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Examination on Agile Development Methods

Instructions: This examination aims to assess your understanding of Agile Development Methods.
Answer each question concisely and accurately. Provide detailed explanations where necessary.

Question 1: Agile Principles

a) List and explain the four fundamental values of the Agile Manifesto.

Answer 1a:

The four fundamental values of the Agile Manifesto are:

 Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools: This value emphasizes the importance
of prioritizing human interactions and effective communication among team members over
relying solely on tools and processes. Agile teams understand that collaboration and open
communication are vital for successful project delivery.

 Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation: Agile places a higher emphasis on

delivering a functional product that meets customer needs rather than extensive
documentation. While some documentation is necessary, the focus is on delivering value
through a working software product.

 Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation: Agile promotes active involvement and
collaboration with customers throughout the development process. Instead of relying solely
on fixed contracts and negotiations, Agile teams embrace feedback and adapt the product
based on customer needs and changing requirements.

 Responding to Change over Following a Plan: Agile recognizes that requirements and
circumstances can change during a project. Agile teams are flexible and adapt to changes in
requirements, technology, or the business environment, rather than rigidly sticking to a
predefined plan.

Question 2: Agile Methods

b) Compare and contrast Scrum and Kanban methodologies, highlighting their key differences and

Answer 2b:

Scrum and Kanban are both popular Agile methodologies, but they have some distinct differences:

Roles: Scrum defines specific roles, including Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team.

Iterations: Scrum works in fixed-length iterations called "sprints," usually lasting 2-4 weeks.

Work Items: Scrum uses a prioritized product backlog, and during a sprint, the team commits to a set
of user stories to complete.

Work Process: Scrum has a defined process, including Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Review,
and Sprint Retrospective.

WIP Limit: Scrum does not have explicit Work-In-Progress (WIP) limits.


Roles: Kanban doesn't prescribe specific roles; it allows teams to use existing roles or define their

Iterations: Kanban is continuous flow; there are no fixed-length iterations.

Work Items: Kanban visualizes the workflow using a Kanban board and places explicit WIP limits on
each stage.

Work Process: Kanban has no predefined process; it encourages teams to optimize their workflow

WIP Limit: Kanban explicitly uses WIP limits to control the amount of work in progress and improve

Question 3: Advantages of Agile Development

c) Identify and explain three significant advantages of using Agile development methods.

Answer 3c:

Three significant advantages of Agile development are:

 Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile's iterative and incremental approach allows teams to
respond to changing requirements and customer feedback throughout the project. Teams
can adjust their priorities and make changes to the product scope without significant
disruptions, leading to better alignment with customer needs and market trends.
 Faster Time-to-Market: Agile development emphasizes delivering valuable features in short
iterations. This approach enables quicker releases and allows businesses to get their
products to market faster, gaining a competitive advantage and capturing early market
 Higher Customer Satisfaction: Agile development encourages continuous customer
involvement and collaboration. Regular demos and feedback sessions allow teams to validate
the product's di
 rection and ensure it meets customer expectations. This customer-centric approach results in
higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Question 4: Disadvantages of Agile Development

d) Discuss three potential disadvantages or challenges associated with implementing Agile
development methods.

Answer 4d:

Three potential disadvantages or challenges of Agile development include:

 Lack of Predictability in Planning: Agile embraces changing requirements, which can make
long-term planning and forecasting challenging. This lack of predictability may be
problematic for organizations with strict deadlines or regulatory constraints.
 Resource Requirements: Agile development relies heavily on collaboration and continuous
communication among team members. This may require significant time and effort from
team members, which could be a challenge in large or geographically dispersed teams.
 Inadequate Upfront Design: Agile's focus on delivering working software quickly can lead to
insufficient upfront design and architecture. While Agile encourages emergent design,
neglecting proper architectural planning may result in technical debt and long-term
maintenance issues.

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