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EC8391-Control system Engineering (Objective type questions)

Unit -1

1. The output of the feedback control system must be a function of:

a) Reference input
b) Reference output
c) Output and feedback signal
d) Input and feedback signal
Answer: d
2. The closed loop gain of the system shown in the given figure is

a) -9/5 b) -6/5 c) 6/5 d) 9/5

Answer: b
Explanation: C(s)/R(s) =G(s)/1+G(s)H(S)=-3/1+3/2=-6/5.

3. The overall transfer function from block diagram reduction for cascaded blocks is :
a) Sum of individual gain
b) Product of individual gain
c) Difference of individual gain
d) Division of individual gain
Answer: b
4. The overall transfer function of two blocks in parallel are :
a) Sum of individual gain
b) Product of individual gain
c) Difference of individual gain
d) Division of individual gain
Answer: a
5. Transfer function of the system is defined as the ratio of Laplace output to Laplace
input considering initial conditions________
a) 1
b) 2
c) 0
d) infinite
Answer: c
6.  Oscillations in output response is due to :
a) Positive feedback
b) Negative feedback
c) No feedback
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
7. A node having only outgoing branches.
a) Input node
b) Output node
c) Incoming node
d) Outgoing node
Answer: a
8. Use mason’s gain formula to find the transfer function of the given signal flow graph:

a) abd/1-(ac)
b) abdeg/1-(bc+ef)+bcef
c) abd/1-(bc+ef)+bcef
d) adcdef/1-(bc+ef)+bcef

Answer: b

9. Loop which do not possess any common node are said to be ___________ loops.
a) Forward gain
b) Touching loops
c) Non touching loops
d) Feedback gain
Answer: c
10. Signal flow graphs:
a) They apply to linear systems
b) The equation obtained may or may not be in the form of cause or effect
c) Arrows are not important in the graph
d) They cannot be converted back to block diagram
Answer: a
11. The relationship between an input and output variable of a signal flow graph is given
by the net gain between the input and output node is known as the
a) Overall gain of the system
b) Stability
c) Bandwidth
d) Speed
Answer: a
12. Effect of feedback on sensitivity is minimum in:
a) Open loop control system
b) Closed loop control system
c) None of the mentioned
d) Both of the mentioned
Answer: b
13. Feedback control systems are:
a) Insensitive to both forward and feedback path parameter changes
b) Less sensitive to feedback path parameter changes than to forward path parameter
c) Less sensitive to forward path parameter changes that to feedback path parameter
d) Equally sensitive to forward feedback path parameter changes
Answer: c
14. The closed system has higher ________ than open loop control system, this implies
increased speed of response.
a) Gain
b) Bandwidth
c) Frequency
d) Speed
Answer: b
15. Multiple signals as input can be used in which systems:
a) Feedback systems
b) Non feedback systems
c) Feedforward systems
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
16. Feedback can cause a system that is originally stable to become___________
a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Either more stable or unstable
Answer: d
17. What is the algebraic sum of the reference input and feedback?
a) Error Signal
b) Error Detector
c) Controlled system
d) Controlled output
Answer: a
18. What is the effect of feedback in the overall gain of the system?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Zero
d) No change
Answer: b
19.  In a control system the output of the controller is given to
a) Final control element
b) Amplifier
c) Comparator
d) Sensor
Answer: a
20. The major components of a controller are:
a) Control element
b) Error detector and control element
c) Feedback element
d) Error detector and feedback element
Answer: b

21. Which of the following statements is correct for a system with gain margin close to unity
or a phase margin close to zero ?
(a)    The system is relatively stable
(b)    The system is highly stable
(c)    The system is highly oscillatory
(d)    None of the above

Ans: c
22. Due to which of the following reasons excessive bond width in control systems should be
avoided ?
(a)    It leads to slow speed of response
(b)    It leads to low relative stability
(c)    Noise is proportional to band width
(d)    None of the above

Ans: c
23. In a stable control system backlash can cause which of the following ?
(a)     Underdamping
(b)     Overdamping
(c)    Poor stability at reduced values of open loop gain
(d)    Low-level oscillations

