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SE 2101 Software Engineering

Assignment no. 2
Total Marks: 10 Marks
Deadline:16th March 2023
Question: Answer the following questions using your knowledge of Agile
1) You are in the middle of the sprint and the product owner has come
with one new requirement from the customer, what you do? What is the
best way to handle this?
Ans: When a new requirement is added by the product owner in the middle of a
sprint, the Agile team should first assess the requirement's impact on the sprint
goals and timeline. If it's feasible to accommodate the new requirement, the
team should work with the product owner to refine and add it to the sprint
backlog. The team should estimate the effort required and assess the impact on
the sprint goals and timeline. If the new requirement cannot be completed
within the sprint timeline or could affect the existing sprint goals, the team
should discuss this with the product owner and stakeholders to decide on the
best course of action. This could include adjusting the current sprint goals,
extending the sprint or delaying the new requirement until the next sprint. Clear
communication and collaboration between the product owner and the team are
essential to handle new requirements effectively.
2) How does Agile Testing Methodology be different from traditional
Ans: Agile testing methodology is different from traditional testing in a few
1. Agile testing focuses on testing early and frequently throughout the
development cycle, whereas traditional testing is typically done towards the
end of the cycle.
2. Agile testing involves the entire team, including developers and testers,
collaborating and communicating closely throughout the development cycle.
Traditional testing often involves a separate testing team.
3. Agile testing places a strong emphasis on testing small, incremental changes
as they are made, rather than waiting to test the entire product at the end.
This helps identify and address issues early on and prevents costly rework.
4. Agile testing is designed to be flexible and adaptable to changes, whereas
traditional testing often relies on a fixed plan and schedule.
Overall, Agile testing methodology is focused on delivering high-quality
software that meets customer needs through continuous testing and
collaboration throughout the development process.
3) When the Agile manifesto says ‘People over Process’, why do we still
need a Scrum Master, a role meant to enforce the Scrum process?

Ans: Although the Agile manifesto emphasizes people over process, having
a Scrum Master is still necessary because they help the team follow the
Scrum process, which enables the team to work more efficiently and
effectively. The Scrum Master is not there to enforce the process but rather
to facilitate it by removing any impediments that the team may face,
ensuring that the team adheres to the Scrum framework, and promoting a
culture of continuous improvement. The Scrum Master also helps the team
to understand the importance of the Scrum process, and how it can benefit
them in delivering high-quality software. In essence, the Scrum Master is
there to support the team, enabling them to be more productive, efficient and
effective in their work.

4) Have you faced any situation where your delivery team is not getting
along? Which stage are they in? How to handle this situation?

Ans : As an AI language model, I haven't faced a situation where a delivery

team is not getting along. However, if such a situation occurs, it's essential to
address it early on by promoting open communication, collaboration, and
trust within the team.
The first step is to understand at which stage of development the team is in.
If it's early in the project, team-building activities can be organized to build
trust and collaboration. These activities could include group outings, team-
building exercises, or other activities that help team members get to know
each other better.
If the team is further along in the project, specific issues causing conflict
within the team must be identified and addressed. Facilitating open
communication allows team members to voice their concerns and develop a
plan to address them collaboratively.
It's crucial to address team conflicts early on to maintain productivity and
motivation and ensure that high-quality results are delivered.

5) What type of Requirements did you use for your project? Make an
assumption for the requirement chosen. If the customer wants to change
the requirement in the middle of the sprint, how to handle this as a
Tester and Developer?

Ans : As an AI language model, I do not have a specific project to refer to.

However, in Agile methodology, requirements are typically user
stories, which are short descriptions of a feature or functionality written
from the perspective of the end user.
Assuming the requirement chosen is a user story, it should follow the
INVEST criteria - Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and
If the customer wants to change the requirement in the middle of a sprint, as
a tester and developer, it's important to discuss the change with the Product
Owner and the team. The impact of the change on the sprint goal, scope, and
timeline must be evaluated. If the change is necessary, the team should
prioritize the new requirement and adjust the sprint backlog accordingly.
The new requirement should be reviewed and tested in the same way as
other requirements, and any changes must be documented and
communicated to the team and the customer.


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