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Materials: Board, Chalk, Calculator

1. Students must be grouped into more than 3.
2. Each group must provide a square quadratic equation. The positive solution of that
equation will be used as the group’s score.
3. In order to determine the first group to give an equation, the teacher will first provide a
quadratic equation. The first group who answers correctly will have the chance to be the
first provider of the equation.
4. First group will provide an equation, then its positive solution will be their score. Then it
will be the second group’s turn then so on and so forth.
5. Each member of the group will only have 5 rounds of providing equations.
6. If there are 5 members of each group, then there will be 5 rounds of providing equations.
7. No repetition of equation. To make sure none of the equations will be repeated, the
teacher will write the equations on the board and so is the score.
8. To get the answer easier and faster, each group must have a calculator.
9. The score should only reach 100. If after the 5 th rotation (depending on the number of
members), the score has not reached 100 yet, the group with the nearest score to 100


Scavenger hunts can be played inside, outside or both. Children can play this game in teams.


a. Paper
b. Pens

1. Create a list of things to find, hear or do. Use pictures, numbers and words to create your
2. Create a time limit.
3. Give children the list and let them scavenge around and find and do all of the things on
their list.
4. The team who ticks everything off on their list first, or ticks off the most items before the
time is up, wins.


1. Each team will be given the choice to pick one power. It could be the HINT power, in
which they can ask for a hint from the teacher, HELP power, where the team can ask for
help from anyone to solve the problem, or the PASS power, where the team can choose to
not answer the given equation. However, each power can only be used once for one
2. Each team will encounter three stations: Easy= 3 points, Average= 6 points, and
Difficult= 10 points. Each station has 3 questions.
3. Students must solve questions involving topics from Patterns and Algebra.
4. The team must answer the questions first before they can proceed to the next question or
5. If the team fails to answer the questions within the given time limit, they lose.
6. The team who finishes first, with the highest score, wins the game.


Jenga is a great game for building decision-making skills and improving hand-to-eye
coordination. The aim of this game is to teach kids the importance of being patient and how to be
a good friend under pressure.



Materials: Jenga, Paper, Pen

1. Let the students form groups of 5 members (depending on the number of students).
2. Each team will be given 2 chances to steal a question and 3 chances to ask for help.
3. Each team can decide who will go first (depends on the number of groups).
4. The members of each team will take turns to take one block from any level of the tower
(except the one below and the top most block).
5. The players may use only one hand at a time; either hand may be used, but only one hand
may touch the tower at any time.
6. Each block will have a corresponding point and an equation that the students need to
solve to earn the point.
7. Each equation will vary on the level of difficulty. The students will only see the
corresponding point on the outside part of the block. If the student chooses the level, then
they must answer the question on the inner part of the block.
8. The student who took the block must be the one to answer the question however, she can
ask help from her fellow team members.
9. The easy questions will be colored green with 1 point, the average questions will be
colored yellow with 3 points, and the hard questions will be colored red with 5 points.
10. The student answering the question will be given a time limit to answer the question. If
they fail to do so, then they will lose the point and another student from the other team
can steal the question.
11. If the team answers the question correctly, then they get the point.
12. Each team will take turns in taking a block and answering. The blocks taken will not be
placed back to the tower. The game ends when all the blocks are answered or when the
tower falls.
13. The team to make the block collapse will lose all their point.



 To be the first team to connect five of the same-colored discs in a row (either vertically,
horizontally, or diagonally).

Materials: Connect Four Board Game, Paper, Pen

1. Students must form a group of two. Decide who goes first and what color each player
will have.
2. Each team will be given a certain number of equations to solve (depending on the number
of players) and the members will take turns to answer the equations.
3. The team can only put one disc per equation and it must be after they solve it.
4. The team who makes a five-in-a-row first wins.

 The team must raise to the finish line


1. The students will form a group (depending on the number of students). The team can
decide who will go first.
2. The students will be given questions with corresponding number of steps to take. The
more steps, the harder the question. The level of difficulty will be categorized into three:
Easy with 2 steps, Average with 4 steps, and Difficult with 6 steps.
3. If the team fails to answer the question, they will have to take a step back depending on
the level of difficulty they chose. Easy with 2 steps, Average with 4 steps, and Difficult
with 6 steps.
4. The team to finish the race first wins.

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