Ans: d
24. In an automatic control system which of the following elements is not used ?
(a)     Error detector
(b)     Final control element
(c)     Sensor
(d)     Oscillator

Ans: d
25. In a control system the output of the controller is given to
(a)     final control element
(b)     amplifier
(c)     comparator
(d)     sensor
(e)    none of the above

Ans: a
26.  A controller, essentially, is a
(a)     sensor
(b)     clipper
(c)     comparator
(d)     amplifier

Ans: c
27. Which of the following is the not the ideal input to a controller ?
(a)    Servo signal
(b)    Desired variable value
(c)    Error signal
(d)    Sensed signal

Ans: a
28. The on-off controller is a _____ system.
(a)    digital
(b)    linear
(c)    non-linear
(d)    discontinuous

Ans: d

1. Transient response analysis is done for_________ systems.
a) Unstable
b) Stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Marginally stable
Answer: b
2. Standard test signals in control system are:
a) Impulse signal
b) Ramp signal
c) Unit step signal
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
3. The nature of transient response is revealed by ______________
a) Sine wave
b) Cos wave
c) Tan wave
d) Test signals
Answer: d.
4.  Ramp input :
a) Denotes constant velocity
b) Value increases linearly with time
c) It denotes constant velocity and varies linearly with time
d) It varies exponentially with time
Answer: c
5. First order system is defined as :
a) Number of poles at origin
b) Order of the differential equation
c) Total number of poles of equation
d) Total number of poles and order of equation
Answer: d
6. Laplace transform of unit impulse signal is :
a) A/s
b) A
c) 1
d) 1/s
Answer: c
7. The system in originally critically damped if the gain is doubled the system will be :
a) Remains same
b) Overdamped
c) Under damped
d) Undamped
Answer: c
8. The damping ratio and peak overshoot are measures of:
a) Relative stability
b) Speed of response
c) Steady state error
d) Absolute stability
Answer: b
9. What will be the nature of time response if the roots of the characteristic equation are
located on the s-plane imaginary axis?
a) Oscillations
b) Damped oscillations
c) No oscillations
d) Under damped oscilaations
Answer: c
10. Consider a system with transfer function G(s) = s+6/Ks2+s+6. Its damping ratio will be
0.5 when the values of k is:
a) 2/6
b) 3
c) 1/6
d) 6
Answer: c
11. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for large overshoot in a control
a) High gain in a system
b) Presence of dead time delay in a system
c) High positive correcting torque
d) High retarding torque
Answer: c
12. Which of the following quantities give a measure of the transient characteristics of a
control system, when subjected to unit step excitation.
1. Maximum overshoot
2. Maximum undershoot
3. Overall gain
4. Delay time
5. Rise time
6. Fall time
a) 1,3 and 5
b) 2, 4 and 5
c) 2,4 and 6
d) 1,4 and 5
Answer: d
13. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for large overshoot in a control
a) High gain in a system
b) Presence of dead time delay in a system
c) High positive correcting torque
d) High retarding torque
Answer: c
14. In a second order feedback control system natural frequency and damping
a) Can be designed by changing the gain of the individual system
b) Cannot be designed by changing the gain of the individual system
c) Are independent on the type of input excitation
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
15. Control system are normally designed to be:
a) Overdamped
b) Under damped
c) Un damped
d) Critically damped
Answer: b
16. Steady state refers to
a) Error at the steady state
b) Error at the transient state
c) Error at both state
d) Precision
Answer: a
17.  The disadvantages of the error constants are:
a) They do not give the information of the steady state error when the inputs are other
than the three basic types
b) Error constant fail to indicate the exact manner in which the error function change with
c) They do not give information of the steady state error and fail to indicate the exact
manner in which the error function change with time
d) They give information of the steady state error
Answer: c
18. Zeroes are defined as:
a) Roots of the denominator of the closed loop transfer function
b) Roots of the numerator of the closed loop transfer function
c) Parts of the numerator
d) Parts of the denominator
Answer: b
19. Zero initial condition for a system means?
a) Input reference signal is zero
b) Zero stored energy
c) Initial movement of moving parts
d) System is at rest and no energy is stored in any of its components
Answer: d
20. The transient response, with feedback system,
a) Rises slowly
b) Rises quickly
c) Decays slowly
d) Decays quickly
Answer: d

