figare were 71.6% and 53.9% respectively

IELTS Writing Task 1 #187

The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The table shows the changes in household types in Canada at 10-year intervals from 1984 to 2014
and again in 2020.

There has been a steady increase in households without children during this period. One-person
households doubled from 6% in 1984 to 12% in 2020, whilst the percentage of couples with no
children rose from 19% in 1984 to 23% in 2004 and to 25% in 2014. However, this figure levelled out in
2020. Even bigger changes have occurred when it comes to couples with dependent children. This
category shrank from 52% in 1984 to 36% in 2020. In contrast, the percentage of lone parents trebled
over the same period, rising from 4% in 1984 to 12% in 2020. The percentage of families with non-
dependent children has remained more stable: 10% in 1984, rising only 1% over the next 20 years
before falling to 9% in 2014.

In conclusion, the table shows definite patterns of change within the Canadian family over the past 40
years, in particular the decline in the traditional. model of one couple with dependent children.

(179 words)


The table gives us information about changes in different household types in Canada in the time
interval from 1984 to 2020. The unit of measurement is percentages.

Overall, it is clear that the most common type of household throughout the time period was the
dependent children's one. Meanwhile, the lone parent families were the smallest proportion compared
to total until 2004, but it gave way to non-dependent children one.

In terms of dependent children type of household, we can see that it started with 52 % and significantly
fell to 36 % in 2020. Also, the non-dependent children type storyline began with 10 % and decreased by
a tiny 1 % in the end.

On the other hand, the percentage of no-children families slightly increased from 19 % in 1984 to 25 %
in 2020. The lone parent one had the biggest increment compared to others, which was 8 %. Also,
frequency of households with one person started at 6 % in 1984 and had a growth to 12 % at the end of
the period.
IELTS Writing Task 1 #188

The tables below show people's reasons for giving up smoking, and when they intend to give

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The two tables together give a snapshot of the reasons people choose to stop smoking and when they
intend to give up.

The main reason smokers give for stopping is for general health (71%), with financial considerations
(31%) and the risk of smoking-related diseases (25%) being the next two most popular reasons. One
fact to highlight from this table is that almost twice the percentage of heavy smokers cite present health
problems as the reason compared to light smokers.

According to the second table, the majority of smokers questioned (71%) intended to give up, with light
smokers more inclined to stop (79%) than heavy smokers (60%). 35% of smokers said they were
planning to give up within the next six months and only 12% said they were prepared to try within the
following month. Although only 29% of smokers on average were unwilling to give up, heavy smokers
were almost twice as unwilling to try as light smokers, which perhaps reflects the level of addiction in
the former group.

(169 words)


The given tables provide the information about the people's reasons for quitting smoking and when
they are planing to do so. They are categorise into three different types, heavy (20+), medium (10-19)
and light smokers (lesser than 10).

Overall, most of the smokers want to quit smoking for better health in general and most of them are
planning to give up within the next six months.

According to the information provided in the first table, the main reason 71% of the total consumers
want to quit is for their better health in general. Following this, another reason being their financial
consideration, which is 31%. While, 25% of the consumers do not want to get smoking related
illnesses, 16% have family pressure. And at last, 12% wants to quit because of their current health

In the next table, about 70% plan to quit smoking while the rest do not intend to do so. Looking at the
data provided for the people who intend to quit, 26% of heavy smoker, 32% medium, 46% light smoker
which sums to the higher percentage in total intended to quit within the next six months. Similarly, 21%
intended to quit within the next year meanwhile, only 12% plans to quit within the next week.
IELTS Writing Task 1 #189

The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The bar chart compares the different ages of people living in Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

All in all, the size of the 25-54 age group increased the most over the period while the size of the two
younger age groups decreased a little bit. The number of people in the two older age groups stayed
about the same.

The 25-54 age group grew from approximately a third of the population in 1990 to nearly half of the
population in 2020.

The older two age groups did not increase or decrease much. The size of the 65 and over age group
remained at about 13%, whereas the size of the 55 -64 age group only fell from about 14% to about
10% of the population.

