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A. Introducing Ourselves
Formal :
- Ok everybody, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Franky, I am from London, I am
twenty years old, I am a student of GE.
- Let me introduce myself to you, my name is ……………, I am from ……………, I am ……………
years old, I am ……………
- In this opportunity, I want to introduce myself to you. My complete name is …………… but everybody
usually calls me …………… for a short, I am from…………… exactly ……………,
I was born on ……………, so I am ……………. years old, I am……………
Informal :
- Hi, I am Stephen Jack from China.
- Hello Sherly, glad to meet you. I am James from USA.

B. Introducing Someone else

Formal :
- I would like to introduce my friend to you. His name is Stephen, he is from Germany, he is fifty years
old, he is a professor.
- Ladies and Gentleman, I have a great pleasure in introducing our guest speaker, General Robinson. He
is from USA, he is forty two years old, he is a lecturer.
Informal :
- Jack, have you met Sherly?
- Rocky, meet my nephew Stephen!
- Michael, this is my close friend Rocky

C. Response
- It’s nice to meet you
- I am glad to see you
- I am pleased to meet you
- How do you do.

Self Introduction

Let me introduce myself to you.
I’d like to introduce myself to you.
May I introduce myself?
I wanna introduce myself to you.

- My (complete) name is …
- You can call me … / my nickname is …
- I come from … / I am from …
- I live/stay at …
- It’s about … kilometers from here to the North/East/South/West
- I get here by …/ on foot
- It takes me about … minutes to get here
- I was born on …
- My age is … years old / I am … years old
- I am a student of …
- I graduated from … School/University, … Faculty, …Department
- My hobby is .... (hanya menyebutkan 1 hobi) or I like/love ……
- My hobbies are … (menyebutkan lebih dari 1 hobi)
- My father is …, he is … years old
- My mother is …, she is … years old
- I have a brother/ I have …. brothers (more than one) and a sister/ I have a sister/ I have … sisters
brothers (more than one).
No Introduction, No Affection (Tak kenal maka tak sayang)
May I introduce myself to you? = Boleh kenalan?
Yes, with pleasure = Dengan senang hati
Have we met before? = Kita pernah kenal ya?
Do you know her/him? = Kenal dia?
Do you recognize her/him? = Kenal dia?
What’s your name? = Siapa namamu?
What’s your nick/call name? = Siapa nama panggilanmu?
What’s your surname? = Siapa nama julukanmu/marga?
How to spell your name? = Ejaan namanya?
Where are you from? Exactly? = Dari mana? Tepatnya?
Where do you stay/live? = Di mana kamu tinggal?
Where is your boarding house/dormitory? = Kos/asrama dimana?
Is it near/far from here? = Jauh gak dari sini?
How to go there? = Bagaimana kesananya?
How many members are there in your boarding house? =Yang tinggal di sana berapa orang?
What is your landlady’s name? = Siapa nama ibu kosnya?
How long have you been here? = Sudah berapa lama tinggal di sini?
How long will you been here? = Akan berapa lama lagi tinggal di sini?
Do you feel at home? = Apa kamu betah/kerasan?
Do you often miss your family? = Sering rindu keluarga?
What will you do if you miss your family? = Ngapain jika kamu rindu keluarga?
How many brothers and sisters do you have? = Berapa saudaramu?
What number are you? = Anak nomor berapa?
How old are you? = Berapa umurmu?
When were you born? = Kapan lahir?
What is your educational background? = apa latar belakang pendidikan?
Any achievement? = Adakah prestasi?
What achievement? = Prestasi apa?
How tall are you? = Berapa tinggimu?
How weigh are you? = Berapa beratmu?
What do you like/dislike in your life? = Suka/Tidak suka apa dalam hidup ini?
Why so? = Kenapa begitu?
Are you still single? = Masih single?
What’s your marital status? = Apa status anda?
When will you get married? = Kapan nikah?
How are the criteria of your future husband/wife? = Bagaimana kriteria calon suami/istri
How many children do you plan? = Rencananya berapa anak?
Tell about yourself / introduce yourself!
- Name
- Native / Origin
- Place & Date of Birth
- Homestay (in Pare)
- Educational Background
- Hobbies and reasons
- Child information (if any)
- Sibling information (if any)
- Job / Name of Company or Institution
- Marital status
- Your spitrit of life
(What / who makes you spirit?)


In your opinion what / who the best … ?

- major in the college
- way to be a rich person
- TV program
- activity on the weekend
- job in the world
- boarding house in Pare
- actor in Indonesia
- football player in the world
- tourism place in Indonesia
- way to get successful
- city in our country
- way to express love

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