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By: Cresentia C. Bernadez

Learning Competency: Identifies quadrilaterals that are parallelograms (M9GE-IIIa-1).

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students will be able to:
 Identify the different types of quadrilaterals that are parallelograms;
 Graph the different types of quadrilaterals that are parallelogram in the Cartesian Plane using given
 Appreciate the lesson by citing examples of quadrilaterals that are parallelograms through real-life
objects they see every day.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Quadrilaterals thar are Parallelograms
References: Mathematics Learner’s Material 9 pp. 305-308
Materials Used: Laptop, Visual Materials, Graphing Paper, Protractor, Ruler, Pencil, Compass
Value: Critical Thinking

III. Procedure
Methodology Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preparation A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings and Prayer

Good morning class! “Good morning, Ma’am! we are glad

to see you.”
How are you today? “We are feeling great Ma’am!”
That is good to hear.

Before having our class discussion, let us all

stand first for a prayer.
Student A, kindly lead the prayer. (Students will stand.)

Class, before you take your seats, kindly pick (Students will pick up the pieces of
up the pieces of papers or plastic around you papers or plastics around them and
and arrange your chair silently and properly. arrange their chair silently and
Please take your seats.

2. Checking of Attendance Class: “Thank you, ma’am.”

Class monitor, is everyone present today?

Very good, we have a perfect attendance for Class monitor: “Yes ma’am.”

3. Setting of Class Standards

Let’s have first our classroom agreements for

us to have a smooth class discussion.
(Paste the visual aid on the board)

Everyone, please our classroom agreements.

1. Listen attentively when someone is talking.
2. Raise your hand if you to answer. (Students start reading the classroom
3. Actively participate in every activity. agreements.)

Thank you! I hope everyone will observe the

classroom agreements for the whole duration
of the class discussion.
4.Checking of Assignments

Do we have an assignment for today?

Okay, very good.

(Class answers.)
Class, before we start our discussion, let us first
do an activity called “Four-Sided Everywhere!”

There are some illustrations here on the board

and I will give 1 minute for everyone to study
these illustrations.

What do you see in the illustrations shown? Student A: “I can see a chess board, a
paper money, and a ring shaped like
a diamond.”
Very good. Anything else?
Student B: “I can also see a popcorn
box, a lamp, and a bag.”

Do you notice any similarities in the pictures? Student C: “I noticed that the objects
in the pictures have four sides,
Excellent observation. What do we call shapes
that have four sides? Student A: “Quadrilaterals.”

Do you think the objects in the pictures are all

quadrilaterals? Class: “Yes ma’am.”

Do you think all the objects in the pictures all

have equal sides? Student B: “No ma’am.”

Very good. And which of the objects have only

one pair of opposite sides equal and parallel? Student A: “The popcorn box, the
lamp and the bag ma’am.”
Correct! Which of the objects have two pairs of
opposite sides equal and parallel?

Excellent! And what do we call quadrilaterals Student C: “The chess board, paper
that has two pairs of parallel sides? money, and the ring.”

Do you think all quadrilaterals are Class: “Parallelograms.”

parallelograms? Let us find out through our
lesson for today which is “Quadrilaterals that are
Explore Now, before we proceed. Let us read first the
objectives for today’s lesson.
Everyone please read. Students will read the objectives.
 Identify the different types of
quadrilaterals that are parallelograms;
 Graph the different types of
quadrilaterals that are parallelogram in
the Cartesian Plane using given points;
 Appreciate the lesson by citing examples
of quadrilaterals that are parallelograms
through real-life objects they see every

Splendid. So, these are the goals that everyone

will strive to achieve at the end of the lesson.
Explain Again, who can recall what is a quadrilateral? Student E: “A quadrilateral has four-
sides, four corners and the interior
angles add to 360 degrees.”

There are special types of quadrilaterals. Who (Rectangle, square, rhombus,

can guess what are those? parallelogram, trapezoid, kite)

What can you observe about the angle of the

rectangle? Its sides? The length? Student A: “It has a right angle for
every angle, has parallel opposite
sides and equal length.”

What can you observe about the angle of the

square? Its sides? Student B: “It is similar to rectangle.”