By contrast, the 0-14 age group fell from just over 25% in 1990 to just under 20% in 2020. Similarly,
the 15-24 age group dropped from just over 20% of the population in 1990 to just under 10% of the
population in 2020.

(168 words)


The bar chart shows the percentage of Iceland population between 1990 and 2020 with 10 years
interval based on age groups.

The most noticeable trend is the 25 – 54 age group which increased greatly over the period. On the
other hand, the 2 younger groups, which are the 0 – 14 age group and the 15 – 24 age group, are
constantly decreasing. The 2 older groups, which are the 55 – 64 age group and the 65 and over age
group remained steady throughout the years.

The 25 – 54 age group grew to almost half of Iceland population in 2020 from only a third of it in the
1990. This trend keep the 25 – 54 age group with the biggest population compared to other groups.

The 0 – 14 age group steadily decreased from around 25% of population in 1990 to less than 20% in
2020, but it remained as the group with the second biggest population throughout the year. The 15 –
24 age group also steadily decreased over the period, but the decrement is more than 50% from the
initial population in 1990. It decreased from more than 20% of population in 1990 to less than 10% in
2020, made it as the age group with the lowest population in 2020.
On the contrary, the other 2 older group remained stable with the 65 and over group is at 10 – 15% of
population throughout the period, while the 55 – 64 age group is around 10%.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #190

The line chart below shows the results of a survey giving the reasons why people moved to the
capital city of a particular country.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The line graph sets out the key motivations for people relocating to the capital of a specific country
between 2000 and 2015.

Moving for the purpose of study saw the greatest rise overall, with a jump of approximately 62,000. It
rose considerably in two periods - from 2000 to 2005 (by 22,000), and then again from 2010 to 2015
(by 33,000), with a more gentle growth of around 7,000 in between.

Elsewhere, the figure of people relocating for work began at 61,000 in 2000, then peaked at 92,000 in
2010 - the highest of any reason, in any year - before finishing as the joint-highest in 2015 (87,000 - on
a level with those relocating in order to study). Notably, this category was the only one of the four that
underwent a downturn.

Turning to 'adventure', this category rose the most stably and steadily of all four categories, from
11,000 to 15,000 over the fifteen-year period. Meanwhile, the number of people relocating for 'family
and friends' reasons climbed gently in the first five years (12,000 to 14,000), followed by an upswing to
22,000, before eventually levelling off at around 23,000 in 2015.

(192 words)


The line graph gives us information about the results of surveys reporting the reasons why they moved
to the capital city in their country in a time interval from 2000 to 2015. The unit of measurement is the
number of people.

Overall, most people moved because of employment in capital. Also, the study line in the graph started
to catch up with the employment line in 2015. On the other hand, the least reasons why people decided
to migrate to the capital city were adventure and family/friends reasons.

We can see that at the start of the period, the most common reason to move was employment. It
started with 60000 in 2000 and started increasing to around 92000 in 2010. After that, it decreased by
4000 in 2015. Also, the study line in the graph experienced the most significant change, among others.
It began with about 25000 in 2000 and increased to almost, 90000 in 2015, catching up with the
On the other hand, both the adventure and family/friends lines started with tiny 2000. The adventure
one had a slight increment in 2010, which was around 10000 people, and remained the same until the
end of the period. The other one didn’t rise even a little.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #191

The graph below shows the average daily sales of selected food items at the Brisk Café, by

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The bar graph shows how many servings of certain food items are sold on average every day in two
different seasons at the Brisk Café. The average number of sales of each item changed with the

Certain food items had much higher sales than others in the winter. Hot coffee had the highest number
of sales, with an average of 75 servings sold daily. Following this, the item with the second highest
number of sales was soup, with an average of 50 servings sold daily. Salad and ice cream had
average daily sales of 25 servings each, and iced coffee had the lowest number of sales, with close to
zero servings sold daily.

The sales numbers for each food item were different in the summer from what they were in the winter.
Iced coffee sales rose significantly, to an average of 40 servings sold daily. The item that had the
second highest number of sales was ice cream, with an average of 35 servings sold daily. Hot coffee
sales fell to just 30 servings daily. Soup and salad had the lowest number of sales, with 25 servings
sold daily on average.