21. The capacitance, in force-current analogy, is analogous to

(a)    momentum
(b)    velocity
(c)    displacement
(d)    mass

Ans: d
22. The temperature, under thermal and electrical system analogy, is considered analogous to
(a)     voltage
(b)     current
(c)     capacitance
(d)     charge
(e)    none of the above

Ans: a
23. In electrical-pneumatic system analogy the current is considered analogous to
(a)     velocity
(b)     pressure
(c)     air flow
(d)     air flow rate

Ans: d
24. In liquid level and electrical system analogy, voltage is considered analogous to
(a)     head
(b)     liquid flow
(c)    liquid flow rate
(d)    none of the above

Ans: a
25. The viscous friction co-efficient, in force-voltage analogy, is analogous to
(a)     charge
(b)     resistance
(c)    reciprocal of inductance
(d)    reciprocal of conductance
(e)    none of the above

Ans: b
26. In force-voltage analogy, velocity is analogous to
(a)     current
(b)     charge
(c)     inductance
(d)     capacitance

Ans: a
27. In thermal-electrical analogy charge is considered analogous to
(a)    heat flow
(b)    reciprocal of heat flow
(c)    reciprocal of temperature
(d)    temperature
(e)    none of the above

Ans: d
28. Mass, in force-voltage analogy, is analogous to
(a) charge
(b) current
(c) inductance
(d) resistance

Ans: c

1. Which one of the following methods can determine the closed loop system resonance
frequency operation?
a) Root locus method
b) Nyquist method
c) Bode plot
d) M and N circle
Answer: d
2. For a stable closed loop system, the gain at phase crossover frequency should always be:
a) < 20 dB
b) < 6 dB
c) > 6 dB
d) > 0 dB
Answer: d
3. In a feedback control system, phase margin(PM) is
1. Directly proportional to G
2. Inversely proportional to G
3. Independent of G
4. Zero when G =0
Answer: d
4.  The polar plot of a transfer function passes through the critical point (-1,0). Gain margin
a) Zero
b) -1dB
c) 1dB
d) Infinity
Answer: a
Explanation: Gain margin of a polar plot passing through the critical point is
5. Consider the following statements:
1. The effect of feedback is to reduce the system error
2. Feedback increases the gain of the system in one frequency range but decreases in
3. Feedback can cause a system that is originally stable to become unstable. Which of
these statements are correct.
a) 1,2 and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 1 and 3
Answer: c
6.  If the gain of the open-loop system is doubled, the gain margin
a) Is not affected
b) Gets doubled
c) Becomes half
d) Becomes one-fourth
Answer: a
7.  Frequency range of bode magnitude and phases are decided by :
a) The lowest and higher important frequencies of dominant factors of the OLTF
b) The lowest and highest important frequencies of all the factors of the open loop
transfer function
c) Resonant frequencies of the second factors
d) None of the above
Answer: d
8. The roots of the characteristic equation of the second order system in which real and
imaginary part represents the :
a) Damped frequency and damping
b) Damping and damped frequency
c) Natural frequency and damping ratio
d) Damping ratio and natural frequency
Answer: b
9. For a type one system, the steady – state error due to step input is equal to
a) Infinite
b) Zero
c) 0.25
d) 0.5
Answer: b
10. The equation 2s4+s3+3s2+5s+10=0 has roots in the left half of s–plane:
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Answer: b
11.  Given a unity feedback control system with G (s) = K/s(s+4), the value of K for which
the damping ratio is 0.5.
a) 1
b) 16
c) 64
d) 32
Answer: b
12. A system with gain margin close to unity and phase margin close to zero is :
a) Highly stable
b) Oscillatory
c) Relatively stable
d) Unstable
Answer: c
13. Which of the following are the not characteristics of the closed loop systems?
a) It does not compensate for disturbance
b) It reduces the sensitivity of plant-parameter variations
c) It does not involve output measurements
d) It does not has the ability to control the system transient response
Answer: d
14.  Which one of the following effect in the system is not caused by negative feedback?
a) Reduction in gain
b) Increased in bandwidth
c) Increase in distortion
d) Reduction in output impedance
Answer: c
15.  Feedback control system is basically
a) High pass filter
b) Low pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band stop filter
Answer: b
16. As compared to the closed loop system, an open loop system is
a) More stable but less accurate
b) Less stable as well as less accurate
c) More stable as well as more accurate
d) Less stable but more accurate
Answer: a
17. Insertion of negative feedback in control system affects:
a) The transient response to vanish uniformly
b) The transient response to decay very fast
c) No change in transient response
d) The transient response decays at slow rate
Answer: b
18. Primary purpose of using Feedback is :
a) To reduce the sensitivity of the system to parameter variations.
b) To increase the bandwidth of the system
c) To reduce the noise and distortion of the system
d) To increase stability of the system
Answer: a
19. A phase lead compensation leads to:
a) Increase in overshoot
b) Reduction in bandwidth of closed loop system
c) Reduction in rise time of closed loop system
d) Reduction in gain margin
Answer: c
20. PD controller is used to compensate system. Compared to the uncompensated system, the
compensated system has:
a) A higher type number
b) Reduced damping
c) Higher noise amplification
d) Large transient overshoot
Answer: c
21. P+D controller:
a) Introduces offset
b) Increases bandwidth
c) Increases margin of stability
d) Reduces velocity constant
Answer: c
22.  Proportional controller:
a) Introduces offset
b) Increases bandwidth
c) Increases margin of stability
d) Reduces velocity constant
Answer: a
23. Phase lag controller:
a) Improvement in transient response
b) Reduction in steady state error
c) Reduction is settling time
d) Increase in damping constant
Answer: b
24. Addition of zero at origin:
a) Improvement in transient response
b) Reduction in steady state error
c) Reduction is settling time
d) Increase in damping constant
Answer: a
25. Lag compensation leads to:
a) Increases bandwidth
b) Attenuation
c) Increases damping factor
d) Second order
Answer: b
26.  Lead compensation leads to:
a) Increases bandwidth
b) Attenuation
c) Increases damping factor
d) Second order
Answer: a
27. Lag-lead compensation is a:
a) Increases bandwidth
b) Attenuation
c) Increases damping factor
d) Second order
Answer: d
28.  The characteristic equation of a system is 2s5+s4+4s3+2s2+2s+1=0 . Which one of the
following is correct?
a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Unstable
d) Oscillatory
Answer: c

