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Homework- Moving to Los Angeles

This story happened five years ago, and I still remember it like it was
yesterday. It was on a Saturday when I found out that I got my dream job in Los
Angeles. At that moment I bursted with joy. I was excited and nervous at the same
time. I packed up my things and said goodbye to my family, ready for the adventure
that lay ahead.
When I first saw the city I was surprised by its bounds, it felt like it was
stretching on forever. The buildings were rising up to the sky, and the streets were
full of busy people.The first few days I visited the beaches, the museums, and the
famous landmarks, soaking up everything that this incredible city had to offer.
After all those joys, I went to my new apartment to start unpacking my bags,
while I was thinking about all of my new possibilities. In this place I made new
friendships and memories that I will never forget. Getting this new job was the best
thing that could happen to me. Here I do every day what I like, without being
stressed about tomorrow.
In conclusion, moving to Los Angeles was one of the best decisions I have
ever made. I still miss my old town, but I think that I made a great decision moving
out here.

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