In general, the average daily sales of each food item changed when the season changed. Certain
items were more popular in the winter, but certain others were more popular in the summer.

(224 words)


The graph illustrates the average daily sales of specific food products at the Brisk Cafe, during the
winter and summer seasons.

Overall, the figure shows a different number of servings according to different times of the year, the
choices of people depend on the season, Hot coffee has noticeable demands in the winter, meanwhile,
Iced coffee represents the highest number of servings in summer and the lowest sales in winter.

Hot coffee was the highest item chosen in winter with around 75 servings, while its servings in
summer were approximately 2 times less than in winter by 30 servings, meanwhile, iced coffee
showed a significant difference in the number of servings between winter and summer, it had the
lowest number in winter with about 3 servings and the highest number in summer with 40 servings, ice
cream sales presented convergent numbers of servings with 25 in winter and 35 in summer, whereas
the salad had the same number of servings in both seasons, and finally, soup sales rose remarkably in
winter with 50 servings and decreased to the half in summer by approximately 25 servings

IELTS Writing Task 1 #192

The charts below show the favourite takeaways of people in Canada and the number of Indian
restaurants in Canada between 1960 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The pie chart shows which type of takeaway food is the most popular in Canada, while the bar chart
shows how many Indian restaurants existed in Canada between 1960 and 2015. We can see that
Chinese and Indian takeaways are the favourites, and that the number of Indian restaurants in Canada
rose steadily during this period.

The pie chart shows that Chinese and Indian takeaways are much more popular than all the others, at
34% and 26%. There are another two types that quite a lot of people like. These are Italian at 10% and
Persian at 9%. Greek, Japanese and Mexican were only chosen by 1% of people.

The pie chart shows us that Indian food is popular and the bar chart shows how its popularity grew.
There was a rising trend from 1960 onwards. The increase was greatest in the 1990s, from about 5000
restaurants in 1990 to almost 8000 in 2000. Since 2007, the number has remained stable at just over

(165 words)

The given pie chart illustrates which cuisine is the most popular takeout in Canada, while the bar chart
shows the number of Indian restaurants operated on Canadian soil during the last 54 years.

Overall, we can see that Indian and Chinese cuisines are the most popular takeaway options. Between
1960 and 2015, the Indian restaurants grew at an exponential rate across the country.
Firstly, Indian and Chinese food accounted for 60% of all takeout, which is 26% and 34% respectively.
Thus, this manifests that Indian and Chinese are the two most popular food options for takeaway in
the country. The other favourite takeout were Italian (10%), Persian (9%), and Thai (3%).

In 1960, there were around 200 Indian eateries in Canada. The figure rose by tenfold over the course of
four decades, 8000 restaurants serving Indian food. This demonstrates the high demand for Indian
cuisine in Canada. Furthermore, between 2007 and 2015 this figure stayed in the range of around 9000
to 8500.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #193

The maps below show changes in the city of Nelson in recent times.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The two maps show the main changes which have taken place in the town of Nelson between the year
2000 and today.

In general, it appears that Nelson has become a much more modern city, with far more shopping and
transport facilities.

One interesting change is that a new trans line has been built, to connect the university with the town
centre. In 2000, there wasn't any accommodation for students, but a hall of residence has been built
near the university. Another striking change is that the old market in the west of the city has been
knocked down to make way for new shops. A completely new covered market has also been built on
the other side of town.
If we look at the port area, it has been pedestrianized since 2000, and a range of entertainment
facilities have been built, such as restaurants, bars and clubs. The north-east of the city used to be a
green area, with lots of trees, but the trees have been cut down, and a new shopping complex has
been constructed. A final interesting development has been the introduction of a bike-rental scheme in
the city centre.

(194 words)


The two maps give us information about changes in the city of Nelson that happened recently.

In general, Nelson became a more modern city with new shops and facilities.

Before all changes, Nelson town had a city center, train station, and old market left to it. Also, there is
university in the north with trees next to it and port in the south. Between city center and port, there is a
road for cars.