30. In an open loop control system

(a)   Output is independent of control input
(b)    Output is dependent on control input
(c)    Only system parameters have effect on the control output
(d)    None of the above

Ans: a
31. For open control system which of the following statements is incorrect ?
(a)     Less expensive
(b)     Recalibration is not required for maintaining the required quality of the output
(c)    Construction is simple and maintenance easy
(d)    Errors are caused by disturbances

Ans: b
32. A control system in which the control action is somehow dependent on the output is
known as
(a)     Closed loop system
(b)     Semiclosed loop system
(c)     Open system
(d)     None of the above
Ans: a
33.. In closed loop control system, with positive value of feedback gain the overall gain of the
system will
(a)    decrease
(b)     increase
(c)     be unaffected
(d)     any of the above

Ans: a
34. Which of the following is an open loop control system ?
(a)     Field controlled D.C. motor
(b)    Ward leonard control
(c)    Metadyne
(d)     Stroboscope

Ans: a
35. Which of the following statements is not necessarily correct for open control system ?
(a)     Input command is the sole factor responsible for providing the control action
(b)     Presence of non-linearities causes malfunctioning
(c)    Less expensive
(d)    Generally free from problems of non-linearities

Ans: b

1. If value of gain is increased, then roots of the system will move to

a) Origin
b) Lower frequencies
c) Higher frequencies
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

2. Feed back control system are basically

a) Low pass filter

b) High pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band stop filter

Ans: (a)

3. In root if 𝓴 is greater than critical value, then increasing 𝓴 will

a) Increase value of the real part of closed loop

b) Decrease value of the real part of closed loop
c) Not change value of the real part of closed loop
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

