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Recently, more and more schools all over the world have turned to dress codes.

Many believe that it is an effective approach, they require less time to think on what to wear.
I believe everyone should have freedom in whatever they are wearing and not go by rules.

The first reason why schools should not have dress codes is that it limits our creativity and
restricts one’s freedom to express themselves. “Don’t be afraid to express yourself” or “Be proud
of who you are” they say. Doing so only ends up with being held in the office which only takes
rights to so-called “express ourselves”. Self-expression is very important since it doesn't just
give others access to who you truly are but also helps keep in touch with how you are feeling and
boosts self-confidence. Not to mention, it provides individuality and diversity.

Another reason is, most criticism directed towards the dress code is that it's sexist to determine
that a girl's attire should be regulated bc it may distract male students from their work. ‘Boys will
be boys’ are we saying boys cannot be taught common decency and that they simply aren’t able
to stop themselves from giving in to their urges and desires? Why blame the victim? Female
students are targeted every day with an excuse of how they are dressed which is unfair and
discriminatory. It does not matter if a woman dresses modestly or immodestly, men would still be
tempted with impure thoughts. Are schools still considered safe with these perverse men?

The final reason is students came and paid for school to receive knowledge and education, not to
be criticized for how they dressed. The suspension only takes away the student’s education.
Getting dress coded only takes away the student’s time to be in class. Missing out in school will
make students less engaged in activities and skills. Students will also be less likely to get into
college and get employed.

We have to realize how it does not matter what we wear, we are all different in our ways, and we
should be able to show that. It is more reasonable than having to go by rules on your attire.

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