If we look to the south, we can see that free space near the port is filled with restaurant and bars on
opposite sides. The roadway was removed by pavement. In the north, to the right of university instead
of trees, there was placed new shopping center. To the left there is hall of residence. Down from the
university, the train station was replaced with the new one. In the city center, we have the opportunity
to rent bikes. On the sides of the center, there was new shop and new covered market.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #194

The graph shows data about the annual earnings of three bakeries in Calgary, 2000-2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The graph shows information about the amount of money which was earned by three bakeries in
Calgary, over a ten-year period between 2000 and 2010.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there were considerable upward trends in the income of
both Bolo Cakery and Amandine Bakery, while the earnings of Mari Bakeshop saw a considerable fall
over the period in question. Another interesting point is that Mari Bakeshop was the most popular
bakery in 2000, but in 2010, Amandine Bakery earned more money than the others.

Looking at the details, as regards Bolo Cakery, income started at $20,000 in 2000, then there was a
fluctuation over the next three years, at which point it levelled off at just under $40,000 until 2006.
Then the figure went up significantly, finishing at around $65,000 in 2010. If we look at Amandine
Bakery, the trend was similar. Having remained stable at approximately $55,000 in the first half of the
decade, income then rose sharply, reaching nearly $100,000 in 2008. There was then a gradual rise to
around $105,000 in 2010.

By contrast, the income of Mari Bakeshop went in the opposite direction. Takings fluctuated around
$90,000 until 2004. After That despite falling sharply to just over $40,000 in 2008, the figure then
levelled off in the last two years.

(219 words)


The graph illustrates the information regarding the yearly income of three bakeries in Calgary from
2000 to 2010.

Overall, the figure indicates the amount of money which Amandine Bakery and Bolo Cakery earned was
steadily increased, while the earnings of Mari Bakeshop saw a considerable declination throughout the
whole period. Moreover, Mari Bakeshop was the most popular bakeries in 2000; however, it was
replaced by Amandine Bakery at the end of the period.

In 2000, the earnings of Mari Bakeshop accounted for the highest income, with just above $80,000.
After the next four years, the revenue of Mari Bakeshop dropped to nearly $60,000 and levelled off at
$40,000 from 2008 to 2010.

Conversely, the yearly income of Amandine Bakery remained stable at approximately $55,000 from the
beginning of the period to 2005. After that, it showed significant growth and reached just above
$100,000 in 2010. Likewise, the yearly income of Bolo Cakery showed a similar trend. It began at
$20,000 and gradually grew to nearly $65,000 in 2010

IELTS Writing Task 1 #195

The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant
Model answer

The maps show Pacific Railway Station in 1998 and the present day. We can see that the station has
been expanded, with significantly more facilities available to customers now compared with 1998.
Firstly, the station has been developed and the number of platforms has increased.

In 1998, there were only four platforms but today there are seven. A restaurant has been added
between the new and old platforms and the number of shops has grown, as there are now two shops
situated next to the restaurant and the old shop has been removed. The ticket office remains in the
same place but has been extended and is now much larger.

The Café has also stayed in roughly the same place, which is at the bottom of the old platforms. The
toilets were previously in a separate building next to the platforms, but they have now disappeared. A
new supermarket has been built at the bottom of the new platforms.

(159 words)


The maps give us information about Pacific Railway Station changes in time period from 1998 to
present date.

Currently, Pacific Railway Station includes toilets, 4 railway platforms next to it. Opposite to them: café,
shop, ticket office—all of them are placed on the same area.

According to the proposal, only the café and railway platforms will remain from the original site. The
shop was replaced from the lower right corner to the area in the center, doubled. They added one more
entrance for ticket office. Instead of toilets, they placed a restaurant at the top of the station. If we look
on the left side, we can see that, new platforms (3 to be exact) came up. Also, in the opposite to them,
there is a supermarket in the lower left corner.

Overall, the most significant changes happened on the left side, which were creating supermarket and
3 more platforms. Also, the number of structures in the center increased in 3 times.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #196

The bar chart shows the percentages of the Canadian workforce in five major industries in 1850
and 2020.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer

The bar charts divide the Canadian workforce into five categories based on the type of industry they
work in for the years 1850 and 2020.
The overall trend shown in the data is a steep rise in the proportion of employees engaged in the
service industry, coupled with a decline in manufacturing. The most salient feature is that in 2020 81%
of the workforce were involved in providing services, which contrasts sharply with the figure of 33% in
1850. In contrast, we observe a huge drop in the manufacturing industry from over a third in the mid
nineteenth century to just 9% by the early twenty-first century.