4. A liner system obeys the principle of

a) Homogeneity
b) Reciprocity
c) Superposition and homogeneity
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

5. Plot of the constant gain loci of the system is

a) Asymptote
b) Circle with centre at the origin
c) Parabola
d) Ellipse

Ans: (b)

6. If poles are more than zeros in G(S) F(S), then number of root locus segment is equal to

a) Number of poles
b) Number of zeros
c) Sum of poles and zeros
d) Difference of poles and zeros

Ans: (a)

7. In root locus technique, angle between adjacent asymptote is

a) 180°/(m + n)
b) 360°/(m + n)
c) 360°/(m - n)
d) 180°/(m - n)

Ans: (c)

8. To increase damping of pair of complex roots compensator used is

a) Phase lag
b) Phase lead
c) Phase lag lead
d) One with 60° lead circuit

Ans: (b)

9. For type 3 system, lowest frequency asymptote will have the slop of

a) 15 db/octave
b) -16 db/octave
c) 17 db/octave
d) -18 db/octave

Ans: (d)

10. If poles of system are lying on the imaginary axis in s-plane, the system will be

a) Unstable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable

Ans: (b)

11. If a pole is added to a system it causes

a) Lag compensation
b) Lead compensation
c) Lead-lag compensation
d) None of these

Ans: (b)
12.. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
a) Root loci can be used for analyzing stability and transient performance
b) Root loci provide insight into system stability and performance
c) Shape of the root locus gives idea of type of controller needed to meet design specification
d) Root locus can be used to handle more than one variable at a time

Answer: d
Explanation: For more than one variable state space is used.
13. Root locus of s(s+2)+K(s+4) =0 is a circle. What are the coordinates of the center of this
a) -2,0
b) -3,0
c) -4,0
d) -5,0

Answer: c
Explanation: s(s+2)+K(s+4) =0
1+K(s+4)/s(s+2) =0.
G(s)H(s) =K(s+b)/s(s+a)
Centre =(-b,0) =(-4,0).
14.The main objective of drawing root locus plot is :
a) To obtain a clear picture about the open loop poles and zeroes of the system
b) To obtain a clear picture about the transient response of feedback system for various
values of open loop gain K
c) To determine sufficient condition for the value of ‘K’ that will make the feedback system
d) Both b and c

Answer: d
Explanation: The main objective of drawing root locus plot is to obtain a clear picture about
the transient response of feedback system for various values of open loop gain K and to
determine sufficient condition for the value of ‘K’ that will make the feedback system
15. While increasing the value of gain K, the system becomes
a) Less stable
b) More stable
c) Unstable
d) Absolute stable

Answer: a
Explanation: Damping factor is inversely proportional to gain on increasing gain it reduces
hence makes the system less stable.
16. The addition of open loop poles pulls the root locus towards:
a) The right and system becomes unstable
b) Imaginary axis and system becomes marginally stable
c) The left and system becomes unstable
d) The right and system becomes unstable

Answer: d
Explanation: The addition of open loop poles pulls the root locus towards the right and
system becomes unstable.
17. Root locus is used to calculate:
a) Marginal stability
b) Absolute stability
c) Conditional stability
d) Relative stability

Answer: d
Explanation: Root locus is used to calculate relative stability.
18. Routh Hurwitz criterion is better than root locus.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Root locus is better as it require less computation process.
19. Consider the following statements regarding root loci:
a) All root loci start from the respective poles of G(s) H(s)
b) All root loci end at the respective zeros of G(s) H(s) or go to infinity
c) The root loci are symmetrical about the imaginary axis of the s-plane
d) All root loci start and end from the respective poles of G(s) H(s) or go to infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: All the root locus start at respective poles and end at zeroes.
20. Number of roots of characteristic equation is equal to the number of ______________
a) Branches
b) Root
c) Stem
d) Poles

Answer: a
Explanation: Number of roots of characteristic equation is equal to the number of branches.
21. Which of the following statements are correct?
a) Root locus is for the negative feedback systems
b) Complementary root locus is for the positive feedback systems
c) Root locus is for the negative feedback and Complementary root locus is for the positive
feedback systems
d) Complementary root locus is for the negative feedback systems