Student C: “All sides have equal

What can you observe about the rhombus? Its length and opposite sides are
sides? The length? parallel.”

Yes, very good. Another interesting thing is that

the diagonals (dashed lines) meet in the middle
at a right angle. In other words, they “bisect” (cut
in half) each other at right angles.
What can you observe about the parallelogram?
The sides and length?
Student A: “The opposite sides are
parallel and has equal length. All
What can you say about the trapezoid? opposite angles are also equal.”

Student B: “It has only one pair of

opposite sides that are parallel.”

Correct! What about the kite?

Student C: “It has two pairs of sides
but the opposite sides are not equal.”

Very good. In addition, each pair of the kite is

made of two equal-length sides that join up. The
angles where the two pairs meet are equal. What
do you observe about the middle of the kite? Student A: “It is similar to the
rhombus where the diagonals meet
at middle in a right angle and bisects
Excellent observation! It is similar to the rhombus each other.”
but the opposite sides are not parallel.

What if you are given this type of shapes?

Are they quadrilaterals or not?

Why do you think so? Student E: “They are quadrilaterals

Student E: “Because the still have
four sides.”
Correct! Even though two sides cross over, they
are still quadrilaterals and are called “Complex
Quadrilaterals”. Do you understand?
Class: “Yes ma’am.”
Let us now identify whether these quadrilaterals
are parallelograms or not.
Quadrilateral Parallelogram Not
1. Trapezoi
2. Rectangle Student A: “No ma’am because it
3. Rhombus has only one pair of parallel sides.”
4. Square
5. Kite Student B: “Yes ma’am.”

Is trapezoid a parallelogram? Why do you think

so? Student C: “Yes ma’am because all
four of the sides are equal in length.”
Correct! How about a rectangle? Is it a Student A: “It is a parallelogram
parallelogram? ma’am because both pairs of
opposite sides are equal.”
Is rhombus a parallelogram? Why? Student E: “No ma’am because it has
no parallel sides.”
What about a square?
Class: “Yes ma’am.”

Is a kite a parallelogram? Why?

Class: “None ma’am.”

Very good, class! Can you now identify

quadrilaterals that are parallelograms?

Do you have any questions?

Elaborate Now, let’s have an activity which is entitled
“Fantastic Four”! The class will be divided into 4
groups called houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff,
Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Look underneath your seats to find tags that will

sort you into a house you belong. Student look underneath their seats.

Does everyone have their tags? Class: “Yes ma’am.”

Good. Now, I will give 15 seconds for everyone

to stay with their respective groups. Students do as told.

Heads (leaders) of each house, get your


Please read together the instructions.

1. Each group shall draw a parallelogram on
a graphing paper.
 Gryffindor- parallelogram OBEY
 Hufflepuff- rectangle GIVE
 Ravenclaw- rhombus THNX
 Slytherin- square LOVE
2. Measure the sides and the angles, and
record your findings in your own table.
3. Draw the diagonals and measure the Answers vary.
segments formed by the intersecting
diagonals. Record your findings in the
Good job everyone!

Can you now identify quadrilaterals that are

parallelograms? “Yes ma’am.”

Again, what are quadrilaterals? Student C: “A quadrilateral has four-

sides, four corners and the interior
angles add to 360 degrees.”

Correct! How about parallelograms? Student A: “Are quadrilaterals that

has two pairs of parallel sides.”

Can you give me an example of real-life objects

of a quadrilateral that are parallelograms you use
in daily life? Answers vary.

Excellent! Please give yourself a round of

applause. The students clap.

To further assess your understanding, let’s have

a short quiz. Get a piece of graphing paper.
Evaluate Directions: Plot the following sets of points in the
Cartesian plane. Connect each given set of points
consecutively to form a quadrilateral. Identify
whether the figure is a parallelogram or not.

1. (-1, 2); (-1, 0); (1, 0); (1,2)

2. (1,0); (3,0); (0, -2); (3, -2)
3. (-4, -2); (-4, -4); (0, -2); (0, -4)
4. (3, 4); (2, 2); (3,0); (4, 2)
5. (-4, 2); (-5, 1); (-3, 1); (-4, -2)

IV. Assignment
Instructions: Study about the conditions that make a quadrilateral a parallelogram.

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