Furthermore, the 170-year period saw a marked fall in the agriculture and fishing sectors, leaving food
production with a tiny 1% of Canadian workers. Similarly, workers in energy and water companies
decreased by two thirds. On the other hand, the construction industry experienced significant growth
from 5% to 8% over the period.

In general, the job profile of the Canadian workforce changed radically between 1850 and 2020, with
the increases coming in the construction and service industry but all other areas seeing a decline.

(191 words)


The bar graphs illustrated the percentages of the Canadian labor force participated in five popular
industries in 1850 and 2020
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readly apparent a flow of worker moved to services industry
from other industries. As a result, the proportion of employees join in services industry rose
significantly from 33% in 1850 to 81% in 2020.
By contrast, percentages of workforce of two main left industries ( manufracturing and
agriculture/fishing) had a serious fallen. Looking initially at manufracturing, the figures had decrease
four times, from 36% in 1850 to 9% in 2020. the agriculture/fishing even had a outstanding decline
when the proportion drop from 22% to only 1% in 2020.
Regarding the remaining figures, the construction is still keep its position,furthermore, has a sightly
rise from 5% in1850 to 8% in 2020. Ultimately, enegry and water ranks final in five mayor industries
with 3% in 1850 and 1% in 2020 same as agriculture/fishing.
p/s (158 words)

IELTS Writing Task 1 #197

The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by
industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The bar chart provides information about the proportion of businesses purchasing items online
according to industry in Canada between 2015 in 2019.

Generally speaking, the proportion of businesses involved in e-commerce purchases across the years
and sectors varied with the practice being most common in the information and communications
industry. In this sector, there was a greater proportion of businesses involved (just over 60% in 2015)
than the other sectors with a rise to just under 70% in 2019, including a peak to about 75% in 2018.
The proportion of businesses involved in purchases on line in the retail sector followed a similar
pattern, increasing from about 35% to about 55% in 2019 with a peak of about 58% in 2018. Just
under 25% of construction businesses used online purchasing in 2015 compared to more than a half in
2019, whereas in the wholesale industry the rise was much smaller from just over 40% to about 60%.
As regards manufacturing, there was a near 100% increase in the proportion of businesses purchasing
online from about 33% in 2015 in comparison with about 58% in 2019.

(185 words)


The bar chart illustrates the percentage of online purchasing by five different industries in Canada from
2015 to 2019. Overall, it can be seen that the information and communication industry remained the
highest spender over the period. All industries experienced increases in online purchasing, but only the
construction and the wholesale industries had steady growth.

The percentage of online purchasing by the information and communication industry was the highest
reaching just below 70% at the end period after reaching its peak at around 75% in 2018. Similarly,
online purchasing by retail industries started at 40% reaching its peak at around 57% in 2018 before it
slightly decline to about 55% in 2019.

There was fluctuation in online purchasing by the manufacturing industry before hitting just below 60%
in 2019. It is interesting to know that both the Wholesales industry and the Construction industry have
steady growth in online purchasing although the Wholesale industry is higher throughout the period
reaching just above 60% in 2019.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #198

The bar chart and table show information about students from abroad studying in four English-
speaking countries in 2004 and 2012.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The bar chart shows the number of foreign students studying in four English-speaking countries in the
years 2004 and 2012, while the table shows foreign students as a percentage of total student numbers
in the countries. We can see that the overall trend is an increase in both the number and percentage of
international students in most countries.

Starting with the number of students, the USA had the most foreign students, rising from approximately
179,000 in 2004 to around 245,000 in 2012. The figures for Australia and the UK were similar,
increasing from around 120,000 to almost 200,000. Canada had a significantly lower number of
overseas students than the other countries, with about 41,000 in 2004 and approximately 61,000 in

Next, if we look at the percentage of foreign students, we can see that percentages increased for all
countries, with the exception of the USA. The percentage of foreign students was highest in Australia
at 24% of total student numbers in 2012. In the USA, the percentage of foreign students remained
stable at 2%, which was the lowest percentage of all four countries.