Answer: c
Explanation: Root locus and Complementary root locus are complementary to each other.
22. The angles of asymptotes of the root loci of the equation s3+5s2+(K+2)s+K=0 are:
a) 0° and 270°
b) 0° and 180°
c) 90° and 270°
d) 90° and 180°

Answer: c
Explanation: P-Z =2
Angle of asymptote = (2q+1)180°/P-Z
Angle are 90° and 270°.
23. The characteristic equation is s3+14s2+(45+K)s+K =0, centroid is located at (-x,0) then
the value of x is ____________
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: b
Explanation: Differentiating the equation of K with respect to s and equating it to
zero.Breakaway points are -2, -2+1.414j,-2-j1.414. so 2 is complex breakaway point.
24. Routh Hurwitz criterion gives:
a) Number of roots in the right half of the s-plane
b) Value of the roots
c) Number of roots in the left half of the s-plane
d) Number of roots in the top half of the s-plane

Answer: a
Explanation: Routh Hurwitz criterion gives number of roots in the right half of the s-plane.
25. Routh Hurwitz criterion cannot be applied when the characteristic equation of the system
containing coefficient’s which is/are
a) Exponential function of s
b) Sinusoidal function of s
c) Complex
d) Exponential and sinusoidal function of s and complex

Answer: d
Explanation: Routh Hurwitz criterion cannot be applied when the characteristic equation of
the system containing coefficient/s which is/are exponential, sinusoidal and complex function
of s.
26. Consider the following statement regarding Routh Hurwitz criterion:
a) It gives absolute stability
b) It gives gain and phase margin
c) It gives the number of roots lying in RHS of the s-plane
d) It gives gain, phase margin and number of roots lying in RHS of the s-plane

Answer: d
Explanation: Routh Hurwitz gives the absolute stability and roots on the right of the s plane.
27. The order of the auxiliary polynomial is always:
a) Even
b) Odd
c) May be even or odd
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Auxiliary polynomial denotes the derivative of the odd equation which is
always even.
28. Which of the test signals are best utilized by the stability analysis.
a) Impulse
b) Step
c) Ramp
d) Parabolic

Answer: a
Explanation: Computational task is reduced to much extent.
29. The characteristic equation of a system is given as3s4+10s3+5s2+2=0. This system is :
a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Unstable
d) Linear

Answer: c
Explanation: There is a missing coefficient so the system is unstable.
30. The characteristic equation of a system is given ass3+25s2+10s+50=0. What is the
number of the roots in the right half s-plane and the imaginary axis respectively?
a) 1,1
b) 0,0
c) 2,1
d) 1,2

Answer: b
Explanation: The characteristic equation has no sign changes so number of roots on the right
half of s plane is zero.
Unit V

1. The transfer function for the state representation of the continuous time LTI system:
dq(t)/dt=Aq(t)+Bx(t) and Y(t)=Cq(t)+Dx(t) is given by:
a) C(sI-A)-1B+D
b) B(sI-A)-1B+D
c) C(sI-A)-1B+A
d) D(sI-A)-1B+C

Answer: a
Explanation: Transfer function which is ratio of Laplace output to the Laplace input
when the initial conditions are zero and is calculated by using both the equations.
2. A system is said to be_____________ if it is possible to transfer the system state from
any initial state to any desired state in finite interval of time.
a) Controllable
b) Observable
c) Cannot be determined
d) Controllable and observable
Answer: a
3. A system is said to be_________________ if every state can be completely identified by
measurements of the outputs at the finite time interval.
a) Controllable
b) Observable
c) Cannot be determined
d) Controllable and observable
Answer: b
4. Kalman’s test is for :
a) Observability
b) Controllability
c) Optimality
d) Observability and controllability
Answer: d
5. In open loop system
(a)    the control action depends on the size of the system
(b)    the control action depends on system variables
(c)    the control action depends on the input signal
(d)    the control action is independent of the output

Ans: d
6. _has tendency to oscillate.
(a)    Open loop system
(b)    Closed loop system
(c)    Both (a) and (b)
(d)    Neither (a) nor (b)

