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It is very necessary to know how to describe a person. Why? If we look for our friends or our family, we must
be able to mention their features/clues in order that we can get information about them.
Parts Features (Ciri-ciri) / Clues
HAIR Long (Panjang), medium (sedang), short (pendek), straight (lurus), wavy (bergelombang),
(Rambut) curly (keriting), bald (botak/gundul), black (hitam), gray (beruban), blond (pirang).

EYES Blue (biru), brown (coklat), black (hitam), slanting (sipit), bright (cerah), shady (teduh),
(Mata) interesting (menarik).

NOSE Big (besar), medium (sedang), small (kecil), sharp (mancung), flat (pesek), sharp enough
(Hidung) (cukup mancung).

BODY Fat (gemuk), thin/skinny (kurus), medium (sedang), tall (tinggi), short (pendek), slim
(Tubuh) (langsing), firm (kekar), strong (kuat), weak (lemah).

SKIN Black (hitam, brown (coklat), white (putih), soft (lembut), smooth (halus), rough (kasar)

BEHAVIOUR Kind (Baik hati), helpful (suka menolong), cruel (kejam), wasteful (boros), thrift (hemat),
(Tingkah jealous (cemburu), corrective (teliti), polite (sopan).

Condition Cripple (pincang), deaf (tuli), dumb (bisu), lame (lumpuh), bachelor (bujang),
(Keadaan) spinster/virgin (perawan), pale (pucat), healthy body and soul (sehat lahir dan batin), crazy

THE Moustache (Kumis), beard (jenggot), mole (tahi lalat), dimple (lesung pipi), birth mark
OTHERS (tanda lahir), thin lips (bibir tipis), thick lips (bibir tebal), bucktoothed (mrongos), stuck out
He/She can sing (bernyanyi), dance (menari), swim (berenang), drive (menyetir). He/She is
clever (pandai), friendly (ramah), easy going (cuek), cute (imut), humble (rendah hati).


(Malu bertanya sesat di jalan)

A : Excuse me, would you like to help me?

B : Yes, with pleasure. What can I do for you?
A : I am looking for my closed friend. His name is Jacky. He is from this village.
B : Can you describe him?
A : He has curly hair, flat nose, black eyes, fat body, brown skin, thin moustache and thick beard.
B : Does he wear glasses?
A : Yes, he does and he usually wears jeans
B : I see. He is my neighbour. He Seldom goes out because his condition is not so well. Look at that white
house! That is his house.
A : Thank you very much for your help.
B : You are welcome.
Kinds of expression Examples
SURPRISE - Oh my God! - It’s spectacular
Ungkapan ini digunakan bila kita - My goodness! - Really!
terkejut atau mendapati hal-hal di - Fantastic! - Are you kidding?
luar perkiraan kita, kadang ada - That’s amazing! - You must be joking!
perasaan kagum juga. - That’s incredible
- What the hell are you doing here? (apa-apaan ini)
WARNING - Watch out/look out! - Keep your hand off!
Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk - Be aware/be careful! - Watch your step, the floor is slippery!
memberi peringatan tertentu. - Don’t touch - Mind your step!
- Keep of the grass - Beware of wild dog!
CERTAINTY - I’m sure / I believe it - Certainly /Definitely
Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk - Of course - Absolutely right
memberikan suatu penegasan atau - I guess so - No doubt
kepastian atau ketentuan. - Swear! I dare say…. (Sungguh! Saya berani….)

DOUBTS - What do you mean? - I don’t think so

Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk - What do you have in mind? - It’s not reasonable
menyatakan kebimbangan atau - What are you talking about? - I’m still doubt now
keraguan - I’m not sure - I hesitate about that
- Perhaps that’s true
ASKING OPINION - What do you think of / about…? - How about it?
Menanyakan suatu pendapat atau - Do you have any suggestion? - Do you agree with me?
ide kepada orang lain - What is your opinion about …? - Do you agree to my opinion?
- How to solve/overcome this problem? - What is your point of view?
Memberikan suatu ide atau - In my opinion
pendapat kita - I guess / suppose that …
- I assume …
ASKING FOR HELP Formal : Informal :
Ungkapan ini digunakan bila kita - Would you like to help me? - Can you give me a hand?
minta bantuan dari orang lain - Could you help me? - Can you help me?
- Do you mind helping me? - Help me!
- Would you mind doing it?
Menawarkan bantuan atau - May I help you?
pertolongan kepada orang lain. - Would you mind if I brought your suitcase?
Informal :
- Let me help you.
- Let me do it for you.
Accepting help :
- Yes, thank you very much.
- Sure, I would appreciate it.
Refusing help :
- No, thanks for your offering. - No, I’m alright, thanks.
- No, it’s not necessary, thank you.
- No, don’t bother. I can do it by myself, thanks.

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