(195 words)


The bar chart provides information about the international students of four English speaking countries
from both year of 2004 and 2012. Additionally, the table represents the percentile of the foreign
students versus the total actual enrollees of the countries given, USA, UK, Australia and Canada.

Overall, the first three nation, USA UK and Australia has a very evident increment on their number of
foreign students where as Canada has almost remained constant. In comparison, there are more
students studying abroad in the year of 2012 compared to year 2004. Moreover, there is a steady
increase of the proportion of foreign students against with the total number of students on these

Specifically, the country who has the highest number of students studying abroad for both year is USA,
with 170 and 240 in thousands of students, however as for the percentile of foreign versus actual
students remains the same, this is consequently followed by UK with about 110,000 from the year
2004 and around 200,000 for the year 2012, with an increase of about 4% on the proportions, which is
closely similar to Australia’s recorded data. The country with the least number of foreign students for
the year 2004 and 2012 is Canada with 40,000 and 50,000 students respectively which also has an
increment of 2% with regards to the percentile comparisons.

(222 words)
IELTS Writing Task 1 #199

The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Model answer

The pie charts show the numbers and percentages of men and women in both full-time and part-time
employment in the UK in 1988 and 2012. Overall, we can see that all numbers increased but there
were significant differences in the proportions for each year.

Firstly, although the number of men in full-time employment was largest in both years, the greatest
change was in the number of women working full-time. This increased from 4,482,000 in 1988 to
7,696,000 in 2012. These changes can be seen in the percentages of the total workforce; in 1988,
women in full-time employment made up only 19% of working people, but this increased to 26% in
2012. As well as the number of people working full-time, the number of people working part-time also
increased, with women being the largest number in both years: 5,268,000 and 5,979,000, compared
with 1,550,000 and 2,131,000 for men.

In conclusion, apart from female full-time employment and male part-time employment, percentage
figures decreased between the two years. Most significantly, men working full-time dropped below
50% to 47% in 2012.

(177 words)


The two pie charts depict the numbers and proportion of men and women, full-time and part-time
employment in the UK. The figures presented are data recorded in years 1998 and 2012.

Overall, it is clearly shown that men full-time accounted for the highest employment percentage during
the course of the given time period, while men part-time generated the least. It is also noted that
women's participation in the work force as full-time marked the most increased contribution in the UK
employment demographics.

In detail, the largest fraction of the work force was participated by men which shared more than half of
the census in both years. At the beginning of the period, men workers expressed a total of 59% of
which 6% were part-timers. It created a marginal decrease to 6% in full-timers and 1% increase in part-
time workers after 12 years.

With regard to the women employment category, there was an approximately 5% growth in its full-time
census which initially stood at 19%. Furthermore, part-timers indicated a minimal drop from 22% in
1988 to a fifth in 2012.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #200

The pie charts below compare the proportion of energy capacity in gigawatts (GW) in 2015 with
the predictions for 2040.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer

The charts show the expected changes in energy capacity in 2040 compared to 2015.

The most noticeable feature is the drop in the proportion of the annual gross capacity of fossil fuels,
with the projected capacity almost doubling from 6.688 to 11.678 gigawatts. It is expected to
experience a significant decline, falling from 64% in 2015 to 44% in 2040. By contrast, it is predicted
that there will be a dramatic rise in the proportion of energy capacity from solar energy with a jump
from 2% to 18% in 2040. While the proportion of the capacity for wind is anticipated to increase more
than twofold from 5% in 2015 to 12% in 2040, it is estimated that other renewables will account for a
smaller proportion with a decrease from 23% to 21%. The projected proportion for nuclear energy will
be 5% in 2040, a slight decline from 6%.

It is clear that despite the decline in the proportion of energy capacity from fossil fuels and the rise in
solar and wind sources, the former will remain a major energy source in 2040.

(182 words)


The pie charts give information about proportion of energy volume with predictions for time period
from 2015 to 2040. The units of measurements are gigawatts (GW).