Ans: b
7. A good control system has all the following features except
(a)     good stability
(b)     slow response
(c)    good accuracy
(d)    sufficient power handling capacity

Ans: c
8. The initial response when tune output is not equal to input is called
(a)     Transient response
(b)     Error response
(c)     Dynamic response
(d)     Either of the above

Ans: a
9. A control system working under unknown random actions is called
(a)     computer control system
(b)     digital data system
(c)    stochastic control system
(d)    adaptive control system

Ans: c
10. An automatic toaster is a ______ loop control system.
(a)     open
(b)     closed
(c)    partially closed
(d)    any of the above

Ans: a
11. Any externally introduced signal affecting the controlled output is called a
(a)     feedback
(b)     stimulus
(c)     signal
(d)     gain control

Ans: b
12. ___ is a closed loop system.
(a)     Auto-pilot for an aircraft
(6)     Direct current generator
(c)    Car starter
(d)    Electric switch

Ans: a
13. Which of the following devices are commonly used as error detectors in instruments ?
(a)     Vernistats
(b)     Microsyns
(c)     Resolvers
(d)     Any of the above

Ans: d
14. Which of the following should be done to make an unstable system stable ?
(a)     The gain of the system should be decreased
(b)     The gain of the system should be increased
(c)    The number of poles to the loop transfer function should be increased
(d)    The number of zeros to the loop transfer function should be increased

Ans: b
15. ___ increases the steady state accuracy.
(a)      Integrator
(b)      Differentiator
(c)      Phase lead compensator
(d)      Phase lag compensator

Ans: a
16. A.C. servomotor resembles
(a)    two phase induction motor
(b)    Three phase induction motor
(c)    direct current series motor
(d)    universal motor

Ans: a
17. As a result of introduction of negative feedback which of the following will not decrease?
(a)     Band width
(b)     Overall gain
(c)     Distortion
(d)     Instability

Ans: a
18. Regenerative feedback implies feedback with
(a)    oscillations
(b)    step input
(c)    negative sign
(d)    positive sign

Ans: d
19. The output of a feedback control system must be a function of
(a)    reference and output
(b)    reference and input
(e)    input and feedback signal
(d)    output and feedback signal

Ans: a
20. ___ is an open loop control system.
(a)    Ward Leonard control
(b)    Field controlled D.C. motor
(c)    Stroboscope
(d)    Metadyne

Ans: b
21. A control system with excessive noise, is likely to suffer from
(a)    saturation in amplifying stages
(b)    loss of gain
(c)    vibrations
(d)     oscillations

Ans: a
22. Zero initial condition for a system means
(a)    input reference signal is zero
(b)    zero stored energy
(c)    ne initial movement of moving parts
(d)    system is at rest and no energy is stored in any of its components

Ans: d
23. Transfer function of a system is used to calculate which of the following ?
(a)    The order of the system
(b)    The time constant
(c)    The output for any given input
(d)    The steady state gain
Ans: c
24. The band width, in a feedback amplifier.
(a)    remains unaffected
(b)    decreases by the same amount as the gain increase
(c)     increases by the same amount as the gain decrease
(d)     decreases by the same amount as the gain decrease

Ans: c
25. On which of the following factors does the sensitivity of a closed loop system to gain
changes and load disturbances depend ?
(a) Frequency
(b) Loop gain
(c) Forward gain
(d) All of the above

Ans: d
26. The transient response, with feedback system,
(a) rises slowly
(b) rises quickly
(c) decays slowly
(d) decays quickly

Ans: d
27. The second derivative input signals modify which of the following?
(a) The time constant of the system
(b) Damping of the system
(c) The gain of the system
(d) The time constant and suppress the oscillations
(e) None of the above

Ans: d
28. Which of the following statements is correct for any closed loop system ?
(a) All the co-efficients can have zero value
(6) All the co-efficients are always non-zero
(c) Only one of the static error co-efficients has a finite non-zero value
(d) None of the above

Ans: c
29. To study time delay of the system which of the following is used?

a) Nyquist plot
b) Bode plot
c) Routh Hurwitz method
d) Nicholas chart

Ans: (a)

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