It is clear that in 2015 fossil fuels were the largest proportion of the energy capacity (64 %). But it will
decrease to 44 % in 2040 as well as other renewables, which percentage will be declined by 2 %. Also,
the nuclear power will fall from 6 % to 5 %.

On the other hand, wind power capacity will grow from 5 % to 12 %, which is more than double in 2015.
The greatest rise we can see on pie charts is solar power increase, because the percentage in 2015(2
% of total) will multiply in 9 times in 2040(18 %).

Overall, through all years from 2015 to 2040 fossil fuels will remain the most important part of energy
volume. Also, the most marvelous development we will see is solar power growth in 2040.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #201

The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and
Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.
Model answer

The bar chart compares the amount of time each day that people from four different countries spent
doing activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019. The activities were going to the beach,
visiting different attractions, and reading.
Overall, the tourists spent the most time reading books while they spent the least time visiting places.
The Chinese tourists spent the longest reading books with a total of eight hours per day. By contrast,
the Brazilians spent the longest at the beach with a total of six hours.

Both the American and the Turkish tourists spent the same number of hours every day visiting places
with a total of three hours each. Similarly, the Turkish and Brazilian groups spent a total of four hours
each reading books. The Chinese tourists spent twice the amount of time reading books as the Turkish
and Brazilian tourists, whereas the American and Turkish groups spent three times the amount of time
visiting places as the Chinese group.

(163 words)


The bar chart illustrates how much time tourists of different nationalities spent daily on pastimes while
on holiday in Greece in August 2019.
Overall, it is clear that reading books was the most favorable while, in contrast, spending free time
sightseeing was the least favorite among the three.
As is seen, tourists from China spent eight hours reading books a day on average, whereas Turkish and
Brazilian travelers spent just half the amount on the same activity. Regarding the Americans, they set
aside approximately five hours each day for reading.
In terms of the amount of time spent at the beach, Brazilian visitors spent the longest, with an average
of six hours per day, while Chinese tourists barely spared half of that time. Meanwhile, the Americans
and Turkish spent four and five hours, respectively. Finally, while people from America or Turkey had
an average of three hours of leisure time per day to see places, the Chinese only spent a mere one
hour for the pastime.

IELTS Writing Task 1 #202

The graph below shows the average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014.

Model answer
From the line graph, we can see the average monthly rise or fall in how much copper, nickel and zinc
cost throughout 2014.

Overall, nickel started with the highest percentage change of the three but ended with the lowest. Zinc
started with the smallest change and ended with the highest, and copper prices fluctuated. Prices for
all three metals dipped in June.

In January the price of nickel was up tix per cent, but this dropped to negative three percent in June,
ending the year with a one percent increase in both November and December. Copper began the year
with an increase of two percent and by May, the price was dropping (by slightly less than one per
cent). It rose again, increasing by a percentage point in July, August and September. Zinc saw its most
dramatic increase in February, with three per cent and the price fell in June (a one percent decrease).
The change, was negative until October/November when it began to rise.

(165 words)


The line graph depicts the montly movments prices in the three kinds of metal
namely,Copper,Nickel,Zinc during the period of the year 2014.
It is clear from the graph that the rate of change in the price had decreased during the period.

The rate of change in nickel prices was significantly high by 6% during the first months until it declined
rapidly and reached -3% in the middle of the months,after that a change occure in the following month
as there was a steady rise in july until october,the percentage prices remained stable by -2% and uplift
dramatically in November and December by 1 %.

As we can see alittle bit difference between nickel and zinc can be seen,so the change in the prices of
zinc compared to nickel is very close.Zinc started with increase in the first month by 1% to 3%,dropped
down to 1-% in same month that Nickel drop on and remained constat in july to october by -1%,then
raised mildly in the end of month by 2%.
The fluctuations in the prices of copper are slight. In January, it started with a rate of less than 2% and
contiued decline until reached between 0 and -1% in june,climb again plateaued in the end of the years
recorded by nearly 2%.

To sum up,we could say that generally the prices changes rate in Nickel fall speedily compare with
zinc ,copper during the period in the year 2014

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